
Grott Kraktoof's page

7 posts. Alias of Thunderfrog.


Goblin Squad Member

Twin Orphans: .. This makes me think of Rafa and Malak, FFT.

Goblin Squad Member

There's a part of this I would like to understand more before I solidify my opinion.

"Remember that you can generally take several Refreshes per server day, so you're actually being limited to six or twelve spells per combat, not per play session, which is more in line with how spells are used in tabletop. "

How long is a server day? If I blow through some heavy combats in 15 or 20 minutes, am I waiting 15 or 20 mninutes for spells? An hour? Just curious!

Goblin Squad Member

Sword Point harvesting or crafting.

There's something I hadn't thought of...just another flavor of bread. =)

Goblin Squad Member

Ey! If you ever needs a guide to keep people outta trouble, I dunn mind. I like dat stuff. Even better.. if dem squeaky cleans ever need someone to take them around Shadow-Haven, I don't mind taken em' da long way into summa yer boys.

Just sayin.

Hey Keevor.

As much as I'd like to play, I'm also blocked from Roleplaymarket.

I'm afraid Grott will have to withdraw.

Sorry mate. Good luck.

DM Deevor,

Have you decided which 4 or 5 people your allowing into the game?

'Ello der!

I'd like to join as this would be my first pathfinder PbP. I've played a lot of post elsewhere, but have looked to find something that uses pathfinder instead of the now very boring 3.5

This alias is the character I would like to run, a Half-Orc Ranger/Fighter. Probably more Ranger than fighter. Anyways, you've already got one half-orc entrant, so that could possibly link the two of us? (Brothers friends etc? I dont know how many uglies are in your community.)

Please consider me. Thanks.

I'll finish updating my skills and feat choices soon.