Female Human
Do all characters get the Simple Weapons Proficiency feat free? Grace is equipped and the character is generated. I'll work on getting the details into the profile. Something to think about: Since Grace came out lucky on the wealth roll but did not need to spend much to get her basic armor and weapons, think about the Wealth DC for a powered skateboard, if such exist. At the most basic level, it runs on a battery and can move her faster than she could run. An additional feature would be wheels that can sense the shape of the ground ahead (using some kind of ultrasound sonar) and telescoping segments on the wheels adjust to make the ride smooth even across bumpy ground that usually would not allow a skateboard. (See Snow Crash, YT's board). The other item she might want to get if available would be to make her katana have some magic bonuses. Another item on her wish list would be a magic enhancement to her armor. If the rules for that exist, I'll work it out, if allowed.
Female Human
These are the rolls for wealth and 2nd level hit points for Kat.
hp, Con: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 Profession: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 DC 10 Wealth Bonus: 10 (1st level) + 2 (2nd level increase) = 12 I suggest house rule addition for the profession check to increase wealth level at level up (page 70 core rules). Since the house rule allows you to spend just 1 skill point to get a +4 bonus to the profession from the class skill +3 bonus, the first line of the table for Wealth bonus increase based on Ranks in the profession should be changed to 1-2. Then reduce the numbers in the rest of the lines by 3 to account for the need for fewer ranks at first level. Looking at the equipment lists, some items should have their purchase DC reduced to account for technology advances for things like cell phones, cameras, video cameras, computers, and such. Include something for an iPad or tablet which are relatively cheap and can function as a simple computer.
Female Human
I just noticed that decipher script is included in linguistics so ignore that suggestion above. Regarding languages
The house rules say a language taken based on INT bonus gets you read/write for that language. This implies you cannot speak the language. Was that intentional or does knowing a language always grant read, write, and speak skills? Most people who learn a language learn to speak it as well as how to read/write it.
Female Human
Suggestion for skills: Combine Ride with Handle Animals.
Since linguistics now covers the language skills, does every class include linguistics as a class skill, since every class has read/write/speak language as a class skill? Or maybe just the Smart, Dedicated, and Charismatic classes get linguistics as a class skill, since they are more focused on such things?
Female Human
I'm focusing today on creating characters. Forgive me if these questions have been answered above, but I want to confirm a few last details of how the gestalt rules work. Hit die is the best of the classes? So the hit die of a Strong + Tough hero would be d10? Skill ranks per level: Is it the best of the classes or the sum of the classes? I'm working on a spreadsheet that provides a quick way to keep track of skills. I'm making some assumptions about what the class skills are based on the hybrid skills we are using. I'll share it when it's ready. I'll probably have more questions, which I'll post as they occur to me.
Female Human
I have a few questions about the gestalt rules. Can we pick two occupations at once? Do we get the skill points for both classes added together? Are we using class skills with a +3 bonus when you spend at least 1 rank on the skill? If so, will the starting skills at first level be the same as the skill points per level after first? Also some of the combined skills have different associated abilities, like tumbling (Dex) and jump (Str). Be sure to go through the list and tell us the ability that goes with the new hybrid classes. I also made a suggestion about the Simple weapon proficiency feat that every class gives as a bonus feat. I'd suggest changing this by giving everyone the simple weapons feat but letting everyone pick an additional weapon proficiency at 1st level. I presume we will be fighting a lot, so let us have some choices without having to wait for higher level feats. I'm not going to have a ready character for at least a week, as I will be traveling for the next week with little time to work on a character.
Female Human
I also notice that all the base classes provide the simple weapon proficiency, so why not just say everyone can use simple weapons and offer something more useful as the additional feat, maybe a choice of one of the range weapon proficiencies, archaic weapon proficiency, or an exotic weapon proficiency.
Female Human
I'm hoping we can make some changes to d20 Modern's skill list. It's basically the D&D 3.5 skills with a skills added for things like technology. It also uses the complicated system of skill points giving half ranks for non-class skills. Pathfinder has combined a number of skills to shorten the list and group similar skills into a single skill, such as balance and tumbling into acrobatics, hide and move silently into stealth, and listen, spot, and search into perception. Gather Information was lumped in with diplomacy. Most research was just a knowledge check with a bonus if one were able to use a resource like a good library or internet searches. Concentration did not have a skill and mostly applied to spell casters whose concentration bonus was based on level and an ability modfier. Languages cost one skill point and includes reading, writing, and speaking. Pathfinder also eliminated the half rank for non-class skills and instead cut down the first level skill points to the same number as for post-first-level points but then gave an automatic +3 in any class skill that has at least 1 rank. They also give characters one additional language at character creation for each Intelligence modifier point. If you don't want to convert along these lines, then I recommend everyone get skill points from both gestalt levels so we have more points to spend at first level. Let us know when you can what you think of this, so we don't have to completely re-calculate skill point allocation. I might also suggest we get to choose two occupations in the spirit of the gestalt process for making characters more formidable at low levels.
Female Human
Router has been replaced and I'm back to posting from my computer. I worked on a first level version for Kat. Will add a second level soon. I'll probably choose the Brazilian Native, wealthy option. She has so far pretended to do all the things her parents expect of her, but secretly she has been training at Capoeira and planning on getting involved helping the down and out. I'll probably choose the athlete occupation, which would represent training in the skills selected while participating in college athletics. Once we get past the first three levels, I'll probably start adding the Acolyte or Mystic class levels (from Urban Arcana). That said, I may also create a different character along the lines of a PC I've tried to run in a number of similar campaigns which all died early. If we need a solid fighter type, I'll run Kat, but in case we have lots of muscle, I can make this other character a bit more heavy on skills.
Female Human
DM Dickie wrote:
This sounds a lot like one of my favorite SF books: Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson. Then with monsters and magic added in.
Female Human
I'll probably recreate Grace as a starting point, modified for the new context. Since I had her using Capoeira, which is a martial arts style that originated in Brazil, that could be her hook as to why she would be in Brazil. I like the genre in general and so I look forward to that. Is the time frame similar to present day as far as tech goes or is this more of a futuristic cyberpunk type situation? I played a gestalt character a good while ago, but it did not last long. Just so I understand, we are starting a 2nd level character and for each level, we take two classes, combining them as described in the first post. So that would be like a strong combined with a Fast for level 1 and a charismatic combined with a Tough for level 2 or a second level of strong and fast for level 2.
Female Human
Quick reminder: d20 Modern provdes characters with action points, which basically can be spent to add 1d6 to any d20 roll provided the point is spent before learning the outcome of the attack. Mick might want to spend one to improve that low grapple check. Did the attack that hit do 7 points of damage to Kat? Can you please update the map to show current creatures active and locations? Thanks. I'm assuming Kat will be making an opposed grapple check. She has a feat (Wild Tallent: 0th level psionic spell Valor) which allows her to add a +1 to a saving throw as an immediate action. Let me know if she can use to aid her grapple roll, even though that is technically not a saving throw. Grapple roll (BAB + STR): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 If not grappled, Kat will attack this monster with her sword. If grappled and if that means she cannot use her sword, she will make an unarmed attack instead if allowed. Assuming she is not grappled and can attack with he sword. +2 Keen Thundering Katana: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
If she is grappled and can only make an unarmed attack: Unarmed strike: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Female Human
Kat grits her teeth and concentrates on the next one to come at her, dodging and striking with her katana. She's gaining confidence but still shaken by the alien nature of the creatures. As her katana cuts into the beastie, there is a sound like distant thunder that also seems to cause damage. +2 Keen Thundering Katana, shaken: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 9 - 2 = 23
Female Human
Kat thought her experience in fight clubs and her training by Mestra May had prepared her well for real combat, but these creatures inspired fear the likes of which she has never experienced. Still she advanced, taking the fight to the bugs. Attacking orange. +2 Keen Thundering Katana, shaken: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 9 - 2 = 8
She doesn't start well, her fear overwhelming her training and her katana cuts nothing but air.
Female Human
"Shango walk with me!" Kat exclaims as the big bugs approach. Kat would immediately close with the nearest one and attack. Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 I'll wait to learn the effect of a failed will save. Also let me know if she would get off an attack before whatever triggered the will save.
Female Human
If the computer hack is a no-go, she suggests we find the loading dock and see if any truckers are there filling up for another dump or returning from one. Can someone tell me if we dealt with the monster in the sewers near Lou's place? If not, we could head back there with proper equipment and try again.
Female Human
This campaign seems to be dying a slow death. It's been well over a week without a post and seven months since we arrived at the HQ building, with nothing much to show for all that time except a lot of perplexing clues with nothing resembling a hook as to where to go next. I like the campaign, the other PCs, my PC, but things have definitely bogged down. I hope there is life in the campaign yet, but I'd like to see some signs soon.
Female Human
Kat seems disappointed when their are no monsters to attack. "Let's see if we can hack into this place's computer network and see if we can find more information on what's happened here. Some of the employees have to have recorded information on the events that transformed this place so drastically."
Female Human
GM Qstor wrote:
Does this mean there is no obvious way to climb up the elevator shaft? Usually there's at least a cable running up and down the shaft. In the meantime I suggest we explore the rest of the rooms on this level. Are we on the 29th floor?
Female Human
I think Kat has the best climb skill, so if we can assume we can force open the elevator door, she'll try to climb up to the next level. Kat asks if anyone has any rope that can be tied to her as an emergency measure should she lose her grip on the elevator cable. She'd also like to borrow any tool kit that might help her force open the doors at the next floor up. She positions her flash light in her backpack so it shines generally up to help her see what she is climbing and any tentacles that may be lurking in the shaft. Climb: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Climb: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 If the level increase is allowed to be current, Kat's climb skill would be +7 instead of +6.
Female Human
This is the profession roll to see if wealth level increases.
DC 8
Results: If the character succeeds at the Profession check, his or her Wealth bonus increases by +1. For every 5 by which the character exceeds the DC, his or her Wealth bonus increases by an additional +1. She also gets the automatic bonus based on current number of ranks in profession, 2. So Kat's wealth goes up to 12. She won a few more fight club fights. Of course, she doesn't talk about it. Summary
Her unarmed attack damage is now 1d6 + 3 and it can be lethal or non-lethal. Let us know when these new values kick in. I'll then update the profile.
Female Human
Thanks. Since we have no clues as to which room might be advantageous to search first/next, I'd suggest the GM assume we explore rooms as we come to them, rolling random if it matters which room to enter first. No one seems to be taking the lead and making decisions on which way to go. Kat is backing up the lead individuals, so she would just follow whichever way they go. If any of the leaders has an objection to this, then I suggest they post their preference promptly. If no posts indicates a preference, then just take the rooms as they come, with a random roll as needed.
Female Human
If we're going to be climbing up an elevator cable Insert great Jack Burton Quote here. I'll need to resolve one skill bonus that was left undetermined at character creation. We decided to combine the two skills of Jump and Tumble into Acrobatics. RAW, Jump is based on Str while Tumble is based on Dex. Kat has a 16 strength but a 14 dexterity. What would Acrobatics be based on?
Female Human
On to the next level. As this is an office building, is there a stairway that connects to the warren of strange tunnels? We're going to push on until we find nothing more or have to fight something. But I second the motion to take care of RL and family first. I am enjoying this game and am looking forward to unraveling the mystery of these events.