Hamilcar's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.



Deussu wrote:

I'm just saying the secondary objective could have been better than "provide evicende of Marek's scheming to the local authorities". Something to do with the Lebeda family. As I said earlier, initially, it felt like the main objective was to get Lander back, and secondary was to convince him to forget adventuring.

To my mind, that would have made more sense. Alas, getting Lander back and convincing it was a stupid idea are all buncled into one (which surprised me).

I played through this last night, and I thought that this was a badly written scenerio. The secondary conditions (let Lander wander around killing things and feeling good about himself) seemed at cross purposes to our mission (return Lander home and convince him that swordplay was a bad idea) We had a serious debate about keeping him in the chest as well. although we did eventually let him out.

I don't mind NPCs doing odd things and being multi-dimensional but then we should have been told in our original briefing that we should bring Lander back home and gain his trust and friendship. Had that been a stated goal, it would have made the second part of the mission (mentor the bratty noble) seemed to have purpose rather than what we seemed to doing is wander around and fight things to humor him then we'll go home.

Again with all due respect to the writer of this adventure, I say it was poorly written and in order to have a more successful, and for the players, fun time. State the goals clearly.