Sir Rekkart Cole

Grand Moff Rimmer's page

9 posts. Alias of Moff Rimmer.


Scarab Sages

Happy Star Wars Day People!

"May the Forth be with you..."

It's really lame. I can't believe that this is almost official.

Scarab Sages

Studpuffin wrote:
taig wrote:
I've just been informed he goes by Darth Whedon now.
Darn these conflicting memos!

Well, whatever he's going by these days, he still reports to me. And he better not rest until he's done with that Buffy/Firefly crossover...

Scarab Sages

Sharoth wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I woke up this mornin' with the FaWTL shinin' in

I found my mind in a dirty fish bowl, but then...
I tripped on a poodle and fell eight miles high
I tore my mind on a jagged sky
I just dropped in to see what condition my criticism was in

~Flags Ambi~
~flags Sharoth for flagging Ambi~

~flags Moff Rimmer because he doesn't get flagged enough~

Scarab Sages

The ghost post strikes back.

Scarab Sages

Ghost Post

Scarab Sages

Snorter wrote:

You will never break the will of the people!

You or your...henchmen...with their outdated sorcery!

You underestimate the power of the Farce!!

Scarab Sages

Snorter wrote:

<hears the screams of those who chose Mow Mow>

I noticed your foul stench, the moment I was brought on board...

I choose death!

Charming to the last.

Scarab Sages

Snorter wrote:
Happy Birthday, Bill... I mean Grand Moff Bill, Destroyer of Alderan!

He knows my name -- he must be destroyed...

Scarab Sages

Gavgoyle wrote:
Yea!!! Field Promotion! Happy birthday, Grand Moff Rimmer!

Crushing the rebellion is hard work. Must get back to Space Core Directive #68250.