
Grey Cat's page

Organized Play Member. 32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


The Exchange

Indus wrote:

So, five years there not enough interest for Paizo to make an official version of these, or have I just missed them somewhere?

When I look, all I see are solutions by individuals like Perram's Spellbook and RPGBooster, etc.., which are fine and handy, but nothing like the spell decks TSR used to sell back in the AD&D days, which were great.

Any news whether or not Paizo will ever release official spell decks? Or do we just keep printing our own?

I wish they would, I would purchase them. Pazio makes great quality products and printing them out myself is too expensive.

The Exchange

OMG! I could not stop laughing!

The Exchange 1/5

John, I can certainly relate to having a tight schedule to get everything done. Thank you all at Pazio for the effort. I will be looking forward to having a great time in the Pazio room at Gencon!

The Exchange 1/5

Jeff, I have to agree with you. I am GMing PFS at Gencon this year and have in the past years. I am assigned Bonekeep lv 2 as well.
I have a full time job (I have to work Monday & Tuesday before the con), family and home to take care of but I love to GM for PFS. However these last minute releases means I have to cram the previous weekend to be properly prepared.
I really wish in the future that when these new season mods are released for Gencon that they are done at least 2 weeks in advance so I have more time to prepare.

Thank you.

The Exchange 1/5

My favorite PFS character presently is Talka, halfling Wolf Shaman. The pic is of my home game character which is basically the same but different name. The art was done by BunnyValtir (Holly Easley).


The Exchange

The best and most recent GM aid that I have found very useful is the Pathfinder GameMastery Guide. The description tells whats in it. It is great for long time GMs and newer GMs as well. Guide

The Exchange 1/5

Well done Tracy! Congrats!

The Exchange

Yes, a magus can make a full attack and cast a spell. The spell casting does provoke an attack of opportunity.
Note that under Spell Combat it says when the magus casts defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check.

The Exchange 1/5

Thursday, August 15
Slot 1 (0800-1300): #01-56: Jester's Fraud
Slot 3 (1900-2400): Bonekeep Level 1

Friday, August 16
Slot 4 (0800-1300): #4-11: The Disappeared

Saturday, August 17
Slot 7 (0800-1300): #4-11: The Disappeared
Slot 9 (1900-2400): Bonekeep Level 2

The Exchange

I would say its ok. Basically with the two archtypes put together, you have to take animal companion(s) [Pack Lord] and it has to be wolf [wolves]. But you should lose the Wolf Shaman Wildshape ability at 6th level due to the Pack Lord Improved Empathic Link ability.
As for being overpowered? I don't see that happening but I may be missing something. Of course, your GM makes the final decision on this.
Hope this helps.

The Exchange

Tiny, you are correct. Akaharose, in your example the druid can change into dolphin and then eagle but not back to dolphin (that would be 3x/day). Changing back to your natural self does not use up a wildshape use, but wildshaping into another form does.

The Exchange

I had asked that same question recently to some Pathfinder Society GMs, "Can I wildshape from one form to another without changing back to my natural self?"
They said yes you can.

The Exchange

I think the Core book does a great job providing the rules so I'm not a big fan of more rule books (like a Rules Compendium). However, having a Spell Compendium book that puts all the spells from Core, Ultimates and other Pazio pubs. and rewrites the spells that have issues would be desirable.

The Exchange

I would like a copy please.


The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know my post is about a year and a half late...
But if the gnome weapon is a raging gnome barbarian and is wielded by a raging barbarian, can the rage modifiers double? ;)

The Exchange

I play a druid that uses the native name of her god Shalm (Gozreh) as the first word and then I twist the spell name a bit for the second word while casting a spell. For example a cure spell would be "Shalm cura".
Using her god's name first is like asking permission to use her god's power.

The Exchange

Ok, your too far from me (I'm just south of Greenfield, east of Indy. If you have not done so already, try Cincinnati or Greensburg. Should be players in those areas.

Good luck.

The Exchange

What part of SE Indiana are you going to play? Near which city/town? This may help us determine if your close enough.

The Exchange 1/5

ThorGN, about half the time I ran this mod the hammer was ignored. Even though I would bring their attention that is was there. It was not a problem for they may think why mess with something if they don't need to.

The Exchange

How many cardstock sheets are in the Bestiary Box?

The Exchange

I was planning to make monster cardboard minis for my Pathfinder games, but you guys have answered my desire. These will be great looking, to scale, and easy to transport. I look forward to purchasing this product.

The Exchange 1/5

Thank you all for the responses (and for the FAQ Dragnmoon). It was what I expected, but I could not find any official answer so I wanted to ask.
I'll not worry about it then. But I am somewhat disappointed that these specific animal magic items were not designed to be more generic for a variety of legal mounts.

The Exchange 1/5

I completed a PFS scenario that awarded Horseshoes of Speed as well as other things. However, my halfling character rides a wolf, not a horse.

Can this magical item be 'reskinned' to fit a canine?

It just did not seem right that only horses gets access to this kind of item but other legal mounts do not.

Thank you.

The Exchange 1/5

Erik Mona wrote:
We are going to push for considerably more space next year. A lot of the problem this year had to do with figuring out the new space. I think we could run twice the number of tables next year, but that is going to take a TON of volunteer GMs.

It would be advisable to get a room(s) that have carpet (like the one we had this year) if we go to a larger location next year. Some of those large rooms on the first floor don't have carpet and that results in a louder noise level.

I also wanted to say that I GMed and played this year and had the best time ever at Gen Con. Thank you to all the other GMs and the Pazio staff for doing a fantastic job!!!

The Exchange 1/5

First I want to thank you all for the advice. I like the idea of attempting to get near the wall with me facing the wall, that may help.
I'll mention it to Hyrum if I get the chance but I'm sure they have made good table arrangements that may not be changed.

I will ask my players to speak up and face me when speaking. I'm certainly not going to let this issue bother me, one way or another the players and I will have a great time.

Thanks again.

The Exchange 1/5

Hey all, I will be GMing 4 slots of PFS at Gen Con 2011. I very much enjoy GMing and wanted to experience it at Gen con. But I have a small handicap.

My hearing is terrible in noisy places. I am not able to filter other sounds out while trying to listen to an individual in a place with excessive noise. For this reason I am concerned about hearing my players from across the table. I understand and expect the PFS room to be such a place.

I know there may not be anything that can be done about it, but I wanted to ask anyway. Do any of you have advise on how to help limit this problem?

Thank you.

The Exchange

Had a situation where a medium sized character was next to a medium sized monster and in melee with it. A charging character with a reach weapon does a charge up to the monster and ends up right behind the first character and attacks the monster with the reach weapon.

The character does not pass through any squares restricting the charge.

Can a character charge up behind an ally and attack the monster beyond?

The Exchange

I actually have another rule book that explains all the terms in the PF core rule book and its thicker too. Its called Webster's Dictionary.

The Exchange

Basilforth wrote:
Grey Cat wrote:

For the animal companion to learn the bonus trick does not require Handle Animal roll. For the animal to perform the trick does require a roll.

The rules of Special Ability Link description and Handle Animal Skill description +4 circumstance bonus are talking about the same thing, the total bonus is +4 regarding the Handle Animal check.

Unless James Jacobs comes back and smacks me on the head for ignoring his post above, I think that I agree with your interpretation as well. That allows for the automatic failure, even if lots of bonuses.

James Jacobs is correct of course, once an animal knows a trick, it can do that trick when commanded automatically.

The Handle Animal is rolled to determine if the character successfully commands the animal to do the trick, not if the animal can do the trick.

The Exchange

Frerezar wrote:
I´m pretty sure this came up earlier somewhere around here but i can find that thread. How does the paladin mount work now? Once i call it for how long does it stay?

It works like the mount spell, 2 hours/level.

The Exchange

For the animal companion to learn the bonus trick does not require Handle Animal roll. For the animal to perform the trick does require a roll.

The rules of Special Ability Link description and Handle Animal Skill description +4 circumstance bonus are talking about the same thing, the total bonus is +4 regarding the Handle Animal check.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

On page 201 of the PF core book under Trip, the second paragraph says, "If your attack exceeds the target's CMB, the target is knocked prone."

On page 199 of the PF core book under Determine Success at the bottom of the first column is says, "If your attack roll equals or exceeds the CMB of the target, your maneuver is a success..."

There maybe a contradiction, typo or the trip attack is actually handled differently.

My question is: When using the trip combat maneuver, does the attacker need to EXCEED or EQUAL the defender's DC?

Thank you.