
HalifaxDM's page

Organized Play Member. 136 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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CorvusMask wrote:

I have run homebrew game in pathfinder 1e like twice, but I mostly run adventure paths in same continuity, so yeah Golarion here x'D

(I run once "ooh spooky misty cursed island" sandbox that lasted few weeks before players had to quit and stone age campaign.)

(I am also running 5e campaign in faerun that is homebrew, because the newbie rpg player group I run 5e beginner box for when I tried out running 5e is still on going campaign :p We did beginner box, then curse of strahd then homegrew, they want to go until level 20 and I like players so I'm continuing running it even though I don't like the system xD Ah well at least I get to do my crazy homebrew stuff

Also running Devastation Ark aka starfinder currently)

On sidenote, mapping is paaaaaaaaaaaaaain. I do like both world building and improvisation, but making world maps is paaaaaaaaaain xD

Have you tried Wonderdraft?

I am with you. I have spent countless hours creating maps over my GM career either by hand or digitally with a variety of imaging tools and/or mapping software.

I purchased Wonderdraft about 3 weeks ago and in about 4 hours crafted a campaign map that was magnitudes better looking than anything I did before. And it is dead simple to modify later as it develops and exportable in a variety of formats.

I would post a link to their website but unsure if that would violate any forum rules.

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blackbloodtroll wrote:
So, instead of choking dust, or sneezing powder, you're just going to throw fistfulls of cocaine at people?

Somehow I just pictured a halfling version of Tony Montana doing this.

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James Jacobs wrote:

That would have been Wes and myself.

And yes, "Prince of Darkness" was the inspiration. I don't regard it as an obscure movie, though... But that's probably because John Carpenter is my favorite director.

IMHO, one of the most underrated directors in Hollywood. It was a such a shame that the genius behind films such as Prince of Darkness, Big Trouble in Little China, Memoirs of an Invisible Man, The Thing, etc were not widely recognized as much as they should be.

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ElyasRavenwood wrote:
I'm happy with pathfinder. I like the system. Can it be improved? sure. Are there things I don't like here or there? sure. But on the whole I am happy with the game.

This. I have played Pathfinder since it's inception migrating from 3.5 (and previous to that all editions back to AD&D and BECM). Yes there are some things that niggle me about PF such as escalating skill bonuses and DCs to ridiculous levels and travel rules that are a little to dull and simplistic but overall PF is one of my two go to games (the other being Savage Worlds).

Go team Paizo!

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Big +1 here.

I would especially interested on more involved exploration and travel rules especial if they involve delegation of various roles to party members such as guide, lookout, animal handler, etc with actions and skill checks for each one.

IMO this would help players create parties that did not solely focus on performing well as a team in combat but also when interacting with the world environment.

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I would award full XP. I enjoy it when my players make use of their surroundings and not just their attack bonuses and foes to overcome enemies and obstacles.

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I think issue 19 of Kobold Quarterly has a great article about the "magic item shop" with some samples and a few charts.

For me, I am not opposed at all to the idea of shopping for magic items; it seems in a setting in which magic is, at the very least, somewhat prevalent there will inevitably merchants who will tap into that market. It is human (or orc or dwarf ... etc) nature.

I just have a problem, as a GM, with it coming off as a big wholesale warehouse wherein anything your heart can desire might be found.

One of the best examples of shopping for a magic item that I can recall (from years back) in a fantasy story was in Conan: The Road of Kings by Karl Edward Wagner (I know it's not an original REH but it is still a great read) wherein Conan comes across a blade at one of the merchant stalls. It has no hilt and appears to have been unused for some time. The merchant assures Conan that the blade was forged from metal smelted from a rock that had fallen from the skies. After testing the blade's balance and strength he purchases and then commissions a hilt and grip to be affixed. In a few days he is the proud owner of a new fine weapon that he quickly gets to test in combat.

That is the kind of thing I like to try and emulate with player acquisition of magic items. I realize to do this for each and every item would be tedious at best so I use my judgement. My players enjoy it and seem to get a genuine feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment when they have acquired such an item and are more invested in it as such.

This combined with the aforementioned wishlist and drops to be found in treasure hoards really helps with making the reward system more meaningful, IMHO.

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My group does an annual 24 Hour game for a local charity. Our second annual one coincided with the release of 4th edition, a system that my group didn't take too much to and were highly upset at the absence of the gnome as a PC race.

In honour, that years game was a 3.5 conversion of Keep on the Borderlands in which all the PCs were gnomes called "No Country for Old Gnomes".

Preamble out of the way, I would love to have a copy of this.

My email address is

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I allow an archer to carry two quivers maximum. Any additional arrows they require need to be stored in a pack

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A questions for the designers.

Is there any intention of updating the rules for burrow as they are technically absent from the current core rule set?