Grae's page

26 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Seems a little arbitrary to decide whether a spell has an observable effect or not.

Cone of Cold for example. It seems reasonable that it would be noticable but the spell doesn't describe any visual effect.


A cleric of Erastil takes Guided Hand and Mythic Guided Hand. He has a Str of 12 and a Wisdom of 22. He attempts to use a Composite (+6) Long bow.


Not entirely sure I follow you Ughbash. Wouldn't said fighter still be better off just using a weapon? What makes an unarmed fighter using a cheapened Amulet of Mighty Fists overpowered?

Ughbash wrote:
So the Amulet of Mighty Fists does hurt the monk but that is an unfortunate case that has to be in place to stop the unarmed fighter from being overpowered.

Assuming this is true, it is still a horrible solution to the problem. Especially in a game where the rules are as flexible as we can describe in text. "allows a monk to add a +x enhancement bonus to his unarmed strikes". Seems like that would prevent any strange fighter abuse while allowing the monk to get his bonus to his unarmed strikes.

Of course, you'd then probably have a thread on why the Amulet of Unarmed Strikes is monk only. But that would be a good place to debate your proposition that a fighter using it would be overpowered.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A weapon cord from Adventurer's Armory costs 1sp and heavily mitigates the threat of being disarmed.

The monk's unarmed damage caps at 2d10, an average base damage of 11. It's 4-5 points higher than standard weapons. Except it has a crit range of 20x2.

The benefits of using unarmed damage is minor at best. Not sure why you value the anti-disarm mechanic and 6 bonus damage at such a insane rate.

In my experience TWF is terrible itself and the rules should be changed to make that better.

Thematically Monks should have an incentive to use their unarmed damage. Not be penalized for it. That is kind of their thing isn't it? Why should it be worse than using a weapon?

Talked to my DM about the Knuckles change, we decided to just keep them as they are. Mostly on the fact that after some simple math it turns out my Drunken Master Weapon Adept would be actually be more powerful switching to one of the other monk weapons.

We also allow Ki Wraps, which are just normally enchantable "unarmed" weapons. Which makes the amulet a complete waste of time, of course.

The game is completely unplayable. Monks are destroying everything in sight.

I'm just kidding. Afaik barbarians are still the scariest dudes in town.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
I was thinking about how cool an imp wizard or sorcerer would be today.

It was entertaining. He took offense to people thinking he was the Halfling's familiar. He ended up being the administrator for the town in Legacy of Fire.

The Pixie paladin solved a sphinxes riddle by hitting it with a memory arrow after the sphinx had announced the correct answer. Then just told him the answer after he failed the save.

Odd races make for some interesting role playing and scenarios.

Little late but to chime in as a DM. I'm all for strange races. Running Serpent's Skull atm with a Mercane Magus, a Quickling Ninja, a Hound Archon Cleric/Magus, and a Brownie Wizard. My Legacy of Fire campaign run in Pathfinder had an Imp Wizard, a small earth elemental fighter, a Pixie Paladin, and a Halfling Summoner.

However, I remove racial HD, most stat bonuses, and spread out almost all of the abilities across the 20 levels. I move spell-likes to levels a normal caster would get it. There are other balancing modifications I make. It ends up being a fairly higher power game so I can see why DMs wouldn't care for such shenanigans.

But my group seems to enjoy it, and in the end that is what matters.

I dont understand your justification for the confuse ability. Instead of being able to flee,seek,cover, drink an extract... Etc, my pc instead must attack the shooter, no save. Given the attack clause of confusion, I dont even get a "act normally" chance. In my opinion its a problematic mechanic vs the PCs.

Practically every other ability in the game allows a save or Cmb check. I don't think the game benifits from this exception

Head may not be over powered in the hands of a player. But as an npc ability it can be pretty mean. Players dont like being told what they are doing for the round with no save. It already came up in one encounter the dm threw a gunslinger at us. Had shot would have single handedly caused the death of my alchemist if the dm hadnt realized the implications of "no save" and backed off.

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Grae wrote:
Too good? Too bad? Mechanical issues?
Maybe 1 ki point to use, since this ability could be used to get you out of danger/damage area.

The base ability requires 1 Ki Point to use. The feat really just changes the action to use it, and makes the movement random.

I'm just looking for any opinions on this feat...

Drunken Stumble:
Prerequisite: Drunken Ki Class Feature
Benefit: You may use your Drunken Ki movement ability as an immediate action, however, you move in a random direction. You cannot move into a hostile creature's space with this movement. Any result that would move you into a hostile creature's space simply results in no movement.
Normal: Using the Drunken Ki movement ability is a swift action.

Too good? Too bad? Mechanical issues?

Sorry if these had been asked before, I searched and am still a little confused on the subject.

Can my Alchemist (or any other class with Brew Potion) brew potions from any spell list with a +5 DC to the craft DC?

If yes, then he can brew a Imp. Invis Potion from the summoner's spell list at 9th level?

When you stack abilities on a Wondrous Item, such as a Cloak of Resistance +1 with Elvin Kind added to it, and than later upgrade the item from +1 to +2 is the cost at 100% or 150%?

Sorry for asking what might be obvious questions...


I don't usually house rule it, but last campaign a player asked if I would and I agreed.

People can always come up with something to justify most rules as written, but sometimes things make more sense one way or another. Melee touch attacks could very easily be seen as something being dexterous would be more favorable then being strong, given your not swinging a weapon at them, and your ignoring most defenses the concept of "force" would be relevant for.

Just my thoughts at least.

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:

Once you hit 7th level, use your feat to pick up Heighten Spell, heighten dancing lantern up to 4th level, and then use a scroll of permanency on it (you'll want to have someone UMD it, or if your Arcane Trickster has any Wizard or Sorcerer in him, he can make a caster level check to use it, DC 10 if I recall correctly).

Presto, a permanent light source that works in deeper darkness.

If a scroll of permanency is not available, you may be stuck blowing a 4th level spell each day to cast dancing lantern :D

I think this is what I'll do.

Thanks everyone, I appreciate all the help!

Abraham spalding wrote:

As Kierato points out (thanks by the way) the torch gives normal light within 20 foot, and increases the light beyond that by one grade for another 20 feet. So with a torch you have normal light, and then dim light before returning to darkness -- deeper darkness would give you 20 feet of darkness before you hit supernatural darkness.

A widen light spell might be your friend to ironically, since it will shed "normal" light for 40 feet and dim for 40 feet beyond that (giving you 40 feet of regular darkness instead of just 20).

If each character carries a torch or light spell you should be fine with everyone having darkvision.

Well, combine that with Alter Self to give myself Darkvision, and a Dancing Lantern spell, I think that pretty much solves my issue.

Thanks for the help everyone.

Edit: Actually, "Nonmagical sources of light, such as torches and lanterns, do not increase the light level in an area of darkness. Magical light sources only increase the light level in an area if they are of a higher spell level than darkness." seems to make this not work, unless I use a 4th level Light Spell.

wraithstrike wrote:

I forgot to ask what immunities have been bothering you?

What do you envision your character doing in combat, assuming the darkness was not an issue. Is it damage, buffs, debuffs, etc?

Missed this post, sorry. Immunities actually arn't too much of an issue, I probably shouldn't have mentioned that in the post. Earlier in the campaign I had some issues with Sleeps HD cap (the spell). I didn't take the Slumber hex till a bit later in.

We fought some undead and constructs as well, which were also a bit irritating, but I was still able to participate.

I'd like to mostly debuff, and occasionally buff with this character I guess. Had I wanted to do direct damage, I would have chosen something else. Doesn't seem all that witch-like to me. =)

Abraham spalding wrote:

I would go with the light rules on page 172 in this case. They are more solid and make more sense to me.

Otherwise you end up with the following light levels:

Supernatural darkness, darkness, dim, bright light

instead of:
supernatural darkness, darkness, dim, light, bright light

after all torches are regularly used to light places up and that's not dim light in those places!

Well, that is good to know. I'll have to check with the DM though, to see which ruling he prefers. If he goes with your reference, then simply having Darkvision would be sufficient to see through the Deeper Darkness assuming another light source correct?

Dancing Lantern here I go.

Abraham spalding wrote:

Lantern archons can cast continual flame which counters deeper darkness (continual flame is a level 3 clerical spell).

Also a torch is normal light -- not dim light. As such it will only be dropped down to regular darkness -- not supernatural darkness -- as such the darkvision spell will see just fine with it (same with a light spell as per the light rules on pages 172~173) even in deeper darkness.

The darkness spells do not automatically counter light spells -- you have to specifically counter a light spell when it is cast, otherwise you have to dispel it (with dispel magic).

A hand of glory would be a good buy -- it allows you to use see invisibility and daylight each once per day and wear an additional ring to boot.

I'd agree with you except for the language at the end of the lantern (and torch, etc) that specifically spells out that Darkness (which is the default in an unlit area) is bumped up one category to Dim Light.

I didn't realize that Continual Flame can be used to counter Deeper. So, in one level I can summon a Hound Archon, but then have it ready actions to counter Deeper Darknesses constantly? Awkward, but in a way that works I guess.

Edit: Then the rules contradict themselves? From the Torch in the PRD " (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light)."

wraithstrike wrote:
Grae wrote:

Having some minor issues as a PC in a campaign and thought I'd seek some advice from the boards. I'm in a 6th, almost 7th level campaign playing a Human Witch.

The campaign significantly features Dark Creepers, Dark Stalkers, and now the new Dark Slayer (I think) from the Bestiary II.

I'm starting to become a bit frustrated with the witch class in this campaign. The last few sessions, between passed saves (luck can't be helped), immunities, and deeper darkness, I've been fairly useless. This previous session I actually spent a majority of the time in a portable hole trying to be less of a liability.

I've been using Heroism and Lightning Bolt both 1/day, with my third 3rd level spell being Fly. I have the Fortune hex, but combats in the last couple sessions have been fairly mobile or spread out. So its hard to keep it up on my allies, and on top of that, after one combat I've fortuned everyone the one time limit.

From my understanding, deeper darkness blocks line of sight, which means no targeting spells (or hexes) into it. The groups Druid and Inquisitor have been using Scent effectively, and the Arcane Trickster still does decent melee damage and sneak attacks when he is able.

My other hexes are Sleep, Misfortune, Cauldron (Which I regret taking), Fortune, and Cackle.

TL;DR: Witch with deeper darkness problems, suggestions?

What patron did you choose, and dispel magic should counter the darkness ability if it is an SLA?

Plague Patron. My character is Spoilered a few posts up. Dispel Magic would remove the effect, but I'd be limited to 3 of them all day, while the Dark Stalkers have Deeper at will. These monsters are a prominent villain race in this campaign. So the issue with the Deeper Darkness isn't something that I can just avoid for a while, as I might had hoped.

Kierato wrote:

Torches, sunrods, and light spells create normal light in there area, and increase the light levels by one step beyond that.

Consider (eventually) picking up the healing Hex, and, along with cure spells, become a battle field healer.

Unfortunately this is untrue. As per the PRD: " A lamp illuminates a small area, providing normal light in a 15-foot radius and increasing the light level by one step for an additional 15 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). "

Other light sources all use the same or similar language. I guess I could just wander around healing people. Or swap to mostly summon spells. Not solutions I prefer, but they are solutions.

Share Senses at best could grant me Scent I guess. However Scent only reveals the occupied square within 5ft (I believe). Is that sufficient to target? Do I have Line of Sight to a target in that square? I didn't think that was sufficient.

Kierato wrote:

Deeper Darkness only blocks darkvision if the starting illumination is dim light or lower, and being the same effect, they shouldn't stack with each other.

What is your Patron?
Fight fire with fire, if your allies are already using scent to locate them, use obscuring mist to hinder the dark-creatures.
The various swarm spells could help as well, provided you can make sure not to hit your allies to often.
Any more Info you can provide will help.
EDIT: Ninja'd by Fergie

I actually didn't know that part of Deeper Darkness. Though I can't find any static way to raise the light level more than one step. Torches, Sunrods, Light, and Lanterns would just create Dim Light, which would still become Supernatural Darkness.

The share senses thing I'll have to look into. I can summon, sure, but if this is going to be a constant problem in the campaign, I think a summoner would simply be a better character choice.

I feel I can deal with mobility issues, but its the constant areas of darkness that I think is really causing me issues. They prevent me from using pretty much any hex, and most spells.

Edit: I'm learning more and more about the lighting rules as we go. I didn't know about the Dark X death thing, and do not believe the DM has been doing that.

Most of the good familiars are out given my TN alignment. I wasn't aware of the restrictions at the time of character creation.

Gem of Brightness would only bump lighting from dark to dim, which would drop back to supernatural.

And I guess it has mostly been Dark Stalkers, given the black blots we keep running into are Deeper.

My Character:

Human Witch

Str 9
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 23
Wis 9
Cha 11
(Dex and Int are +2 from a story item.)

Plague Patron
Rat Familiar
Hexes: Misfortune, Fortune, Cackle, Evil Eye, Cauldron, Sleep

Skills: (All max ranks)
Craft: Alch
Sleight of Hand

Extra Hex
Extra Hex
Bouncing Spell
and one unselected.

Clothing +2
Boots of Elven Kind
Rod of Lesser Empower
~10k GP unspent.

I also have a Wraith that is "neutered". No con drain, but gained Fly By attack. I keep it commanded with Command Undead, and it is basically 1d6 damage and something to stand in front of me. The Druids animal companion is a big fan. ;)

1st: All
2nd: Cure, Inflict, Feast of Ashes, Pox Pustules, Command Undead, Vomit Swarm.
3rd: Contagion, Fly, Heroism, Lightning Bolt, and Ray of Exhaustion.

Blueluck wrote:

1) Have this same conversation with your GM. If you already have, please tell us what the GM said so that we can get a better feel for your situation.

2) Summon Monster! Almost everything you can summon has darkvision 60', including all fiendish and celestial critters.

Unfortunately Deeper Darkness blocks Darkvision as well. I've talked to my GM, and the result of that conversation was basically I could swap to another character if I wanted to, but he isn't likely to alter the campaign or stop using the Deeper Darkness abilities any time soon.

I personally prefer not to switch characters. I feel it disrupts the flow of the campaign, and I've some story items and recently started construction on a Tower to call home.

Mojorat wrote:

what level is your group? your Druid can drop daylight spells. you could also use heighten and use light or flaming sphere.

the witch is a fun class though it's unfortunate it is working poorly in the campaign environment.

The campaign is 6th, almost 7th level.

The Dark (Creeper, stalker, slayer)s all get Deeper Darkness at-will. Which means simply getting access to the appropriate counter isn't sufficient. I'd thought I'd wait out that section of the campaign, but it appears that they will be present through out.

Oh, my character has about 10,000gp in available wealth, and about 12,000gp in equipment.

Having some minor issues as a PC in a campaign and thought I'd seek some advice from the boards. I'm in a 6th, almost 7th level campaign playing a Human Witch.

The campaign significantly features Dark Creepers, Dark Stalkers, and now the new Dark Slayer (I think) from the Bestiary II.

I'm starting to become a bit frustrated with the witch class in this campaign. The last few sessions, between passed saves (luck can't be helped), immunities, and deeper darkness, I've been fairly useless. This previous session I actually spent a majority of the time in a portable hole trying to be less of a liability.

I've been using Heroism and Lightning Bolt both 1/day, with my third 3rd level spell being Fly. I have the Fortune hex, but combats in the last couple sessions have been fairly mobile or spread out. So its hard to keep it up on my allies, and on top of that, after one combat I've fortuned everyone the one time limit.

From my understanding, deeper darkness blocks line of sight, which means no targeting spells (or hexes) into it. The groups Druid and Inquisitor have been using Scent effectively, and the Arcane Trickster still does decent melee damage and sneak attacks when he is able.

My other hexes are Sleep, Misfortune, Cauldron (Which I regret taking), Fortune, and Cackle.

TL;DR: Witch with deeper darkness problems, suggestions?

Cosmo wrote:
Grae wrote:


I'd like to request the order #1280912 be cancelled. When I placed the order I didn't realize that the extra coin sets were pre-order items, and that the starter boxes of coins would not be shipped until the pre-order coins arrived.

I'd like to place seperate orders so that I can receive the boxes while waiting for the additional coins.

I didn't see a button to do this on the My Order History page, if there is one, I apologize for the post.


You don't have a button to do this on an existing order, but I do. :)

I have changed the order to ship separately, and sent you a new confirmation email which should reflect the changes. If you would still like to cancel the order, please let me know.


No, thats perfect.

Thanks for the help!



I'd like to request the order #1280912 be cancelled. When I placed the order I didn't realize that the extra coin sets were pre-order items, and that the starter boxes of coins would not be shipped until the pre-order coins arrived.

I'd like to place seperate orders so that I can receive the boxes while waiting for the additional coins.

I didn't see a button to do this on the My Order History page, if there is one, I apologize for the post.
