Gregg Chastain's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (9 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Having a similar problem since yesterday on the Chrome browser. Was hit and miss with Firefox. Clearing cookies and browser history didn't seem to help.

Windows 10 OS Build 19041.685
Chrome Version 87.0.4280.88 (Official Build) (64-bit)

I have recently begun running this campaign and went searching for a GM only Facebook group much like the one I participate in for Rise of the Runelords ( Not seeing any, I decided to start one for GM's to post ideas, seek input and offer suggestions for others running this AP.

If you'd like to join the GM only Age of Ashes group head on over to

So, the group I'm GMing will probably face off against Hallod this weekend. Do his stats already reflect the positive and negative adjustments from the Juggernaut mutagen that he takes in the first round? I know the 1e encounters and opponent stats usually included the modifiers from spells, etc. Is it the same in 2e?

Went to download the updates and received the file fine. Wondered if Paizo was also updating the original rulebook file as well, and thought I would download it again to check. When downloading that file I received another copy of the playtest updates. A different file name in the zip drive, but still the updates and not the actual rules.

Is Paizo updating the rulebook in pdf while also sending out updates to those who may have purchased the physical book? It would be much easier to download an updated rulebook then to switch between two pdf files.

DMing a group with a good friend and our teenage children, that is part RotRL adventure path material interspersed with side quests that develop back stories and help with leveling (It's a group of seven PC's, so they are always one to two levels under the suggested development even with the addition of extra monsters or raised CR's).

Name: Drac Nathal, Half-Orc Druid
Level: 2
Catalyst: Warchief Rip Nugget & his mighty "steed" Stickfoot
The party entered the throne room with little planning, and the druid who was being played as if he was a tanky fighter suddenly found himself surrounded. A crit on Rip Nugget's charge did him in. Fortunately, some of the PC's had played the adventure in the Pathfnider box set, and had a "freebie" resurrection scroll.

Name: Harsk, Dwarf Rogue
Level 3
Catalyst: Angry Shadow
Flummoxed by the coin slot into the Portal of Greed, the party split in various directions to explore. The spellcasters raced through the crypt awakening the Shadows to see what was further on. The two dwarves, Rouge and Paladin decided to stay and fight. Only one survived. There was much complaining about the money they lost to resurrect the surly rogue.

Name: Belfyr, Human Cleric
Level 5
Catalyst: Standing in the way of an angry Revenant
A party of mostly teenage boys is intent on fighting everything, even when you've given them plenty of clues that the monster has other interests (like finding and killing Foxglove). The party cleric learned that sometimes the consequences are fatal. The cleric remained dead, and a Bloodrager was rolled.

Name: Lapis Lee, Gnome Sorceress (Our groups one brave female player)
Level 7
Catalyst: A Titan Centipede in the Ashwood Forest south of Turtleback Ferry
On a side quest to the Cinderplains to learn more about the parties new Bloodrager (a Shoanti from the Cinderplains), a random encounter almost turned into a TPK. Poor Lapis was one shot, and eventually raised by a Shoanti Oracle.

Name: Wolfie von Wolfenstein, Wolf Animal Companion of the aforementioned Half-Orc Druid.
Level 7
Catalyst: A Titan Centipede
Poor Wolfie von Wolfenstein died next to Lapis the Gnome one shot was well.

Name: Talys, Elf Magus
Level 7
Catalyst: Jaagrath Kreeg reinforced by Lucrecia
Talys is the "leader" of the group played by the other father. Tactics remain a problem with so many young males vying to "wreck me". Having entered Fort Rannick through the basement, they had already encountered Lucrecia in the cells below. I had her retreat to here to inform Jaagrath of the intruders. A split party soon found themselves fighting these two bosses and additional ogres on the first floor. Talys found himself sadly isolated and dead because of it. Would have been a TPK, if not for the sage "advice" of the friendly NPC's Jakardros and Shalelu who called for a retreat.

Name: Volgar, Human Bloodrager
Level 7
Catalyst: Ogre Fighter interrupted as he "painted"
A second attempt at the Fort, found the player of this PC (formerly the now dead cleric) once again refusing to step aside and seek some healing. Prudence and consequential thinking may not be his strongest point.