Danse Macabre

Harkinos's page

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This may be a necrobump but...
Anyone played FFXI?
Personally when I get on I have no idea what to do. I wind up standing in one spot for hours. I do nothing more than something. I have called this game the "log on and wait game". And my question is.. Is all that waiting fun? Am I getting bored of this MMO? Sometimes I used to do stuff that was fun but now there's just WKR and that's it for me. A lot of things that I want to do which is delve is usually too hard. I suck and I can't cure as white mage and the linkshell group I do the event with usually doesn't need me unless I can go whm or brd and I don't like going as either. Half the time I feel as though the gameplay is very repititive. So I should ask... Why am I playing when a game makes me feel this way?