Heimdall's page

16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thanks a million for your excellent work on the Kingdom sheet, Chemlak.
I'm working on transferring my players kingdom over to your version and look forward to seeing how things change.

All the best for your little one, happy to hear you mostly got rid of the Nurglings :)

When a character’s turn comes up in the initiative sequence, that character performs his entire round’s worth of actions...

Here's a summary of actions and how you can take them:
3.5 SRD Actions in Combat

There is no reason to take only a standard action and then end your turn You cannot take a standard action and a full round action in one turn.

What you are refering to seems to relate to actions that start in one round and end in the next.


'Start/Complete Full-Round Action

The "start full-round action" standard action lets you start undertaking a full-round action, which you can complete in the following round by using another standard action. You can’t use this action to start or complete a full attack, charge, run, or withdraw.'

To be found under the same link.

Would you please also give me feedback on my item? I posted it already here:
Blessed Antoillier

Thank you for all the time you guys take looking into our items.

Blessed Antoillier
Aura moderate conjuration (creation); CL 5th
Slot Head; Price 17,100 gp; Weight 8 lbs.
These well preserved stag antlers are attached to a simple leather cap that makes it possible to wear them on the head.
Once per day, you can draw on the blessing imbued in the antlers in order to regain your health and vigor.
When resting, and if you command them to, the Blessed Antoillier will cover you and the clothes you wear in a living, velvet-like tissue.
You can, at any time, free yourself from the velvet with a move action, thus ending the magic. Slight movements while sleeping do not harm the tissue.
The velvet provides you with oxygen, nourishment, warmth and healing as necessary, making it possible for you to recuperate even in harsh weather conditions.
When used in a natural environment the covering causes a -5 penalty on perception checks made to detect you, as the velvet blends into the surroundings.
Resting for at least 6 hours while under the effects of the Blessed Antoillier gives you the same benefits as if you had a complete day of bed rest and your character level were 5 levels higher for the purpose of determining the number of hitpoints recovered.
After 8 hours the velvet becomes dry, breaks and finally falls off by itself.
The Blessed Antoillier only works on unarmored, living creatures.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, lesser restoration, cure light wounds, create food and water; The antlers used in the creation must be ones that have been shed by an animal. They must not have been procured by killing a stag. Cost 8,550 gp

I'm afraid I found the problem but will wait and see if it's really what I think. If so I'm up for a big Facepalm

T -698 minutes
Go faster, clock!

Ravingdork wrote:

Sword, Bastard: A bastard sword is about 4 feet in length, making it too large to use in one hand without special training; thus, it is an exotic weapon. A character can use a bastard sword two-handed as a martial weapon.

I am making a rogue character who has taken Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword) with her Combat Trick rogue talent.

Is she considered non-proficient in the bastard sword's use when wielding it two-handed?
The highlighted text above uses the word "can" which makes me think that it is an option rather than a requirement, but I'm familiar with a few rules lawyers who don't think the word "can" means what I think it might in this instance.

Anyone have a clear answer on the matter?

With EWP(Bastard Sword) you use it as a one-handed exotic weapon, just look how it is listed in the PRD:

One-Handed Melee Weapons
Sword, bastard
Any character can wield a (non light, one handed) weapon with both hands in order to get the enhanced damage bonus.

PRD: Damage
PRD: one handed weapons

The part about wielding it with two hands as a martial weapon is only relevant if the character lacks the exotic weapon proficiency necessary to use it properly at all.
Hope this helps with those pesky Rules Lawyers

As a different approach - why not going straight Rogue 8 and then for the Duelist PrC?
As you probably want to pack some points into Int this would also fit nicely with the Duelist.
Also Vital strike, precise strike etc. will synergizer very well with a lightly armored melee fighter.
You will lose Elven Curve blade or TWF goodness however.

R_Chance wrote:
A stable release with full support for the Pathfinder RPG Beta ruleset.

PCGen works fine for me in that version.

Only drawback: The Presige classes are missing.
I currently rebuild them for PAthfinder from the RSRD but some things I simply cannot get to work in the LST files :\

CMB 15 as everyone is happy with it.
As there are no messy calculations involved everybody seems to be more willing to actually use maneuvers :)

Minga, Bayern.

That's Munich, Bavaria.
Currently it's sunny with a nice white and blue sky. It's 12:55pm local time and I'm waiting, too :)
Ther German version unfortunately is not finished yet and probably will not be ready until after SPIEL '08 in October :(

Illessa wrote:

...About halfway down the previous page...

Assuming it all went ahead without a hitch then I guess it will be available again from early June, perhaps late May if we're lucky.

Thanks Illessa - should have checked the forums before posting.

Maybe it was the shock after looking it up on amazon ;)
But 105GBP that's hilarious. Maybe I should buy the ones in .de and sell them in .uk for a nice profit :D

Will there be a print version anytime soon again?
I just threw my group at this great Adventure PAth and now part 2 is unavailable - save for horrendous prices om Amazon(.de) :(

Cato Novus wrote:
Heimdall wrote:
How about mental speed/agility = Perception?...
That's kinda what Prescience means...It basicly covers a bit more of a broad range than simply saying Perception.

I see - should have looked it up in the dictionary :)

Thanks for the explanation, it's always nice to learn something new.

How about mental speed/agility = Perception?
Isn't this about how quick you notice things, grasp things and being able to react to new situations?

One of my players thinks it would be a good idea to have a base of operations in Sandford and wants to buy a house in or around the city.
How much do you guys think is a fair price?
I was thinking about 90% of the prices in the DMG as it's a rather small town with a significant 'vermin' problem.
What do you guys think?

Great news! Now tell me you'll also support PCGen and you'll have an instant buyer :)