
Grey Cat's page

Organized Play Member. 32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

The Exchange 1/5

I completed a PFS scenario that awarded Horseshoes of Speed as well as other things. However, my halfling character rides a wolf, not a horse.

Can this magical item be 'reskinned' to fit a canine?

It just did not seem right that only horses gets access to this kind of item but other legal mounts do not.

Thank you.

The Exchange 1/5

Hey all, I will be GMing 4 slots of PFS at Gen Con 2011. I very much enjoy GMing and wanted to experience it at Gen con. But I have a small handicap.

My hearing is terrible in noisy places. I am not able to filter other sounds out while trying to listen to an individual in a place with excessive noise. For this reason I am concerned about hearing my players from across the table. I understand and expect the PFS room to be such a place.

I know there may not be anything that can be done about it, but I wanted to ask anyway. Do any of you have advise on how to help limit this problem?

Thank you.

The Exchange

Had a situation where a medium sized character was next to a medium sized monster and in melee with it. A charging character with a reach weapon does a charge up to the monster and ends up right behind the first character and attacks the monster with the reach weapon.

The character does not pass through any squares restricting the charge.

Can a character charge up behind an ally and attack the monster beyond?

The Exchange

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

On page 201 of the PF core book under Trip, the second paragraph says, "If your attack exceeds the target's CMB, the target is knocked prone."

On page 199 of the PF core book under Determine Success at the bottom of the first column is says, "If your attack roll equals or exceeds the CMB of the target, your maneuver is a success..."

There maybe a contradiction, typo or the trip attack is actually handled differently.

My question is: When using the trip combat maneuver, does the attacker need to EXCEED or EQUAL the defender's DC?

Thank you.