
Guiverni's page

3 posts. Alias of Cuàn.


LN Wyvaran Profiler 2 / Incanter 8 | HP 61/61 | AC 22, T 22, FF 18 | F +5 R +10 W +17 | CMD 19 | Init +4 | Darkvision 60 ft., Perc +19 | SP 22/22 | conditions -

One of those not comatose is what looks like a halfling server wearing a somewhat ragged flat cap. In fact, the entire man appears to be somewhat

He puts down his tray at some point along the way and stops next to the goblin. With a quick motion he bats away the goblin's arm, removing the finger from his nose. "Manners!"
The voice is a bit of a hiss, unfitting for the mouth it was uttered from.

LN Wyvaran Profiler 2 / Incanter 8 | HP 61/61 | AC 22, T 22, FF 18 | F +5 R +10 W +17 | CMD 19 | Init +4 | Darkvision 60 ft., Perc +19 | SP 22/22 | conditions -

I'm still fidgeting a bit with gear. I have 2845 gp left and I'm not sure what to spend it on.

I don't need armor, nor do I need more than mundane bags.
I have a melee weapon and a ranged backup for when my destructive blasts won't work for some reason.
I got the standard cloak (+2), ring (+2), headband (wis +2) and belt (dex +2). I also have a ring of sustenance and the spheres equivalent of a still spell metamagic rod.

Anyone have any suggestions for other gear?
For instance, have things like mounts proven useful so far?

LN Wyvaran Profiler 2 / Incanter 8 | HP 61/61 | AC 22, T 22, FF 18 | F +5 R +10 W +17 | CMD 19 | Init +4 | Darkvision 60 ft., Perc +19 | SP 22/22 | conditions -

Greetings all, nice to be here.

Similarly to Gobnard, here's a rundown of Guiverni's skills and abilities:
Sneak, with or without invisibility
Lie through his teeth, also in combat
Know when others lie through their teeth
Do cartwheels and other acrobatic stunts

Read minds, make people forget and communicate telepatically
Do those mind things on masses and on undead
See dead people
Change shape to any humanoid
Store things in the folds between space
Store memories in the folds of his mind
Teleport all over the place and bring you with him
The noble art of (sky)boxing (he can physically box, though more style than substance, and has destructive blasts for bludgeoning damage)

And if all else fails he can always stick you with the pointy end of his sword or shoot his pistol at you. But those are desperate times.