Troll King

Ham of Hammers's page

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So the 20th century occult Oracle is still in this AP? It seems to have been taken out of the adventure path inclusions. Heh, dragon riders, potential 20th century converts and true fantasy adventurers all mixed together? Well damn... what a rag tag bunch of misfits.

Hello everybody, recently I have been looking through my favourite of the core books Ultimate Magic and I glance over the section regarding constructs. Now I saw this section before and found it very interesting all of the different modifications you can do to constructs and took a particular interest to construct armour (as this book came out shortly after Real Steel). However for the longest time there were no medium constructs that could be made into armour for your character. Delving deeper into my book hoard I realized that there were 2 choices that really appealed to me (especially with the mysterious 20th century oracle mystery coming out in a few months) the Clockwork Soldier and the Gearsman. Now the clockwork soldier has a construction cost and details applying to construct creation, however, the one I'm truly interested in (Gearsman) has no such section. After talking over the details with my DM and the both of us being fans of 40K we naturally took an interest in pursuing this further. So I guess it all boils down to this question. What do you guys think would be a fair construction profile for the Gearsman based on it's abilities and CR?

Transmutation is my favourite wizard school and recently I've been thinking a lot about playing a Thassilonian schooled wizard from the Greed path. After examining all of the "form" spells such as beast form, monstrous physique, form of the dragon, giant form and various polymorphs I have observed that the details of the spell are very vague. When taking the shape of the desired creature do you keep your own stats and modify them accordingly? Or are they adopted from the creature and then modified? Do you gain the abilities of the creature (combat ability, spell-like etc.) and not just the movement capabilities? I love the idea of a wizard that can either augment himself through magic or adopt another creature's form to become a s&~&-kicker in combat but I lack the clarity needed to envision how spells that could bring this about are used properly. Any help here would be greatly appreciated!

Much love for the Slavic inspired Land of Eternal Winter. Thanks, from a Slav ;p

Well, thank you everyone for the input. It seems my question has been answered and then some. I am looking forward to the ARG very much and now even more so. Have a good one

Full giants are usually of unwieldy size and frowned upon and feared by society. Half-giants have traits more resembling their human (or other humanoid) halves and could just be considered a wondersome freak or an extreme case of warrior society breeding (jungle cultures mostly).

Large size category starts at 9 feet correct? If this is the case I could see it being entirely possible for a character not exceeding this minimum height requirement to fit in "most places" as I assume buildings built then are built as they are now (roughly) with a little extra head room to place large furniture. Combat situations may vary, from a GM's point of view.

Both the Aasimar and Suli-jann in the books they appear in are imbalances ability modifier wise. Facing no negatives with two positive boosts, plus spell-like and racial abilities. And on a whole when you offer a party of adventurers all player races as available options they tend to stick to what is familiar or easiest to manage. I made a campaign recently using Kingmaker and 4 of 5 picked humans and the other picked an elf even with all options available. This leads me to believe that unless someone has very creative roots and advanced player knowledge will they pursue something of this level, otherwise it would be dismissed as a waste of time (excluding min/max players)

Good point. I just figured with the horrendous negatives to most non-strength, non-con abilities and the need to squeeze through almost all medium sized areas and the elimination of all small sized areas that it would even out. Really interested in seeing if anything comes of it.

Dear Paizo,

I've been wondering lately with the release of the advanced race guide approaching as to whether there will be a large sized player race (ex. Half giant). I think it would add an interesting aspect to game play, especially if you are a pariah in the group. Who's going to want to fight a half-giant right? And on a personal level I would love to play as a race such as that without having to delve into the monsters as PCs rules.