Agathion-Blooded Aasimar

Helen 'Allure' Adorabella's page

5 posts. Organized Play character for Valkyrie-Storm.


Silver Crusade

Looking skeptical towards Bo giving a smile to him, but seem to feel wierd near Bo
"Yes.. Right, anyway, I understand we can't all choose our parents, even I hate being a Being with Fur... Flees are bad.."

Silver Crusade

Noticing the quick change of stance on the monk, Helen, seems to look sorry towards the monk

"I'm sorry if you have friends that are tieflings or you yourself are one, I did not mean to sound angry about them, I'm a Kitsune you see and well my family fled our ancestral home because of Demons that is all. So as you can see I'm a little jumpy around them."

The Kitsune tries the best encouraging smile she can towards the monk.

Silver Crusade

"My Thanks lady paladin, I come from a area more closer to boarder of Irrisen, then closer to worldwound, However I did travel there a one stage. Not my kind of area, I'm bit put off by Demons most of the time, I hardly even find myself near Tieflings, but alast, I have travelled among even Winter witches, but even that is a bit far for me..."

She seems to be slightly unhappy talking of Demons and the Worldwound.

"But even then my family does not come from the Land of the Mammoth Lords, we just find ourselves more home there then our original home"

Silver Crusade

"Well hello there, aren't you all lovely to come and say hello, My name is Helen Adorabella, I have been travelling for quite some to reach this place.."

The Girl appears quite tired from her travels, that her powers seem to let her White Fox like ears show.

"It is quite a long way from the Land of Linnorm Kings to here."

Silver Crusade

"Hello, is there none here to greet new members?"
The young lady with Pale Blue cat-like eyes stares in the Enterance

"How unfortunate that none is here to meet me... Oh well.."

With a Yell she sees if perhaps someone has heard her.