Consortium Agent

Grandmaster Ridley's page

9 posts. Alias of Dan Cornett.


Liberty's Edge 5/5

Congrats, Josh... you were the first GM to kill me, in Sarkorian(even though Caubo tried his hardest). Your 5th star is well deserved!

Liberty's Edge

We survived Rounds 1 and 2, although I too died due to a bad save(although not permanently). While I cannot say what killed me, since it would ruin the enjoyment of people that have yet to play, I can say the story is awesome, and Mr. Baird did a wonderful job of helping to write this year's special.

Once again, kudos to Marius, Kasheed, Vyktor, Tevarin, and yes, even Nikolai... it feels good to be level 16! And, thank you Mr. Baird for an awesome two days!

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Ridley the Rogue, of the great Andoran Faction, is now level 15!

Liberty's Edge

John did not fail; I was there. Instead, every time Nikolai went down, you could hear with a decent enough perception check, Breaths of Life granted by the various gods trying to keep Nikolai alive, as none wanted to claim him as their own.

You should have seen Nikolai cowering, all alone in the beginning of the Tomb. I do believe "I'm not going anywhere... I'm scared" came out of his mouth more than once.

Liberty's Edge

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I hear that Sarenrae is working behind the scenes at the deadline to trade Nikolai to Zon-Kuthon for a case of tanglefoot bags and a player to be named later...

Liberty's Edge

The only reason why anyone had to run is because while the rest of the party was fighting, you were in the corner casting Shield of Faith, Protection of Energy, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Guidance, and Virtue, all on YOURSELF. Then, after that, because OF COURSE you can't battle on an empty stomach, you throw out a few create food and water spells to feed yourself. Only then, would you join us.

Typical Nikolai "battle tactics". How many Georgia PFS characters have either died or almost died awaiting you to enter battle, Hmmmmmmmm?

I still think it's Sarenrae's fault.

Liberty's Edge

You have forgotten that I've already defeated you once... in the Breaching Festival. It was quite painful watching you shamble to the end.

Come on, Nikolai. I think your problem is your faith in Sarenrae. Perhaps she is what is holding you back from greater glory?

Liberty's Edge

Dear Mr. Baird,

I am one of the party members that Nikolai has been bragging about bringing to GenCon. Please don't listen to him... if PvP were legal in Pathfinder Society, I would have killed him a long time ago. Can you imagine what it's like going through Eyes Of The Ten with THAT as your party "cleric"? Hell... ask Nikolai about what happened in Academy of Secrets when he decided he wanted to play leader! Or, his special son Nikolback(who is an Eagle Knight AND lead singer of a horrible band)

How many prestige points can I get for saving you the trouble and just taking Nikolai out myself? I AM Andoran you know... we are good at that kind of thing. Or, at the very least, will you let us watch his destruction? I know a monk, barbarian, alchemist, fighter, and wizard that would like to cheer you on, as well as several other Georgia PFS characters that would sign up for the pay-per-view.


Ridley the Rogue

p.s. Joe is a pretty cool person. Nikolai must die

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Nikolai, you've gained some weight since we last met, Hhhhmmmmm? While you have been lounging around as a secretary, I've been out doing REAL work for the Decemvirate(and myself, of course). I did meet an excellent recruit that said YOU personally chose him and his druid companion as top of their Pathfinder recruitment class: Grantley Le Granouille. While I no doubt feel you chose them as best in class based on their merits, I do feel there was a bit of favoritism since you and Grantley look like you might be brothers. Uncanny resemblance...

Say all you want about earning the privilege of being a venture captain. If it wasn't for that amazingly accurate column(as well as that amazingly accurate crevasse) that took out that one slave, I might be up their gaining weight with you. Of course, at least I wouldn't be prancing around in those frilly robes of Sarenrae; I would make the job look GOOD.

Alas, Marius and I can continue to add to our legends, while you can add to your waistline. Just wait until I supplant Torch as information broker. There are people that would pay good money to hear about what goes on behind closed doors with you...

Now that that is off of my chest, I will say this, Nikolai. It was good to adventure with you, even though you were responsible for my one death(and your second... CHOKE) I MIGHT not have survived that blasted trap room with it's stupid invisible loony people if it wasn't for you. There... that's all the thanks you get. Maybe Kasheed will worship you more since you were so close and sharing hit points and all...

Scipio, let's go have a drink... when you work hard like us, you earn a mug from time to time.

Oh, and Nikolai... even though you are a Venture Captain now, quit sending out teams of Pathfinders on missions to acquire gallons of ice cream. Walk a little