Haborym's page

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Little information can be found about the impact of the Swarm War in the Starfinder books, how long did it last? How many casualties etc?

How is this handled in your games? In my campaigns it was apocalyptic in scale, a swarm of creatures so wast in numbers that the Veskarium and Pact Worlds had to cooperate or be totally annihilated. The number of casualties were in the billions. Cities were totally destroyed and whole fleets lost.

"I always thought the population on the pact worlds were very low, so I use this as an explanation, as well as a reason for why the veskarium and pact worlds are still allied, they fear their return"

This conflict is a powerful glue which holds the pact worlds together, and the anniversery of the end of the war is celebrated every year on all the planets.

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Enercycle Ysoki from Akiton: a popular animated kids show about three Ysoki who were driven from their homeland by war, who now has to save Absalom Station from the same evil who destroyed their tribe.