Classes/Levels |
CG Male Human Slayer 10| AC 21 | T 16 | FF 16 | HP: 88/88 | CMD 29 | Fort +14 | Ref +19 | Will +9 | Init +14 | Perception +19 Trap-Sense +5, Trapspotter| |
About Haliban Corentas
Consumables used
Haliban Corentas
Male human Slayer 10
N Medium humanoid (human Garundi)
Init +14; Senses Perception +19 (+24 vs traps) Check if within 10 feet
AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +7 Dex, +1 shield) +3 vs traps
hp 88 (10d10 +24)
Fort +14, Ref +19, Will +9; +3 vs traps, Evasion
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Sap +12 (1d6 +2 x2)
Ranged +1 comp longbow +2 str +17x2/+17/+12 (1d8 +12 19-20x3) including +3 from studied, 3d6 sneak attack
Str 14, Dex 20 (24), Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +10/+5; CMB +12; CMD 29
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Extra Talent (Trapspotter), Deadly Aim, Improved Precise Shot, Manyshot, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus Comp Longbow, Improved Critical Comp Longbow
Skills Acrobatics +20, Bluff +2*, Climb +6, Disable Device +24 (+29 vs traps), Disguise +2*, Heal +5, Knowledge (Dungoneering) +16, Knowledge (Local) +7*, Perception +19* (+24 vs traps), Sense Motive +14* Stealth +20*, Survival +14* (+19 to follow tracks), Swim +10; Armor Check Penalty –0;
*Study Target +3
Traits Blood of Dragons (low-light vision), Reactionary;
Languages Common, Osirani, Draconic
SQ Study Target (swift or move action, +3 to att/dmg/bluff/knowledge/perception/sense motive/Disguise/Intimidate/Stealth, may have 3 targets), Trapfinding (+1/2 level to locate and disable traps), Trap Sense (+2 to Dodge and Reflex vs traps), Trapspotter (May notice traps if within 10 feet), Evasion
Combat Gear alchemist fire x2, wand of Cure Light Wounds CL 1 50/50 left, wand of Cure Light Wounds CL1 5 charges left, scroll of Lesser Restoration x4, Oil of Align Weapon, oil of Daylight; Other Gear Dusty Rose Prism (Cracked) Ioun Stone +1 to init, Pale Green Prism Cracked Ioun Stone (saves), Magenta (Cracked) Prism Ioun Stone +2 competence to a skill (Normally Disable Device), +1 darkwood composite longbow +2 str, +1 mithral chain shirt, Eyes of the Eagle, +2 Cloak of Resistance +4, Belt +4 Dex, Efficient Quiver x2, Swarmbane Clasp, Potion of Fly, Wand of Infernal Healing 46/50, darkwood buckler, MW thieves tools, sap, backpack, cold weather outfit, waterskin, trail rations hearty bread (x4), grappling hook, Rope, silk (50 ft.) (knotted 40 ft.), MW boots, courtier's outfit, noble's outfit, cold iron arrows x120, blunt arrows x38, silver arrows x20, Durable adamantium arrows x10, cold iron ghost salt blanch arrows x20, Arrow (tangleshot) x5, Pheromone Arrow x5
Favored Class Slayer 1/6 of a talent, Then 1HP