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So starknives. They’re agile, they’re finessed, they’re deadly, you can even throw them! They’re also martial weapons. You can get the feat Weapon Proficiency, but as I understand it you can’ t progress beyond Trained. So I’m looking for suggestions on how to make the starknife workable for the rogue.

4/5 *

Hello everyone! I’m building a True Pathfinder being one that is always ready for situations! This is not a PC built to one shot a BBEG. This is a build for people to have a little fun with their PCs. He’s a theory build using a 23 point build that I got from a rare boon. Please tell me what I am missing. He’s assumed to be lvl 11 with standard gold and prestige. If you like the build, let me know!

PFS LVL 11 Test
Human (Taldan) oracle (dual-cursed oracle) 5/pathfinder savant 6 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42, Pathfinder RPG Adventurer's Guide, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 58)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses glyph-finding; Perception +18
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +4 natural; +2 deflection vs. evil)
hp 74 (11 HD; 6d6+5d8+22)
Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +12; +6 vs. writing-based magical traps; +2 resistance vs. evil
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, sonic 5
Speed 30 ft.
Pathfinder Savant Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +11)
At will—analyze dweomer
3/day—identify (swift action)
Oracle (Dual-Cursed Oracle) Spells Known (CL 10th; concentration +15)
5th (4/day)—mass cure light wounds, emergency force sphere
4th (6/day)—ablative sphere, cure critical wounds, freedom of movement
3rd (7/day)—cure serious wounds, dispel magic, remove blindness/deafness, communal resist energyUC
2nd (7/day)—bless weapon, cure moderate wounds, flaming sphere (DC 17), oracle's burdenAPG (DC 17), communal protection from evilUC, remove paralysis, scorching ray, spiritual weapon
1st (8/day)—bless, burning hands (DC 16), cure light wounds, ill omenAPG, liberating commandUC, protection from evil, remove fear, unwelcome halo (DC 16)
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, enhanced diplomacy, guidance, light, mending, purify food and drink (DC 15), read magic, stabilize
Mystery Spellscar
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 20
Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 18
Feats Dispel Focus, Dispel SynergyUC, Greater Dispel Focus, Magical Aptitude, Spell Focus (abjuration), Spell SpecializationUM
Traits gifted adept, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +4, Appraise +6, Bluff +7, Climb +2, Diplomacy +15, Disguise +7, Escape Artist +4, Fly +4, Heal +2, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) +25, Knowledge (local) +16, Knowledge (nature) +22, Knowledge (planes) +16, Knowledge (religion) +22, Perception +18, Ride +4, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +27, Stealth +4, Survival +2 (+4 to avoid becoming lost), Swim +2, Use Magic Device +29; Racial Modifiers master scholar
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ adept activation, analyze dweomer, esoteric magic, oracle's curses (blackened, tongues [celestial]), quick identification, revelations (eldritch resistance, magic penetration, misfortuneUM), scroll master, sigil master, silence master
Combat Gear boots of escapeARG, mnemonic vestmentUE, oil of daylight, potion of cure serious wounds, scroll of acid arrow (x2), lightning bolt (x2), snowball (x2), scroll of align weapon (x3), scroll of arcane eye (x3), invisibility purge (x3), see invisibility (x3), scroll of barkskin (x20), heroism (x20), scroll of bear's endurance (x5), scroll of break enchantment, scroll of cat's grace (x5), scroll of cure light wounds (x30), scroll of death ward (x3), scroll of dimension door (x3), scroll of dispel magic (x10), scroll of enervation (x3), scroll of enlarge person (x3), scroll of fly (x3), scroll of force sword (x3), scroll of haste (x10), scroll of heightened awareness (x30), scroll of holy sword, scroll of life bubble, scroll of magic missile (x30), scroll of restoration, lesser (x4) restoration, scroll of shield of faith (x30), scroll of wall of force, wand of mage armor (50 charges), wand of shield (50 charges), reagent, myrrh (100); Other Gear chime of opening, cloak of resistance +3, cracked dark blue rhomboid ioun stone, cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone, cracked mossy disk ioun stone, cracked mossy disk ioun stone, cracked mossy disk ioun stone, cracked mossy disk ioun stone, cracked mossy disk ioun stone, cracked pink and green sphere ioun stone, handy haversack, headband of mental prowess +2 (Int, Cha), wayfinderISWG, ablative sphere material component (worth 10 gp) (20), 8,015 gp
Special Abilities
Adept Activation (Ex) Can always take 10 on Use Magic Device, except when activate blindly. Rolling 1 is not auto-fail.
Analyze Dweomer (Sp) Use analyze dweomer as a spell-like ability.
Blackened Your hands and forearms are shriveled and blackened. You take a –4 penalty on weapon attack rolls
Dispel Focus +4 CL when you attempt a dispel check.
Dispel Synergy Dispel magic target takes a - 2 penalty on saves
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Energy Resistance, Sonic (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Sonic attacks.
Esoteric Magic (Ex) Add chosen spell (any list) to base spellcasting class' spell list.
Glyph-Finding (Ex) Use Spellcraft to find written magic traps only, otherwise as trapfinding.
Magic Penetration +2 (Ex) You gain a +2 bonus on any caster level check made to dispel or remove a magic effect.
Master Scholar (+3) (Ex) Can always take 10 on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft.
Misfortune (Ex) At 1st level, as an immediate action, you can force a creature within 30 feet to reroll any one d20 roll that it has just made before the results of the roll are revealed. The creature must take the result of the reroll, even if it's worse than the o
Quick Identification (Sp) As a swift, use identify as a spell like ability.
Scroll Master (Su) Use own CL instead of item's for scrolls/spell completion.
Sigil Master (+6) (Su) Gain bon vs. written magic trap, if triggered by you, may not go off if save.
Silence Master (3/day) (Su) Silently activate comm word, spell trig/comp item. Activate to cast spell as silent metamagic rod.
Spell Focus (Abjuration) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spell Specialization (Dispel Magic) Pick one spell and cast it as if you were higher level
Tongues (Celestial) You can only understand and speak one language in combat.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.

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4/5 *

I did not see this anywhere, so if this is another section of the website I apologize. But if not let's get this party started.


Shifting Cells (Area 6)
The cells are not labelled. What cell is which? From the text I deduce that the PCs start in the area that's supposed to be F, but not sure.

Area 7
What is the DC for a grease covered floor?

Void's Relic (Area 12)
If by some miracle, the PCs get the forbidden knowledge to destroy the Wraithstone, but it managed to dominate a PC before that happens, what is the effect of the dominated person? I know it forces the person to leave the dungeon but what happens if it is destroyed when a player is already dominated? Does the dominate end?

The Final Battle (Area 16)
It says the bridge rotates once every 2 rounds on it's triangular expanse. The room is rectangular, so how does it rotate?

If I think of anymore questions, I'll post them here.

First of all, thanks to Imbicatus who put me onto this build.

Originally I made this build for PFS but after running Carrion Crown this build would EXCEL. Too bad I've already run it for my group, I'm really curious on how it would do.

Anyway, I gave her the backstory for CC if anybody wants to read it, but can easily fit into PFS. Meet Illyana. Force Fighter extraordinaire with a pathological hatred for all things incorporeal

Assumption: I'm assuming average wealth (I've never played this character). Also very crudely done on Herolabs

Illyana Tibus (Spiritualist Lvl 11) Archetype Phantom Blade.

Initiative +8, Perception +20

AC: 22. (26 with shield)
HP: 113
Fort: 14, Ref: 9, Will:16
Speed 30ft

Phantom Blade (Longsword) *I know I could have gotten something with a higher crit range but this fits the backstory nicely.*

Attack (unbuffed): +17/+12 (1d8+10+1d6(cold)+2d6(vs evil)

Special abilities:

Calm Spirit 2/day
Fly 1/day
See Invisibility 1/day
Etheric Focus
Phantom Blade
Ectoplasmic Pool (10 points)
Phantom Touch
Quick Manifest
Weapon of the Mind
Spell Combat
Spirit of War

Ability Scores: Str 20, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 7 *This assumes 20 point buy*

Feats: Dimensional Agility, Assault, Dervish, Weapon Focus Weapon Specialization Improved Crit (Longsword), Toughness, Improved Initiative, Greater Weapon Focus (Longsword) *not sure about my last feat* *The Dimensional Tree was achieved by retraining after lvl 10*

Traits: Anatomist, Arcane Temper

Skills with Ranks: Fly: 7, Heal: 14, Knowledge (Local): 14, Knowledge (Religion): 14, Perception: 20, Spellcraft 14

0: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Message, Read Magic, Stabilize
1: Chill Touch, CLW, Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor, Prot. From Evil, Shield
2: CMW, Force sword, Ghoul Touch, Spiritual Weapon, Touch of Idiocy
3: Displacement, Fly, Force Punch, Haste
4: Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Spirtual Ally

Items: Belt of Physical Perfection +2, Cloak of Resistance +4, Celestial Armor, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (cracked), RoP +2

There she is! What do people think? Any advice to give? I tried to make her so she's not like the average Kenzsai Dancing Dervish Magus out there.

4/5 *

On page 43, it lists that whoever consumes the gray muck gets a +1 inherent bonus to Intelligence that is permenant. There is nothing on the chronicle sheet that reflects this and that's a huge bonus. Suggestions?

All right hive mind, whatcha got for me?

I have several unused GM credits from PFS for a PC. I thought it would be really cool to make a force fighter with a pathological hatred of incorporeal creatures. I'm not sure on the kind of build for him. There is some force spells out there that could certainly help. My conditions for him are:

1) Must be a melee fighter
2) Must use force effects if at all possible/reasonable.

The closest thing I have right now is a Wayang Kensai Dervish Dance magus. Nice build. Use instant weapon to create a scimitar, enhance it with magus arcana, use mage armor, shield and force punch, and I should have a fairly decent PC. Of course, MOST people use the Kensai Dervish Dance build because it is so good. So I'm just curious if others have suggestions that I could put in.

This is a new and flavourful build on a blaster type of character. This is NOT the most effective blaster out there. If you want that, go see the school savant/energy admixture school threads. This is for some fun and flavour.

I'm running a CotCT campaign using the new updated version (awesome job btw paizo!), and I figured I should use the chronicles to create a harrow deck type of character. I also had my EotT pc credit that had to go somewhere so I thought this would be it. So what would do people think?

Human (Varisian) Harrowed Student (from Occult Origins)

Str 8
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 20 (+2 for human, +2 from EotT)
Wis 10
Cha 14

1st lvl Feats Harrower/Spell Focus (Evocation)
Traits Harrowed Born/Magical Lineage (Lightning Bolt ((why? Everybody does fireball or magic missile))

Craft (Harrow Deck)
Knowledge (Arcana)
Use Magic Device
Perform (Switch to Fly at 6th)

3rd Varisian Tattoo (evocation)
5th Improved Familiar
7th Toppling spell
9th Spell Penetration
11th Improved Initative

3rd Potent Spells
5th Familiar

Levels 1-5 Harrow Student, Levels 6+ Harrower

I will be taking a pseudodragon Familiar with the sage archetype for helping me with knowledge skills. So this is PFS legal, i feel it has a lot of flavour, and should still be effective. Any thoughts?

4/5 *

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Greetings all! I'm just about set to run CotCT as a home game. I've downloaded the chronicle sheets for the people who want to apply them to the Pfs legal characters. Everything looks good. And then a really insightful friend of mine made the observation, that none of the content in the Anniversary Edition has been made PFS legal. Is that something on Paizo's radar? The RotRL anniversary edition has been added to the additional resources page, but the CotCT has not.

Because of a lot of cool stuff that's in the edition, I would like to respectfully ask if this can be done. In particular, in the appendix are the stats for the house drake, a new type of dragon that can be taken as a familiar. I would like to heavily campaign that this be made PFS legal, OR

Have a scenario in Korvosa, where a house drake can be taken as a boon, just like the faerie dragon from season 4.

If others agree please chime in here. Thank you!!!

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Does Holy Water stop the regeneration of a monster ability?

Regeneration 10: good weapons and good spells

I know Bless water is used to create holy water which has the good description, but does that include it?

I have two questions:

1) When summoning creatures with the celestial template what alignment would they be? I'm a LG cleric. The spell says they should be my alignment but another site said they'd be NG. This is NOT for sacred summons. I'm a harrowed summoner so it affects duration.

2) When using the SGM feat, if I choose a monster that appears on both lists, such as celestial eagle, does it get the diehard feat?

4/5 *

I'm looking for scenarios or modules that one could find a staff for sale.

It would have to be 1) Something a PC could reasonably afford and 2) be on a chronicle no higher than would be given to an 11th lvl PC.

The only one I know of is the stave from Dragons Demand. Any others?

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I've had fun with this PC and he's now currently going through eyes of the ten (one chronicle so far). I'm trying to figure out anything really cool that he should have. Any comments?

Arrowsong Ministrel lvl 12
Race: Vishkanya (GM boon) but could easily go with Ifrit with the new rules
Stats Str:12, Dex:22, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 20
HP: 84. Initiative +9
AC: 25 Touch: 20 Flatfooted 19 (Armor 5, Dex 6, NA 1, Deflection 2, Miscellaneous 1
Fort 9 (+12 vs poison) Refl 17, Will 11
CMB +10 CMD 26
Skills with Ranks: Diplomacy 21, Disable Device 9, Knowledge arcana 9, knowledge local 9, knowledge planes 8, knowledge religion 9, Perception 22, Perform Oratory 20, spellcraft 18, UMD 20

Feats: point blank shot, precise shot (bonus), Weapon Focus (longbow), Rapid Shot, Improved Critical, manyshot, discordant voice

SA: low-light vision, keen senses, limber, Poison Resistance +12, Poison Use, Toxic 1/day DC 18, Weapon Familiarity, Bardic Performance 31rds/day, Inspire Courage +4, Countersong, Inspire Greatness, Jack of all Trades, Versatiltity (Sense motive +20), Spellstrike, Diminished Spell Casting

Traits: Reactionary, Stabbing Spells

Spells known: Detect Magic, Light, Open/close, Read Magic, Message, Prestidigitation
Saving Finale, Weaponwand, Chord of Shards, Adoration, Expeditious Retreat, Liberating Command
Mirror Image, Bestow Insight (GM star spell), Arrow Eruption, Frigid Touch, Acid Arrow
Haste, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Battering Blast
Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement, Song of Healing, Grand Destiny
Spells added to bard list: Gravity Bow, True Strike, Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray, Frigid Touch, Battering Blast, Flame Arrow, Arrow Eruption

Items: +1 seeking holy +1 composite longbow with deliquesent gloves and lesser bracers of archery +18/+13 1d8+2 + 1d6 acid + 2d6 holy + 1d6 sonic, +1 spellstoring mithril chain shirt, Cloak of Res +3, RoP + 2, Belt of Dex +4, Amulet of NA +1, 3 reasons to live ( special bard item), Handy haversack , lesser meta magic rod of rime, eyes of the eagle, ghost salt arrows, durable admantine arrows (50), Jaunt Boots, wayfinder, clear spindle ioun stone, cracked dusty rose ioun stone, cracked pink ioun stone, mswk thieves tools, headband of Cha + 2, Incandescent blue ioun stone.

What do people think?

Under the arcane archery feature, an arrowsong ministrel picks a number of spells equal to her Cha modifier and adds it to the her bards spell list. She then gains a new spell added to the list at 4th lvl and every 4 lvls afterwards.

What happens if the Cha mod is raised? Does she get spells retroactively, like Int and skill points? Not sure about this.

If a PC has a +1 shocking and flaming longsword and used the mastery feat would the PC get 1d4 for each energy damage?

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

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I would like to congratulate Paul Holtom for fulfilling all requirements and becoming Edmonton's newest 5th star GM!!

Paul has been an instrumental GM in running PFS games in Edmonton, and has always willing to help out when necessary sometimes the night of with little to no prep. I had the pleasure of sitting in on Paul's last game, Bonekeep lvl 2 and it was a real pleasure playing at his table.

Here's what another player has to say about Paul

Paul is awesome! He's able to handle weird character builds and inane and moronic player actions with aplomb, cool-headedness, and a good sense of humour about the whole thing. I would know, he handles my BS very well. The guy always picks up the ball when another GM is needed, volunteering quickly and reliably when others might waffle.

He's dedicated his time to the PFS community, helping build it up to a state that I'm sure would be the envy of other PFS groups if they knew about how awesome the RPG-scene is in Edmonton. But it's cool they don't about it yet, we can be obnoxiously hipster that way.

Paul's 5th Star is well earned with an unimaginable number of hours (well I'm sure it actually is imaginable, but it gives me a headache trying to) providing new and experienced players alike a great PFS experience. Edmonton and St. Albert is lucky to have him and we'd damn sure would throw large metal dice at anyone that suggests otherwise.

Congratulations again Paul, and I look forward to playing True Dragons of Absalom with you!

4/5 *

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I think this is going to come up soon...

If an elemental race, Ifrit, oread, and so on, and they take the associated bloodrager blood line, do they get the listed bonus? As in their cha is +2 higher for bloodrager powers?

They allowed the bloodline to count for other requirements such as draconic bloodrager to dragon disciple.

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Good day James Jacobs, Owen Stephens, Rob McCreary, Adam Daigle, Mark Moreland (anybody else I missed, I apologize) and to all the other die hard dragon fans out there.

I am writing today to correct a grave error. In over 100 issues of the Pathfinder Adventure Path series, there has not been a dragon themed AP as yet published. While dragons generally do make an appearance in every AP, in fact I don't know one that doesn't, they haven't had their own focused AP totally devoted to the fantastic race that they are. I have read the boards, and I have heard the reasons of why now is not the time for a dragon themed AP. "It would be too repetitive to kill dragons at the end of every book" "If it's just a dragon at the end of AP than it's not a dragon themed book" "We don't want to rehash or ripoff somebody else's work" "There is no champion currently at Paizo willing to take it on" Those are to name a few. I'm sure others could find more. But I will address these points.

"It would be too repetitive to kill dragons at the end of every book" That part I do agree with. However, with the WEALTH of dragon inspired lore that is already in the Pathfinder universe such as sorcerer bloodlines, Dragons Revisited, other APs, the beastiaries, half-dragons, and the new Legacy of Dragons coming out in July, there are other options. Dragons generally do have minions.

"If it's just a dragon at the end of the AP than it's not a dragon themed book" Neither was Rise of Runelords! Was there a runelord at the end of every book? No! You had me quaking in fear, and had the one Runelord hiding in the shadows!! It was great!!! I loved it!! I fought minions, and apprentices, and plot after plot before I finally hit the point where the Runelords plans were clear! And I loved you for presenting the AP this way. A dragon themed AP could do so much. A red dragon cleric of Rovagug is aiming to destroy Varisia!! Or an umbral dragon is working from the plane of shadow to conquer Cheliax. It doesn't even have to have the dragon as the main antagonist. A twice cursed bronze dragon oracle becomes the PCs patron. And that's just the ones I thought of while sitting here typing this. I'm sure others could easily chime in if you gave them 5 min.

"We don't want to rehash or ripoff someone else's work." Paizo doesn't "ripoff" others. A great example was carrion crown. You took the classic gothic horror that we all grew up with and loved, and made interesting and exciting stories of your own! You did a great job! You could do the same with a dragon themed one as well.

"There is nobody at Paizo willing to champion this as yet." Unfortunately, there I can't offer anything beyond the fact that whoever from Paizo would pick up the torch for this project would have the FULL backing of myself, plus a lot of others who have been screaming for this.

I can only speak for myself. Paizo as a company has done an outstanding job in it's lifetime. You took a game that I love, tweaked it, and put it out there. And not only did Pathfinder do well, IT OUTSOLD ITS PREDECESSOR!!! Why? You guys have a great staff and your authors are top notch!! You work as a team and it shows. I believe it would be a great AP once you guys finally do it.

And so this is where I plead for help. If I am wrong, than I will pipe down, put my tail between my legs, and not mention this again. But for the rest of you dragon fans out there, I'm asking for your assistance. If you do believe, as I do, that Paizo could put out a GREAT AP, than please comment below. No negative comments please. If you think that I am wrong, and must express it than send me a Private Message.

I don't think I am wrong though. You have a great staff and great authors at your disposal, Paizo. You could do a dragon themed AP that would be epic. If you truly want somebody to encourage you, than let me be the first. I don't think I will be the last.

Reading the rules of psychic magic, I'm wondering if this is correct:

A psychic caster can operate with impunity in an area affected by silence, but a regular caster such as arcane or divine, would be hampered without the silent spell feat?

Because if this is true, that seems a touch overpowered.

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So I think I've done it. A good force Mage build, but always looking for improvements.

5 levels of psychic. I took the faith based one. And I'm using an aasimar build so it fits theme wise. Took the magical lineage trait for the casting of magic missile. Took spell specialization for magic missile. One of the amplifications for the psychic was focused force which increase damage dice by 1 step. Does not increase casting time. And the psychic has more skill points than a typical sorcerer.

Than take the rest in Pathfinder Savant. Where I use the esoteric magic feature to get the spells I need. But the psychic spell list is impressive, and there's a lot of force spells on it already, such as twilight knife.

With this build, he can be a very good party buffer, backup healer thanks to the faith psychic, and can still do dmg.

Weaknesses: Spell Focus feat. I have to take that to qualify for Savant. The problem is, I'm playing him with no saving throws, which makes spell focus kinda useless. Any ideas what I could do with this?

Because of spells, Int based, Faith amplifications, wis based, and because UMD is such a big part of is build, all of my physical stats took a dive. Str -7, Dex 10, con 12. So invisibility is a must for survival! Any other suggestions?

So I have a GM aasimar race boon. I'm building the above because I miss the 3.5 force Mage. But since so many force spells are divine, and because I wanted to build a USEFUL MT here goes:

Race: Classic aasimar

Str: 8
Dex: 12
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 18
Cha: 12

1st lvl: Empyreal sorcerer, spells Magic Missile and Shield, feats Spell specialization (MM) traits magical knack and reactionary.
2nd lvl: cleric of Desna domains luck and good for the domain abilities and early domain spells.
3rd-4th lvls: lvls in cleric get access to spiritual weapon. Feat channel force
5th through 12 lvl mystic theurge.

Thoughts anyone? I think in the end, it's a great buffing and force dmg build.

This is specific for PFS:

I have a lvl 5 elemental bloodlined sorcerer. I wish to make him an archetype. I want to make him crossblooded to the Red Dragon bloodline as well.

According to pg 189 of Ult. Camp. It's 5 days of retraining for every class feature that I wish to change.

By my way of thinking, that's 5 days for getting access to the bloodlined arcana, plus 5 days of getting the class skill, it would take 10 days of retraining.

The GM that is signing off on this agrees with the math above but says that I would also have to spend 10 days more days of retraining because I would now have access to the bloodline powers and bonus spells for a total of 20 days.

Because I am not choosing new spells or new bloodline powers I don't believe I need to spend this amount of time. Since we can't agree, I'm putting this on the boards to see what the majority says.

So I've wanted to play a challenging character for a while now. So this is what I've got:

A Sylph Staff Magus Hexcrafter. (Yes I have the boon that allows me to play that)

I'm kinda waffling on the stats though. Not sure where the best placement of a 20 point buy is. I can dump Cha but not sure where else to put in stats.

Basically what I hope to do with this guy is:

1st round: Use Misfortune, move up to BBEG
2nd round: cackle to keep the misfortune up, spell strike with curse (blindness or bestow curse)

The staff is for the killer shield bonuses I'm going to get. That with Mithral Chain and windy escape, I should be pretty hard to hit.

Pros, Cons, advice? I'm all ears!

At 4th level, the hexcrafter magus gains access to a small number of witch’s hexes. The hexcrafter magus picks one hex from the witch’s hex class feature. He gains the benefit of or uses that hex as if he were a witch of a level equal to his magus level.

This feature replaces spell recall.

Does this mean at 6th lvl and every 2nd lvl after the Hexcrafter gets another hex? The wording is a little vague.

4/5 *

Good day! On behalf of the Edmonton, Alberta PFS group, I would like to invite people to our season 7 special, 7-00, that will be held on September 19th. We would love to have other players attend! If you or your group, wish to attend, please send me a private message on here or look for Edmonton PFS on Facebook so we can include you in our planning!

May your dice always roll 20s

VL Edmonton.

Ok situation:

The PCs, two humans, an elf, and a dwarf, are in the middle of a 120ft radius cavern that has normal light because of a daylight spell. A shadow demon casts deeper darkness in the middle of the party. This is how I view and others can tell me if I'm right or wrong.

Cavern was dark with no natural light sources. Therefore only the dwarf can see.

With the daylight spell, the light raises by one additional level becoming dim light. But daylight automatically gives normal light conditions regardless. So everyone can see.

Shadow demon casts deeper darkness, light drops to magical darkness. Nobody in the party can see. Can the shadow demon?

4/5 *

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One of my favourite authors posted a story on his Facebook and it struck a cord with me and so I thought I would post something similar here. In the article, it was mentioned that the gaming community is predominantly male. And that is correct. There are very few women who actually come out to sessions. The ones that do are brought out by their significant others. I have seen only 4 women come out on their own to play.

So I asked 4 women from my work, their ages range from 24-30, to see if they would be willing to come out and try PFS. Three said no and the last said she would think about it. I've asked other women, my wife, and my sister about this issue and I have summarized their comments down below:

1) Women are intimidated by the heaviness of the rules. This came from my wife. She feels that when she comes out to games that because she doesn't know the rules, she feels stupid in front of the other players
2) Women are intimidated by the other players. This is from a women who went to a con. She sat down at a table, and was promptly made to feel unwelcome by 3 of the 6 players. The few times she comes out now is with her boyfriend as she feels that the antagonism toward her is less.
3) Hygene. This one comes from my sister. This one I can relate to. Sitting next to a guy who has yet to take his yearly bath is not a good first impression.
4) Not enough other women. This is from a woman who plays PFS with her husband. She has told me that she feels more comfortable at the table when other women are present. And I agree with her. When I'm forced to go clothes shopping with my wife for her clothing, man do I feel awkward as I feel like everyone is staring at me.

So how do we encourage women to try PFS? Because let's face it, with more women who come, more men will follow. Here are my suggestions:

Event coordinators, try and sit them at the table with other women, or barring that somebody who won't alienate them. You have the best knowledge of your players.

GMs, assign someone at your table, again preferably a woman, to help them through the scenario. Do not overwhelm them with rules. Give them Valerous, or Kyra as a pregen.

Now unfortunately, this is for women who have already made the decision to try it. I have no idea on how to get them to walk through that gaming store door. Suggestions?

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