
Havelock Ebonwood's page

169 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.


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Male Human Summoner 2

Perception: 1d20 - 5 ⇒ (12) - 5 = 7

Of course, Alis has nothing to worry about, for Havelock is out cold.

Male Human Summoner 2

Havelock continues to sleep soundly.

This thread's going wonky too?

Male Human Summoner 2
Suny wrote:
Ravarath wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

*nods* Yuppers, am happy wi' that. Though as Lureene pointed out, there's a couple o' peoples in'a Limbo Pub. Plus there's me shineys' t' not ferget about!

An' I hope the dressin' room bit was both within th' spirit o' th' boards an' within' th' 'scope' o' what's allowable. I'm happy t' not push th' envelope farther th'n that.

In other words, go ahead. (Trying to make sure her post shows up.)

Male Human Summoner 2
Ravarath wrote:
Havelock Ebonwood wrote:
Just go the eighties-James-Bond route. (Get everyone in bed, maybe do some passionate kissing, then just pan to something Freudian.
LOL. You, sir, are a genius. I was already on something sorta like that. Chops the RP aspect but folks might go 'YAH!' So, seriously, as a bystander, H, do you want any 'encounter' to be something more than G rated?

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. Do whatever you want that won't get you in trouble/

Male Human Summoner 2

Just go the eighties-James-Bond route. (Get everyone in bed, maybe do some passionate kissing, then just pan to something Freudian.

Male Human Summoner 2
Suny wrote:

How would someone even make that face?

Havelock watches the trio walk out the door before heading back up to Alis' room and quietly walking in. He turns to Morgaard and begins to whisper to him. "Rath and the others went back to Limbo. Mind if I sleep here for the night?" If not, Havelock pulls up a chair, takes off his jacket and falls into a deep slumber.

I'm guessing that there's a chair or two in here.

Male Human Summoner 2
Morgaard wrote:

Morgaard shakes his hands frantically and whispers as to not stir Alis.

"Sir, please. No snakes, as nice as yours is!", Morgaard offers a nod toward Pythia. "Alis is deathly afraid of them, and she sees one, she will wake up the whole tavern with her screams!"

Off for the evening as well. Tomorrow then!

"Well that's a shame. I'll see you in the morning then, Pythia." Havelock scratches the snake along the jawline before returning it to whatever plane it calls home. "If anything happens, just yell. I'll probably be back up in a few hours at most." With that, Havelock heads back down to the common room to watch the night's events unfold.

Male Human Summoner 2
Alis Kirmoon wrote:

"Uuugh..." Alis' eyes flutter open as she is laid upon the bed.

Will Save 1d20 + 3 - 2

With a sudden moment of clarity, Alis sit upright and looks about as if realizing what a vulnerable place she's left herself in. Gathering her wits, she says, "Oh, thank you for seeing me safely to my room. I'm sorry if our date was a wash Havelock, but I'm going to retire for the night."

Turning to the stoic dwarf she says, "Uncle Morgaard... I know I typically employ you to guard me on the road, but would you terribly mind keeping an eye on me tonight, I'm not feeling well..."

"No insult taken, my dear. Now, would either of you mind if I brought Pythia in to keep watch? You two haven't met her yet, have you? Well, formal introductions can wait until morning. For now, just get some sleep."

Assuming no one says no, Havelock begins a minute-long chant in abyssal and pricks his thumb, a drop of blood falling to the floor. Soon shadows coalesce around the drop and a snake easily the size of a fully-grown man lays on the floor, and it quickly coils itself beneath a near-by table.

"Morgaard, meet Pythia. Pythia, meet Morgaard."

Male Human Summoner 2
Ravarath wrote:
You could always be the romantic fool and watch her all night.

I was planning on just summoning Pythia and have her watch her all night instead. Multitasking's a lot easier when you have a giant snake that follows your orders.

Male Human Summoner 2

Soon the trio unlocks the door to Alis' room and walks in. "Alright, just lay her on the bed... there." He turns to Morgaard. "Would you mind stepping out for a moment? I ought to make sure she has some security."

Can the doors be unlocked from the inside? Probably. Still, don't want someone breaking in and stealing her in the night.

Male Human Summoner 2
Morgaard wrote:
"I'll be helpin' you with her, lad."


So, call it a night on account of half the people falling asleep?

Male Human Summoner 2
No One of Consequence wrote:
Havelock Ebonwood wrote:
Havelock waves down a waitress. "Miss, is there a spare room? My friend could use a bed."
"Oh yes, I'll fetch the key to princess' room and let her in right away sir!"

"Good." Once the man returns, Havelock picks Alis up (hopefully with someone's help) and carries her to her room.

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Havelock only smirks at her mumbled comment.

Male Human Summoner 2

Havelock waves down a waitress. "Miss, is there a spare room? My friend could use a bed."

Male Human Summoner 2

Havelock looks at Suny with bewilderment for several seconds before nudging Alis. "Hand me the bottle, will you? I intend to drink until this night makes any sense."

Ravarath wrote:
How exactly did that happen?

Well weird stuff happens when a pile of women are laying on the floor, apparently.

Male Human Summoner 2

Havelock looks over to the three women and begins to stand up. "Well, I better go help Alis up. Wish me luck." Havelock walks over to the pile and attempts to help Alis up, scowling at the others' placement.

Reflex: 1d20 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 1 - 2 = 14

Male Human Summoner 2
Alis Kirmoon wrote:

Alis, somehow manages to keep her composure throughout the song only quickening the tempo once when she noticed Suny enter the tavern. When the song finishes, she leans over and says to Havelock, "That was great, you're a natural! I think I'll go to the bar and get us a bottle and some glasses, how's that sound?"

Before Havelock can say a word otherwise, Alis hops from the stage and hightails it to the bar. "Fey-blossom wine, bottle, oldest you have, quick!"

Turning around, she smiles and waves at the rest of your group.

"My dear, all the praise for that performance should be directed to you. I just played the harpsichord. Yes, some wine does sound good..." Havelock trails off once it becomes obvious she isn't listening.

Alis Kirmoon wrote:

Bottle of wine and several goblets in hand, Alis returns to the table, eyes scanning the crowd for someone. I wonder if she figured out how to use those rings yet...

Perception for Lureene 1d20 + 7 - 5 tipsy

Is that her still over there by the door?

At the table in-a-flash, Alis deposits the wine and goblets and says, "Here'sanotherbottleofwineIgotoneofmyfavoritesbebackinamomentgirlstuff!"

And fast as a pixie she's by the door.

Havelock looks between the newest guest to the party and Alis' rapidly retreating form. Soon he sits down and pours himself another drink.

Male Human Summoner 2
Alis Kirmoon wrote:
Still tipsy but much less drunk after having gotten some real food in her, Alis turns to Havelock and says, "Oh I just got another idea for a song! Want to try your hand on the harpsichord or would you rather watch the show?"

"I'll give it a shot." Havelock stands up, cracking his knuckles. "I guarantee nothing about the quality, however."

Aid Another to Preform, untrained: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

His playing isn't high-quality, but it doesn't detract from the singing.

Male Human Summoner 2

Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 19

"Yes, some food would be good."

Male Human Summoner 2

Havelock places an arm around Alis' shoulder. "Yes, go on."

Sense Motive DC 21:
Havelock is mad. Specifically, mad at Rath for obvious reasons. I would suggest not trying his patience any further in matters of romance.

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

Male Human Summoner 2

"Well, she didn't realize how hurt you were until you already left. Just give her one last chance before leaving."

Havelock downs the shot and groans. "Come on, Rath, where's your sense of adventure? Yes, it burns like pitch, but it's rather tasty otherwise."

Male Human Summoner 2
Morgaard wrote:

"Care for some? It's on me!"

Morgaard motions for the waitress, reaching into his pouch for some coins.

"I've never been one to deny a drink. I'll give it a try."

Male Human Summoner 2

"Rath, we'd have to be oblivious to not have an opinion on today's events." Havelock finishes off the last of his glass and pours another. "I say you should forgive Suny. Feel free to blame Lureene as much as you want, she should know by now that that was wrong and what effect her heritage has on people. But Suny, she didn't even know the concept of monogamy until today. Would she have jumped out a window to apologize if she thought it would hurt you in the first place?"

Male Human Summoner 2

Havelock also applauds. "Good show, my dear! Good show!"

Male Human Summoner 2

"Good of you to join us." Havelock peers at the steaming liquer served to the dwarf. "Say, what is that, if you don't mind my asking?"

Male Human Summoner 2
Alis Kirmoon wrote:

"Uuuh ooooh," Alis says in an exaggerated tone, "this might see us here aaaall night!

She winks mirthfully before her eyes go huge with anticipation as the waitress returns with the scallops and another martini for Laithoron. "Havelock, Rath, have you ever tried scallops? They are sooo good here!"

Rath, Priyya sounds good to me.

"Bah. Let them watch." Havelock waves his hand dismissively.

"I can't say I have. Let's hope you're correct."

Male Human Summoner 2

Havelock raises his glass. "I'll drink to that."

Male Human Summoner 2
Ravarath wrote:
Havelock Ebonwood wrote:
"There is a bad side to every good thing. Otherwise would the good taste as sweet?"
"Present company" He says amusingly casting an eye towards Alis, "is I hope excepted from your statement, yes? Have not seen bad side to Rajkumari Alis."

"Rath, I hope to never find out."

Male Human Summoner 2
Ravarath wrote:
Rath looks at Havelock and beams, "You are lucky, LUCKY man!" They wait delightedly for her to cross the room.

"Yes, yes I am."

Alis Kirmoon wrote:
The princess happily accepts the glass of wine that Havelock pours for her and says, "Funny how glass can be smooth and beautiful one moment, yet so brittle that it breaks easily to cut anything that touches it..."

"There is a bad side to every good thing. Otherwise would the good taste as sweet?"

Male Human Summoner 2
Ravarath wrote:
He smiles and says, "It is one of few indulgences, I allow to me." He lifts his glass and raises an eyebrow to see if Havelock will raise his glass as well, when he does, Rath thinks a moment and says, "To Rajkumari Alis - princess now, queen in heart".

"To the finest lady I have met." Havelock raises his glass.

Male Human Summoner 2
Ravarath wrote:

"Most kind of you to invite me." He takes the proferred drink, sniffs it, and puts it down. "I ordered drink but will mix and match - see how it goes." He smiles and leans forward, "Wanted to thank you again for protecting Rajkumari Alis. Special woman. Deserves good looking after."

The barmaid brings his drink and he thanks her. It is a small glass of Port.

"If she didn't deserve looking after, I wouldn't be courting her. You have good taste in drinks, by the way."

Male Human Summoner 2
Ravarath wrote:
"Evenin', Master Havelock. Glad I am to see you again." He looks around, "Is Miss Alis or Master Morgaard here yet?"

"Ah, Rath. Good of you to join us." Havelock takes a second glass and pours him a drink. "The others should be around here somewhere, they should come over soon enough."

Male Human Summoner 2

Half an hour later...

The Black Boar Tavern is quiet once more. The glass has been cleaned and the customers have been placated after the day's violence. A man in a fine suit sits at a small table, a bottle of wine at his side.

Alright, the tavern is ready. If you're in, put yourself somewhere. Let's just say no one did anything too interesting in the past half-hour.

Male Human Summoner 2
Ravarath wrote:
Rath stops to look at Havelock closely. "I will drink lightly, but will drink. First, must wash up." He points to the bar Alis had indicated Havelock should go to. "I will change clothes and meet you there in... 1/2 hour?"

"See you then."

Ravarath wrote:
H - do you actually want to RP drinks or just hand-wave it? If RP, just throw up a little intro and Rath will show up. :) Could be a fun convo.

At least a bit. I'll set things up in a bit, unless anyone else feels like doing it.

Male Human Summoner 2
Alis Kirmoon wrote:
Checking first to make certain she's cleaned away all the grease and blood, she comments, "I don't want to risk messing up your nice new ensemble with a hug so—" she leans forward giving Havelock a kiss on the cheek, "I hope you'll accept that instead."

"My dear, I'll accept whatever you decide to give me. Also, apologies for the grease, it should dissipate in a few minutes.

Ravarath wrote:
He addresses Havelock, "Dog was great help. I owe you. Thank you most for defending lady so valiantly. I leave her in your charge again. Hope your date goes better than has so far. Goodbye."

"No one should raise arms against a lady. Especially not against a lover of mine."

Havelock follows after the monk. "Hey, Rath. Come on, let's have a few drinks. I think we could all use a few after that."

Male Human Summoner 2

"You will pay for that, you cur." Havelock begins quietly chanting, and the shadows start to coalesce near the giant man.

Summoning a Fiendish Dog near the man.

Male Human Summoner 2

Havelock runs down the road, attempting to get within range of his spells.

Male Human Summoner 2

"Can't one day go by without a fight around here?"

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Male Human Summoner 2

What the hell just happened with the post order? Also, who needs sleep?

Havelock moves to the corner and loiters, keeping an eye out for angry guards more than Rav.

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 9

Male Human Summoner 2
Ravarath wrote:
You are smart, Havelock. That's not quite the situation but it's pretty close. Rath figured out that at least 1 of you would chase after him, so he figured a way out. Now, he's just hanging until you give up.

That better be a clever pun to say that you're clinging to the elevator's ceiling. Anyway, it's getting late over here in the Eastern Time Zone, so just assume Havelock is tagging along and occasionally shaking his head at what you all are doing.

Male Human Summoner 2

So, call it for the night and see what Laitheron says about this turn of events in the morning? If he's fine with it, you roll stealth, if he isn't you just disappear and we head on our merry way? EDIT: Also, you're just having a drink in the bar and letting the rest of us just run past, aren't you?

Male Human Summoner 2
Alis Kirmoon wrote:
Havelock Ebonwood wrote:
"...He's going to be coming this way anyway."

"Well, let's hope so anyway. In the best case he's no longer in range of my spell. In the worst case, he heard me and isn't responding."

As they walk outside, Alis is careful to step around the mess that Jeeves has started sweeping up before handing him a scroll case. "Did you happen to see the direction in which the brown elf and the angel were heading?"

"Hell if I know." Havelock begins scanning the crowd, a thin copper wire in his hands.

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Male Human Summoner 2

"His lover just jumped out a window and yelled at him. He's going to be coming this way anyway." Havelock goes back to the elevator and heads back to the first floor once Alis is ready.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Male Human Summoner 2

"So, back down to the first floor and follow them?"

Male Human Summoner 2

"Wait, did she just jump out the window?! She's crazy. Yes, to the roof, we need to keep an eye on her."

Well then, I guess she's crashing through the window. Maybe she'll open it first, who knows?

Male Human Summoner 2
Alis Kirmoon wrote:
Havelock wrote:
"Did wha- oh. Well, I probably should of jumped to that conclusion earlier given Lureene's heritage. Yes, we probably should be going now."
Wincing slightly at her date's bluntness, Alis curtsies quickly but graciously to Laithoron mouthing the words, "Thank you!" before taking hold of Havelock's arm and saying, "I believe the lift has returned, let's go then, shall we?"

"Yes, let's just hope Suny doesn't do anything that could get herself arrested."

Male Human Summoner 2
Lureene Ourson wrote:
"But, he said I would always be his Angel! He can't just leave like that, can he?"

"My dear, he just did. Now let's leave, before something happens and I have to actually guard you."

Male Human Summoner 2
Alis Kirmoon wrote:
Havelock Ebonwood wrote:
"Alright, what were you two doing in there and why did he take it that badly?"
"Do what now?" Alis turns around and quickly notes the flushed skin on their faces, limbs and cleavage. Her eyes growing wide, she says with equal parts surprise and awe, "You didn't— you did!"

"Did wha- oh. Well, I probably should of jumped to that conclusion earlier given Lureene's heritage. Yes, we probably should be going now."

Hail Mary Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Male Human Summoner 2

"Well, Rav just left you three in my care, so something has to be bothering him. Also, you still haven't answered my first question."

Alis Kirmoon wrote:
"Oh, but the ship doesn't leave for another week yet—" A quizzical look contorts Alis' expression but the monk is gone before she can get another word in. Turning back to Havelock, she raises her hand and remarks, "Do you guess he's getting a head start maybe?"

"Unless he's got a galleon hidden away somewhere I doubt he could get an early start on her voyage. No, something's definitely bothering him, and maybe they have an idea what it is."

Male Human Summoner 2

Havelock looks on, befuddled at this turn of events. He soon turns to the women. "Alright, what were you two doing in there and why did he take it that badly?"

Male Human Summoner 2

The thrills of a new suit are beginning to wear off for Havelock, and he turns to Alis. "I wonder what's taking them so long in there anyway."

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