Greyhawk-J's page

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OH Ya!! – I’d be down for a second set (or even 3rd set)!!

The best item cards are the "mundane" variety.
Our group gets use out of all the cards, but by FAR... we use the Adventure Gear cards most- we use them to keep track of food and water.
We remove cards like; bedroll, blanket, tent when we camp at night- (also take off armor cards and put them next to the tent)

TONS of uses for the mundane type cards - our mundane cards are in and out of our full plastic sheets 4-5 times per session.

Adventure Gear Cards.... The BEST in the series, BAR NONE!!

Let's go Paizo, start cranking out the next Item Card sets and other Gamemastery stuff, while people are pissed at WOTC ---- Lots of that WOTC dollar will be directed your way.
You now have LOTS of gamers attention- now show us what you got!