HalifaxDM |
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I have run homebrew game in pathfinder 1e like twice, but I mostly run adventure paths in same continuity, so yeah Golarion here x'D
(I run once "ooh spooky misty cursed island" sandbox that lasted few weeks before players had to quit and stone age campaign.)
(I am also running 5e campaign in faerun that is homebrew, because the newbie rpg player group I run 5e beginner box for when I tried out running 5e is still on going campaign :p We did beginner box, then curse of strahd then homegrew, they want to go until level 20 and I like players so I'm continuing running it even though I don't like the system xD Ah well at least I get to do my crazy homebrew stuff
Also running Devastation Ark aka starfinder currently)
On sidenote, mapping is paaaaaaaaaaaaaain. I do like both world building and improvisation, but making world maps is paaaaaaaaaain xD
Have you tried Wonderdraft?
I am with you. I have spent countless hours creating maps over my GM career either by hand or digitally with a variety of imaging tools and/or mapping software.
I purchased Wonderdraft about 3 weeks ago and in about 4 hours crafted a campaign map that was magnitudes better looking than anything I did before. And it is dead simple to modify later as it develops and exportable in a variety of formats.
I would post a link to their website but unsure if that would violate any forum rules.