
Gwatt?'s page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 17 Organized Play characters.

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Great work Paizo. Love the edict/ anathema overhaul in describing ancestries. Makes sense and removed the black and white of alignment. Excited to see the finished result.

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Vasyazx wrote:
On side note for those who think that fighter is overpowered in your opinion what nerf he should receive to be in line with other Martials?

I think fighters should get a different weapon proficiency boost. Start trained. Level 3 goes to expert. Level 9 master. Level 15 legendary. But what will the fighter have to stand out? AOO at level 1 is huge. An extra stack with no MAP. No one else gets that. It gets triggered all the time. That alone ticks fighter above martial with no additional boost.

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bugleyman wrote:
Those look good, but surely apex magic items deserve more grandiose names? Bracers of Titan Strength? Bracers of Boundless Might? Bracers of Amazing Alliteration? ;-)

Bracers of Boundless Buff-ery

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Yes, summon can mean many things in many systems. In the pathfinder system, summon currently has a specific set of rules/results tied to it. You get a minion to command for the duration of the spell or until it is destroyed/you don't sustain. Incarnate sounds very cool, but why tie this new spell/ability to existing ruleset, muddying what we know of the rule of summoning. You are not getting a minion. If it's only affected by things that affect spells, If it acts like a 2 part spell effect, then keep the words separate. That's my several cents.

Quick edit: Incarnate sounds very cool. I love the idea of it. But I like classification of abilities to be very specific with all of the things you keep track of already. I also love final fantasy and the summoning in that (FF3 still the best one).

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I agree with this assessment of incarnate spells. The only reason this is a summon spell, in pathfinder, is because you called it a summon spell. Due to it's inability to be interacted within any manner besides dispel, just makes it a spell with 2 effects. One in the first round, another in the next round. I am fine with that type of spell, but it isn't a summon. At least not a pathfinder summon. Just call it incarnate and take away the thought that it is analagoud to a summon. Or, change the interaction as Loreguard wrote, allowing specific attacks to do damage, dismiss or alter the spell effects.

Edit: This was supposed to be a direct reply to Loreguard's post above.

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This is probably too little, too late but PF1E summoner was the best summoner in the game. Have you thought of giving the option of a summoning font summoner, similar to divine font. This gives a reduced Eidolon focus, but grants additional spell slots only for summon spells, like divine font for cleric. This can give a summoner the optoin of focusing on summoning instead of the eidolon. Plus, everyone mad about spell slots can get the option for a summoner with more spells per day. Just a thought.