Dwarf Fighter

Harrim0430's page

11 posts. Alias of Galahad0430.

Sovereign Court

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This is an inprogress campaign looking for 3-4 new players. They are currently 4th level. This game is based off of the Owl Cat Games CRPG version of Kingmaker. There are several main character types that are available to play by anyone. Anyone that chooses to play one of these NPCs will get first consideration. The available characters are as follows:

Amiri, the iconic Barbarian from Pathfinder.
Ekundayo, a human ranger that worships Torag.
Harrim, a dwarven cleric of Groetus.
Valerie, a human tower shield fighter
Octavia, a half-elf transmuter wizard with one level of rogue.
Regongar, a half-orc magus

Each of these have secret backgrounds which I will provide for you.

Sovereign Court

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I will give character info soon

Sovereign Court

Your adventure begins in the banquet hall of a rather massive mansion, having gathered here under the vague pretense that the "Aldori are looking for heroes". Whether your personal motivations involve doing heroic deeds for the sake of such deeds needing done, or because such heroics usually put one in a position to profit is, of course, your own business.

As adventurers, your job, of course, is to embark on a grand adventure! Your reward for doing so in this case is lands, titles, and semi-autonomous rule of your own little domain. All you need to do is venture south into the Stolen Lands (apt name, given both its current "ruler" and your own intentions) and wrest control away from a bandit leader who styles himself as the Stag Lord.

Sovereign Court

This is just a placeholder for setting up new thread to an existing campaign.

Sovereign Court

Under Intimidate for its extra abilities with Signature Skill, it says the following:

With sufficient ranks in Intimidate, you earn the following.
An asterisk (*) indicates the total duration cannot exceed 1
round plus 1 round for every 5 by which you exceed the DC.

5 Ranks: If you exceed the DC to demoralize a target by at
least 10, it is frightened for 1 round and shaken thereafter.*
A Will save (DC = 10 + your number of ranks in Intimidate)
negates the frightened condition, but the target is still
shaken, even if it has the stalwart ability.

What is this referring to? All of the places I look that term up have nothing to do with fear, intimidate, or the shaken condition. Is this a new term for the immunity to fear ability like Paladins have?

Sovereign Court

When a type of bonus is suppressed (as opposed to negated or canceled) for a duration, does that mean only those type of bonuses currently on or does it mean that the typed bonus is unavailable for that duration? Specifically, this is addressing the Aldori Swordlord PrC ability, Shatter Confidence. Does it suppress any morale bonuses for the entire duration or does it only suppress currently active ones and still allow new morale bonuses to be gained?

Sovereign Court

I know I saw a discussion of this before, but cannot find it. Can Style feats be used while mounted or prone? Here is the reasoning line I took and I would like constructive and substantiated criticism to see if it is flawed. Please keep it civil, if all you want to do is shout "You're wrong!", I just went through that on FB and wish instead to get a logical answer.

1)First, it says in UC that, "As a swift action, you can enter the stance employed by the fighting style a style feat embodies."

2)It also says, "You can use a feat that has a style feat as a prerequisite only while in the stance of the associated style."

3)chiefly Scottish
1a : station
b : site
2a : a way of standing : posture
b : intellectual or emotional attitude <took an antiwarstance>
3a : the position of the feet of a golfer or batter preparatory to making a swing
b : the position of both body and feet from which an athlete starts or operates

Definition 1a&b & 2b obviously do not apply. 2a, by context, seems to be the pertinent definition, while 3a&b are related.

So, what I see is that a stance is "a way of standing" (thus not prone or mounted) and is required to use the Style feats. Obviously there are exceptions like Monkey Style as it specifically refers to being prone (specific always trumps general as per the rules). I have ruled this way in the past. Am I out of line?

Sovereign Court

You can also ask rules questions here, as well as posting suggestions and commentary. Also, smack talk is encouraged :)

Sovereign Court

So, after perusing (and sometimes being sucked into) the several threads on who is better at combat, which classes are weak and useless (Rogues seem to get this a lot). I have decided to try something.

Welcome to the Games! Each of you are pitted against each other for the amusement of the crowd. Though you are neophytes to start, your skill, showmanship and just plain luck can lead to renown and eventual freedom.

The Basics:

Everyone starts at 1st level with 150 GP worth of gear (any money not spent is lost). Only combat gear is needed, no food, supplies, incidentals, etc. are needed. When you level, you gain gold equal to the WBL minus the gold you had previously and may trade in any equipment you currently have at 100% value. You may never purchase consumables (potions, wands, etc.) However, items that recharge daily are allowed (i.e. they have a number of uses per day).
Arenas will be randomly generated before each match (I have seen a couple random generators, will have specifics if enough interest is shown). 1d4 will be rolled before each match to determine the number of rounds the combatants have to prepare before the gates open (as there will be a minimum of 1 round, no one begins flat-footed).
Combat will be in a round robin format (everyone gets a chance to fight everyone else once). The winner will be the one that has the most wins ( I can explain tie breakers latter if needed). After each tournament all players gain a level.

character creation:

20 pt buy
2 traits, one drawback allowed (no Campaign Traits allowed)
Any Core, Feature, or Uncommon race that does not have a level adjustment is allowed (note, for this rule, Drow Noble is considered a race with a template, so it is not allowed).
All Paizo classes allowed (Yes, that's right, If you want to try that Synthesist Summoner go right ahead).
Only Paizo material allowed, no 3PP.
Backstory- You are a slave, no one cares where you came from :)

We will be using the performance combat rules from Ultimate Combat, read them well. The only exception will be that victory is solely determined by who is left standing at the end. A match ends when one opponent is dropped below zero HP. Unless you are killed outright, you are stabilized immediately. If a character dies, he is out of the game. He is replaced by the next submitted character in the queue.

I will be taking the first 5 (yes, I am playing too, however I am held to the same dying rules) COMPLETED and CORRECT character submissions. Other people can submit and their submissions will be put in queue to fill casualty spots. Anyone in queue is eligible to referee matches also. When submitting DO NOT make an avatar until after being selected to fill a game slot (characters in queue do not create avatars). Please submit using your main avatar so that we can track by identity (no entering multiple characters). If you die, you are more than welcome to resubmit a new (and different) character.

Finally, ask questions.

Sovereign Court 2/5

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I waded through the posts on this topic and did not find a definitive ruling (although I may have missed it as there was a lot to wade through). Basically, here are the questions:

Twin Soul
At 10th-level, if the witch or her familiar is gravely injured or about to die, the soul of the dying one immediately transfers to the other’s body. The two souls share the surviving body peaceably, can communicate freely, and both retain their ability to think and reason. The host may allow the guest soul to take over the body temporarily or reclaim it as a move action. They can persist in this state indefinitely, or the guest can return to its own body (if available) by touch, transfer into a suitable vessel (such as a clone), or take over another body as if using magic jar (with no receptacle).

The last ability (aside from seeming pretty evil) is the problem. In magic jar, the soul of the target body would be destroyed (no receptacle). Also, magic jar has a duration, would that apply in this case (I don't believe so because of the part mentioned previously in italics)? If it works like this, then how do we track this in PFS? Maybe I missed this in a previous ruling for PFS?

Thank you

Sovereign Court

Discussion thread for Team Brawn

Sovereign Court

Here is the discussion thread for Team Brain :)

Sovereign Court

Some small towns grow up around a university, their shops and other offerings catering to a scholastic clientele. Others boast famous festivals or specialized industries that draw skilled artisans and craftsmen. But in the sad case of Ravengro, the town’s claim to fame is a prison. And not just any prison, for Ravengro supported one of Ustalav’s most notorious jails—Harrowstone. Twice a year, a prison convoy rounded up the worst of the worst from smaller, less secure jails across the principality and transferred them to Harrowstone, often to await death by hanging, but always to live out the rest of their lives as prisoners.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Some small towns grow up around a university, their shops and other offerings catering to a scholastic clientele. Others boast famous festivals or specialized industries that draw skilled artisans and craftsmen. But in the sad case of Ravengro, the town’s claim to fame is a prison. And not just any prison, for Ravengro supported one of Ustalav’s most notorious jails—Harrowstone. Twice a year, a prison convoy rounded up the worst of the worst from smaller, less secure jails across the principality and transferred them to Harrowstone, often to await death by hanging, but always to live out the rest of their lives as prisoners.

Sovereign Court

I have decided to take the jump and run a PBP. I am going to do the Carrion Crown Adventure Path. I am looking for players who can post about once a day, but during the week days I will be able to post more. Weekends will be less frequent. I would like a to have a brief description of your character and his connection to Professor Lorrimar (please read the AP guide).

Ground Rules:
NO EVIL CHARACTERS! This AP just screams for a Paladin.
Civil behaviour.
Casters, when posting your spells that are being cast, please include the DCs (actually this applies to any PC action that causes a save).
No deliberately antagonistic characters please. I don't mind disagreement or banter, but deliberate disruptiveness (i.e. "I'm playing my 7 charisma." excuse) is not what I'm looking for.
Most importantly, have fun!

Character creation:
25pt buy
3 traits, one of which MUST be a campaign trait from the player's guide.
Max gold at 1st level.
1 free upbringing feat. If you are unfamiliar with these, let me know and I will attempt to post them. They can be found in RotRL and CotCT. Also, if you use Hero Lab they are listed.
No Samurai, Ninjas, or Gunslingers.
All Paizo source material allowed. Additionally, any 3rd party Pathfinder material can be used with approval on a case by case basis. Be aware that some of that stuff may be amended by me (for example, Tome of Secrets was rushed to print so it could make GenCon and there are errors in it. I have most of the corrections).
Finally, part of the reason I'm running is because a friend and I could not get in a CC PBP, so he is forcing me to run it :). That being said I am looking for 5 more players, he is running a Cleric of Pharsama (NG). So keep that in mind when creating a character (an Undead Lord would probably not make the cut). I will be picking the characters based on party compatibility first, character concept second, and order of submissions last. I will close recruitment when I have a full party.

Sovereign Court

I can understand the need to close threads when they have violated the messageboard rules, turn into insultfests, etc. However, when it is just a discussion of some factor of the rules (especially new ones), why would the thread be closed?
Specifically, we were having an interesting discussion on the new firearm rules and diffrent opinions of them. It wasn't a discussion of playtest change or such, just an opinion on the mechanism of how they worked. For some reason, a designer came on and shuit the thread down (somewhat rudely IMO). I do not believe it is very customer friendly to shut down perceived criticisms, especially when there was a good debate going on both ways. I was wondering if maybe there was some other policy or reason for the closing of that thread?

Sovereign Court 2/5

After a person's name their is a list of titles (such as "adventure path subscriber, etc."). I see some people have "Pathfinder Society GM". My question is, is there a place to register yourself as a PFS GM? Or does that come up only after you get your first star? I have run seven events so far, but everytime I do my reporting I get an error message when I enter my PFS number as GM and then have to manually enter my name. Thanks in advance for the help.

Sovereign Court

Here is the case:
Cleric has a cure spell cast w/ contingency on himself. The trigger is when he goes to negative hitpoints.

If the cleric goes to a negative hitpoint total in one hit that kills him, does the contingency cure have any effect?

I ruled that a cure spell that goes off after he dies has no effect. However, he argues that the single hitpoint loss is not instantaneous but happens as the sword progresses through the body.

Thoughts anyone? Or better yet an actual ruling from a designer?

Sovereign Court 2/5

When I buy the pdf of a PFS scenario, am I allowed to print multiple copies to use at an event? I should have asked this before. For instance, at the event I just held, I had two tables running Silent Tide. I just want to make sure that it was alright to print 2 copies and give one to the other GM.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Ran my first PFS event at a local game store yesterday and it was a big success! Everyone had a good time and enjoyed the scenarios (had two tables for Master of the Fallen Fortress and then one table for Silent Tide). I already have plans for three more stores in the S. Florida area ( two of them have also agreed to have a monthly PFS gameday). Looking forward to building a strong PFS presence down here :)

Sovereign Court 2/5

Under each racial section there is a box listed as racial traits. Under that heading is the stat adjustments for that race. Since the stat adjustments are listed as a racial trait, can a character choose the stat adjustments if he takes the Adopted trait? If so, is each adjustment a seperate trait or does the character have to take the adjustments as a set?