GreenShaDow's page

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Rysky wrote:
GreenShaDow wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Heh, okies.

To phrase it another way, why would they make an example in the Core Rulebook that didn’t follow the rules?

I came across this issue as well, and took a bit of exploring to figure it out. There is an obvious issue that needs to be fixed, and will be. When I originally read this, I thought it was a copy/paste of the monk example from the playtest, since Wis originally gave you spell points. Should we read the examples and sidebars? Yes. Is anyone disagreeing with that? No. What should we do when the sidebar example says one thing and the written rules say another? I believe the point that is being made is, this is a mistake and it can be easily confusing for a new player to figure out.

That's the thing, the written rules don't say another. It wasn't an error by listing the wrong thing, it was an error by omission.

Okay, that was the intent of what I was saying. Thank you for clarifying. I will be sure to choose my wording a bit more clearly next time.

Rysky wrote:

Heh, okies.

To phrase it another way, why would they make an example in the Core Rulebook that didn’t follow the rules?

I came across this issue as well, and took a bit of exploring to figure it out. There is an obvious issue that needs to be fixed, and will be. When I originally read this, I thought it was a copy/paste of the monk example from the playtest, since Wis originally gave you spell points. Should we read the examples and sidebars? Yes. Is anyone disagreeing with that? No. What should we do when the sidebar example says one thing and the written rules say another? I believe the point that is being made is, this is a mistake and it can be easily confusing for a new player to figure out.

David knott 242 wrote:
Quen Pah wrote:
When will the character record sheets be available online?

Good question. My best guess would be August 1st. At this point, the site is so buggy that I cannot even find the 1st edition character sheets.

I've been endlessly searching for pdfs of character sheets. I dont have a good way of scanning the book ones and we have to wait until Aug 1 to get our PDF in our account. I find this odd since I have the physical book so it would be nice to have the pdf as well.....I guess i'll just wait to test character creation until august.