Hans Hansen 433's page

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Late reply sorry

The 10 point cost was based on the GM saying "All core races costs 10 points" without him having actually looked that up at all.

He did not want us to create races ourselves and was very opposed to the idea of using third party races like the Half-Ogre from Adamant Entertainment‎ (am I allowed to link to the d20 page for it?)

He has been very clear on his intentions of making us struggle and one example could be throwing a Iron Golem at a group of 6 characters at level 2.

I am considering dropping out, since he is making things excessively difficult and I no longer live close enough to join the games on short notice. It takes me 2 hours just to travel, and he told us 5 minutes ago that there will be a character workshop today. (sorry if this is off topic.)

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Hans Hansen 433 wrote:

After a while of playing pathfinder, our GM decided to start a new story and are making us use the point buy system

He is however saying that we have to purchase races with this system so that by using the 15 point system so that if you want to play a human you have to pay 10 points for playing as a human, and have 5 points left for adjusting your ability scores.

I however do not find anything in the rules which support this.

It's called Rule Zero.

Whether you abide by this or quit his game is up to you.

He claimed it was part of the rules though, so when I did not find it I decided to ask.

He said he wants to run a game where we are either have to pick a weak race with lots of negatives, or a more expensive race and not get as much ability modifying.

After a while of playing pathfinder, our GM decided to start a new story and are making us use the point buy system

He is however saying that we have to purchase races with this system so that by using the 15 point system so that if you want to play a human you have to pay 10 points for playing as a human, and have 5 points left for adjusting your ability scores.

I however do not find anything in the rules which support this.