
Healaugh ap Caftenar's page

312 posts. Alias of Rev Rosey.

Full Name

Healaugh ap Caftenor (pronounced Hay-law)




Commoner 1








Neutral Good






Korrinish, Illuskan, Waelish



Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 8
Charisma 13

About Healaugh ap Caftenar

Game mechanics



Str 10
Dex 16 +3
Con 12 +1
Int 14 +2
Wis 8 -1
Cha 13 +1

Small size

AC: 14 = 10 +1 (size) +3 (Dex)

Melee - +1 (Str +1 size)
Ranged - +4 (+5 with slings and thrown weapons) (+3 Dex +1 size)
(cloth sling is -2)

Speed: 20 ft

Class: Commoner

HP: 3 (5)

Fort +2 = +1 (halfling) +1 (Con)
Ref +4 = +1 (halfling) +3 (Dex)
Will +0 = +1 (halfling) -1 (Wis)

additional +2 to saves vs. fear

Skill Focus (Know - nature)

Skills - 16pts + 8 (skillful)

Climb +2 racial = +2
Profession (Fisherman) 4r -1 Wis = +3
Knowledge (Nature) 4r +2 Int +3 focus = +9
Craft (netmaking) 4r +2 Int = +6
Swim 4r Str = +4
Use Rope 4r +3 Dex = +7
Spot 4r -1 Wis +2 alertness = +5
Jump +2 racial = +2
Move Silently +2 racial +3 Dex = +5
Hide +4 size +3 Dex = +7
Listen +2 racial -1 Wis +2 alertness = +3

Proficient with fish spear (javelin).

XP 110+133+93+200+50+100+150+150+150(1036)
Possessions: trousers, navigational charts, three small spears, verminous cloak, cloth sling, selection of small rocks

A +1 Shock Javelin to be exact. Stats: Shock
Upon command, a shock weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity. The electricity does not harm the wielder. The effect remains until another command is given. A shock weapon deals an extra 1d6 points of electricity damage on a successful hit.
Small javelin
Dmg 1d4
Critical x2
Range Increment 30ft
Weight 2lb
Damage type - piercing

Were Healaugh to describe it, he might refer to it as using the power of the lightning. The command word is 'Llawela'. He somehow just knows this.



Healaugh's family have lived in Caftenar as long as they can remember. They are a valued part of the community, known for their fishing, sailing and boatbuilding skills. Some people (jokingly) claim there is magic involved, which Healaugh derides. "Nothing but good craftsmanship - why would anyone want more anyway?". For a halfling, Healaugh is remarkably ill at ease with people. He talks to them, knows their ways and likes them, but alone of his large family, he feels like an outsider. He really hates pirates. They mess up his sea.

Healaugh's ability to follow and find shoals of fish and deep understanding of the sea have brought him respect. In his own way, Healaugh is proud of this (although he'd never admit it). He puts all his skills down to good early training and following his instincts. Among his community, Healaugh is regarded as a bit of an odd one, but his crews always come home safely with good catches. In Caftenor, that means a lot.

Since he spends most of his life on a boat, Healaugh is very brown, and looks a bit older than he is. He doesn't bother with non-essentials and although he's clean and tidy, that's about the most you can say about his dress sense. He's never quite mastered small talk. There's no need for it at sea. There it's either an emergency or it isn't. He's basically a bit shy and prefers fish as they're simpler.