Harthik's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I am really interested in this but unfortunately I am not familiar with the Savage Worlds game I will try to learn as quickly as possible and get a character up but I've played plenty of Mutants and Masterminds so I am familiar with a super powered setting and villainy

Alright revised it and re-sent and maybe with a bit of luck I did it right.

Also I am really sorry about just kind of spamming your entire thread with some pretty severe incompetence on my end. But hey! It makes you look pretty good helping me out haha!

Augh, sorry I thought all the stats were starting off from ten I'm not used to the point buy system and all I have to go off of is Mutants and Masterminds. I will fix this all don't worry and I will get everything sorted!

(Sorry that I make so many mistakes and thanks for helping!)

You are very convenient and sent.

I found an alternative source online character sheet that I think will work temporarily while I create an email address for Myth Weavers as Yahoo is currently banned. So how do I get this PDF to you? Do I email it?

I can't seem to find the Myth Weaver as the link only leads me back to the Paizo boards and I cannot make the PDF work as it still will not enter my stats. I tried to find other alternatives but these proved lackluster. To be frank, this really sucks on my end I am really eager to play since it has been awhile since I've played any tabletop game and I have the itch.

The character sheet is giving me a little bit of trouble mainly with putting in my stats though I have never had much luck with Adobe.

Terribly sorry! I only realized how much I was missing it's been awhile since I've made a character without the sheet! I've updated it tell me if there is something else missing and I will comply accordingly.

Durak Magus Barbarian/1 Scarred Rager

Neutral Evil
Hp 16 (1d12+4) AC 14 Touch 14 Flat footed 10 Movement: 40 Feet
Fort 6 (2+4) Will 2 (0+2) Ref 4 (0+4)

Str: 18

Con: 18

Dex: 17

Int: 10

Wis: 14

Cha: 10

Climb Rank 1 +7 (3+4)
Handle Animal
Intimidate: Rank 1 +3 (3+0)
Knowledge (nature)
Perception Rank 1 +7 (3+4)
Survival Rank 1 +5 (3+2)

Traits: Bullied, Killer

Special Rage, 8 rounds (4+4), Fast Movement 40ft (30+10)

Feat: Power Attack

Crime: Dueling unto Death

A duel of honor in the eyes of a barbarian is always a duel unto death. That flop should have known what he was getting into when I took out my axe.

I have a free schedule and an excellent mic and headset. I am punctual and ready to rage...Er my Barbarian is!