Grubbie's page

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A couple of thoughts, likely have already been said ..

Have open-pvp servers, and closed-pvp servers.

Closed pvp is handled in a single zone/area in the world, easily accessible, and not easily stumbled upon. Players will have a HUGE warning about where they are entering. No outside pvp'ing, at all. None, not even duels can happen outside these areas.

PvE should be 100% P v E.

PvP should be 100% P v P.

I have played EQ, WoW, DAoC, AC .. well a lot. EQ for 10+ years, and they basically handled this the best.

Keep it separate for those that do not want pvp hassles. I do enjoy pvp - when *I* feel like doing it, not when some as-hat decides I need to die. There are great pvp people out there, sadly, it is usually 99 griefers to 1 good player.

I want slower game play, slower levels, group effort, challenge. <--- all before I get to max level. WoW breeds impatience. Speed leveling breeds impatience.

Take your time, make the journey MUCH more fun than the Inn at the end of the road.