Hatman's page

5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Mairkurion Jr. wrote:
Finn is obviously a paladin. He's all about righteousness, purity, and kicking butt. And, strangely, mathematics.

No, remember he's terrible at math.

And for Billy?
Fought a ocean and won.
Cast down a lich king.
Has a magic sword. NOTUNG!
And fought a bear.

He's a toungeless giant!

Potato Slaad wrote:
Hatman wrote:
Potato Slaad wrote:


You smell funny.

How so?
Not sure. It's either feet, cabbage, or used fireworks.

Aww... I had thought my old slaad friend had shown up.

Oh, and by the way it is feet.

Potato Slaad wrote:


You smell funny.

How so?

Dear Slaad,

I had a conversation with one of your kind, quite a while ago, and they brought up a possibility of brain transplantation between your kind and mine. While it is assured to not work on fleshy things, with the raw chaos that makes up your form would it possibly work?

Sinvel Menter wrote:
Todd Morgan wrote:

I've read through this thread and I'm still a bit confused on how this ability is supposed to work. Does it work like one round you cast into your weapon and the following round you make a melee attack, add the weapon damage and then spell damage/effect?

Or do you get to do it all in one round?

I think the consensus is that it is a two-round process.

As I see it, that sort of hampers the well.... magusness of the magus. That would either do one of two things, a magus would just touch attack people instead of stabbing, because hey don't have to worry about Armor bonuses with it. Or, he would have to Cast spell, run up and stab, run away, cast, run up and stab, if he didn't he would be getting Attacks of Opportunityied all over the place.

And really, is it worth spending two rounds to hit someone with it when you could just magic first stab second? Unless of course you had super amazing critical threat ranges, then it might be worth it.
And let's consider thier second level thing the "Spell Combat" as well, if this is a two round affair, just to touch attack a guy with a weapon, then what about that, with ANY standard action spell thrown in to a full attack?
Also, first post of mine! YAY!