
Gothalo's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 14 posts (612 including aliases). 6 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 15 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

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A brillant dungeoning scenario


I have mastered this scenario on lower subtier. It's fun. Players have troubles because none of them speaks ancient osirion. I have given some clue to my players when the VC farewelled in that language. They pass a linguistic check but they don't catch my subtle message.

Be aware this scenario has an encounter potentially deadly. Players' bad decisions combined to fail on save-or-die effects could have bad consequences. This is specially true if you are playing at higher subtier.

In general, my players have enjoyed it. They had everything, a role-playing encounter, puzzles and hard combats. I usually don't like pure dungeoning scenarios, but I like run this one.

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An unusual scenario


Lasts seasons we have seen scenarios where the role-playing has increased in importance, giving the opportunity to social-oriented characters to shine. This scenario has pulled that idea to the limit.

I've played it in low tier and we failure in our mission due our bad decissions, increased when one of us decide to attack a npc who has important information for us, but who is hard to convince. We need several encounters to make him friendly.

This scenario needs lots of diplomacy. Your diplomatic character will be the hero of the day, the one who takes you to the glory. On the other hand, we only have an easy combat. There are another one at the end of the story, but we don't arrive to that point, so I can't valorate its dificulty

If you love enter the dungeon, kill the monster and loot the booty, please avoid this scenario. That's something you won't find here

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More fun at table than preparing


I GM'ed this scenario last weekend in higher tier. I have to recognize than I don't like this scenario when I was preparing it. I really don't find something that makes me love it. On that time, I was thinking it would be an scenario that I just GM once and then I left apart.

Until I put it on the table. NPC become to live, the riddle get sense and every single piece fits making a very solid story with very funny characters.

My players were a Zen Archer, a Draconic Sorcerer and a Bard, whit Seelah as reinforcement. They solved the diplomatic encounters with no problem. Combat encounters were not real challenge for them, although there are an encounter that can be a possible TPK on lower tier.

Overal, this is a enjoyable ecenario, whith an iteresting plot. Players enjoyed it and their comments after the game was that they has play something different.

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Great oportunity to Role Play


I have gm'ed this escenario in lower tier. My players have plenty of oportunities to role playin his characters. This scenario makes shine characters with good social skills. Also more combat oriented ones have their opportunity to shine.

This scenario puts characters trying to clarify a espionage case. The escenario offers two clues to folow than directs players to two different encounters, that give players the opportunity to choose wich act they want to play. If they fail one of them, they have the other to continue this scenario.

On the weak side, a full combat oriented party can fail to follow clues can fail trying to follow that clues, but the scenario offers some ideas to GM's about how keep the history on.

In my opinion it's a great scenario to introduce new players to the world of pathfinder society and the amazing city of Absalom

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good scenario of dungeoning.


although I prefer first part to this one, it provides a great session full of fun. Only 3 acts, but it works fine for me. Firs part allow the players to role-play his characters while they meet again old contacts who appeared in Part I. For the other acts, which I GM'ed at subtier 3-4, combats has been dangerous for my players, hard enough to forced them to use its potions of curation.

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Great Role-playing scenario.


I've GM this scenario and I can only said that is one of my favorites. Role playing it's a must to successfully pass it. My party were formed by 3 paladins and 1 witch and the final encounter was too easy for them.

On the bad side, players who love combat-oriented scenarios should avoid to play it. I had one player who were asking to roll for initiative every five minutes, showing with his attitude that he was getting boring of talk too much with no fighting. Rest of players enjoy the experience, even those who didn't have a social oriented character.