
Gorthog's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 30 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


Name: Veil
Race/Class/Level: Dhampir Slayer 4
Adventure: Wrath of Thrune
Catalyst: Investigating a Scratching Noise Coming from Beneath the Floor

As I mentioned in last week's obituary, the adventurers had quite the messy situation at the docks. Stunningly, Veil and Brian Constantine successfully bluffed Oppian and the other knights and squires into believing that they had done nothing wrong. Icas, Garrett, and Saeros all decided to hide in the woods. (Their players all were unable to play tonight.) Meanwhile, Lilith returned to The Little Uskwood, where her attempt to bluff Oppian failed miserably. When they searched her and found her holy symbol of Asmodeus and the sash that Archbaron Fex had previously given her, they realized that she was a spy, placed her under arrest, and transported her to Hardship's Hearth. After she unwisely gave a confession that did not implicate any of her companions, she was sentenced to die by beheading in a private execution in three days' time.

Meanwhile, Veil and Brian Constantine, a/k/a Neggs, stayed at The Little Uskwood, where they met Vincent (a mesmerist who is both the brother and replacement of poor, unfortunate Stephen, who fell in the water and drowned during the fight at the docks). While none of the adventurers are aware of Stephen's death, Neggs and Veil allowed Vincent to join them. Having no healing left, Veil had to rely on his Bandages of Rapid Recovery to heal over a period of two days.

On the second night, Veil, Vincent, and Neggs heard a scratching noise under the floor of the inn. They found the concealed entrance to the basement and descended via the ladder. Veil, who was the only one of the three with darkvision, tried to sneak ahead. However, he accidentally bumped one of his swords against a wall, and a vicious fight broke out between him and Loredana's undead shredskin father (Masimo).

Already weaker than usual, Veil was easily grappled and then pinned (engulfed) by Masimo. By the time Masimo was defeated, Veil was down to -11 hit points. At -13, he would be dead. Three heal checks and two stabilize checks all failed, and so he succumbed to his numerous injuries.

Veil's player is not distressed at all. He loves trying out different characters and is already considering two options for our next session. I anticipate that Veil's replacement and the other five will try to break Lilith out of Hardship's Hearth shortly before her scheduled execution and that Neggs/Brian Constantine will thereafter spy for them in order that they can then utilize guerilla tactics to hit soft targets in Kantaria with lightning speed and then flee to the relative safety of the wilderness outside town.

This has been a surprisingly deadly AP so far, though at least there haven't been any TPKs. Hopefully, though, things will settle down soon!

I vote for Galt, too.

Name: Stephen (pronounced "Steffen")
Class/Level: Mesmerist 3
Adventure: Wrath of Thrune
Catalyst: The Draw of the Watery Depths!

The band of seven supporters of both House Thrune and Archbaron Fex traveled to Kantaria and began the process of trying to cause trouble there. Unfortunately, Icas (a cleric of Asmodeus) and Lilith (an inquisitor of Asmodeus) met privately with Jonas Reikman in his office and tried unsuccessfully to sway him to their cause. Then, just as they all were exiting the office, Veil (a slayer) attempted to shove one of the guardsmen off the dock into the water. Pandemonium broke out. Since it was high noon, there were numerous guards and dockworkers nearby. The adventurers were winning the battle, but more and more guards came in response to the cries for help that were coming from the docks.

In all the confusion, no one noticed that Stephen had been knocked off one of the docks and into the water. Having a -6 on his Swim checks, he quickly sank. Through an unbelievable series of bad rolls, Stephen never surfaced again, drowning in the Sedna River. With all of the guards, dockworkers, and Jonas dead and the other town guards on the other side of a closed portcullis, four of the adventurers, Icas, Lilith, Garrett (a dwarven warrior), and Saeros (an elven ninja) have decided to try to flee north and east along the coast, while Veil (who started the whole mess and currently has 2 hp) is trying to pose as a follower of Iomedae who was hurt in the attack. Neggs, the party vigilante, has changed to his social identity (Brian Constantine) and is hoping to similarly bluff his way out of the mess.

I think this "sandbox" chapter has just left the sandbox and maybe even the whole park. Next session will be very interesting, to say the least!

That was a problem for my group, too, and really was the cause of Dareon's death. That fight came close to being a TPK for my group, too. It did not help that they were only 2nd level, but that's because there are so many of them.

I hope your players will want to continue with some new PCs and that they'll have better luck hereafter.

What a gory ending! It's not easy (for orcs), being green...

I guess Allamar never learned to turn the other cheek and instead subscribes to the "eye for an eye" view.

Does anyone else out there have a HV obituary?

*having stabilized and allowing the natural healing process to take place, Gorthog staggers to his feet*

"Me BA-ACK! And me WIN!"

*does a strange, painful, lurching maneuver that very slightly resembles a victory dance*

*clambers onto the bear's back, wildly waving a bent dogslicer about*

"Yes! CHARGE!!!"

*crawls out of charred nether portions of message board troll, completely unaware of his filthy state*

"Me wins!!!"

However, Gorthog and his tribe do not notice the enormous red dragon swooping down toward them...

Gorthog claims this thread for the Lickspittle tribe!

*A tremendous bonfire is built in honor of this momentous occasion, and all the written words in this thread are immolated!*

*peeps out over a grassy knoll and then chucks a flaming brand where the Anonymous Warrior just was*

Down with the longshanks!!!

The little goblin in the sweet costume wins! Huzzah!

It dawned on me late last night that there was another death in our Hell's Vengeance game, albeit a couple of months ago. It was...

Name: Dareon
Race/Class/Level: Dhampir Sorcerer 2
Adventure: The Hellfire Compact
Catalyst: Caught in the Crossfire!

The band of Fex's thugs (then numbering six) and Cimri learned of the rebel hideout at Fort Estazamo and went to investigate. Going through the front gate, they sprang the trap that had been laid for them. It got bad very fast. Caught in the crossfire between Jexxi Six Splinters (the halfling archer) and Nalingca the manticore, the parties' two healers (Icas the cleric and Lilith the inquisitor) were almost instantly injured to the point of unconsciousness. Icas very nearly died. The rest of the group attempted to regroup, but Nalingca's tail spikes were almost too much for them. Dareon fell to a volley of spikes and everyone else was too busy trying to stay alive and eliminate the attackers. Failing to stabilize, he bled out three rounds later.

The rest of the band barely survived, defeating their halfling attacker and forcing the manticore to flee. (They had Nalingca down to 0 hit points but could not finish her off as she flew away.)

Dareon was not restored to life. Instead, his player has opted to play a mesmerist, which has worked out nicely.

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It hardly seems possible that there would be no obituary thread for this AP yet. I am sure that many have died in the battle against the Glorious Reclamation by now. They deserve to be recognized for the great sacrifice that they have made! Therefore, I hereby dedicate this thread to the memory of those who have died in the service of House Thrune!

Let us all remember with wails, gnashing of teeth, and rending of garments the first such victim...

Name: Grimgrinn
Race/Class/Level: Elf Magus 3
Adventure: The Hellfire Compact
Catalyst: A Witch with One Mean Staff!

A septet of villains in the service of Archbaron Fex attempted to take the rebel hideout, the Crown of Spears, by storm. Grimgrinn led the band's advance through the treetop fort, becoming separated from his comrades when he leaped across a gap between platforms. He found himself in a fight with Rhysak and a guard. After he dropped the guard with a powerful Shocking Grasp through his blade, he stepped toward Rhysak, the leer on his face matching the sneering skull tattooed on his face. In terror, Rhysak cast a Hold Person spell on Grimgrinn, who unsuccessfully fought twice to overcome the power of the spell. Knowing that Grimgrinn would soon break free of the magical paralysis that bound him, Rhysak desperately attempted a coup de grace with his quarterstaff. He managed to deal only five points of damage; however, it was just enough. His windpipe crushed, Grimgrinn's life fled from his body.

His comrades avenged his death by putting everyone in the fort to the sword. Grimgrinn has returned to the land of the living, this time as a human, but still with a skull tattoo on his face. The group is now en route to Kantaria. One wonders, though, how that tattoo will impact his ability to be effective in Kantaria...

Ah, Manifold Stare? Had I known about the existence of that feat, that would have helped to answer my question in the first place. Thank you, too.

That was my reasoning, too. Thank you very much!

I hope you all can help me resolve a minor dispute I am having with one of my players. Based upon my reading of the description of the mesmerist ability, Painful Stare, it appears to me that the mesmerist can use that ability to add damage to a single attack on the target per round. Meanwhile, the player thinks it can be added to every attack on the target each round. According to him, if 10 people hit the target in the same round, he can add damage to all 10 attacks. What do you think?


Good plan. Thank you!


I am volunteering to GM, but Paizo's badge still hasn't hit my account, according to the Gen Con rep with whom I just spoke. He told me I shouldn't seek a refund for the badge I bought until the other badge shows up on my account. Looking back in this thread, I see that other people got their badges several weeks ago. Are any of you still waiting for Paizo's badge to appear on your Gen Con account?



Thank you, too, Tonya. I was wondering whether I should go ahead and pay for the badge tonight.

Name of PC: Wolim
Class/Level: Fighter 10
Adventure: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Catalyst: Grappling Dire Bears and Hard-Hitting Stone Giants

Name of PC: Correlia C'Tar
Class/Level: Sorceror 10
Adventure: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Catalyst: Grappling Dire Bears and Hard-Hitting Stone Giants

The four heroes, Wolim, Correlia, Elsa Jane (the rogue), and Landon (the cleric) were awakened at dawn by the sound of rocks slamming into Sandpoint's gates and screams from the town's terrified citizens.

They reached the site of the first giant attack and dispatched all three giants, although they took a couple rounds longer doing it than they should have. When they arrived at the site of the second giant incursion, they were somewhat disadvantaged because the giants and dire bears had already made it across the bridge into town. Wolim rushed to attack one bear, which promptly grappled him. Meanwhile, the others were too slow to act, and so the other dire bears engaged them, effectively splitting the party. A bear grappled Correlia, as well. Wolim and Correlia were both slain through the concerted efforts of the grappling bear and one of the stone giants. Elsa Jane also was knocked unconscious, leaving only Landon standing. Recognizing that he could not survive a combat with two giants and a dire bear, he fled the town, watching as half of it went up in flames.

After things had finally settled down, he reentered the town only to find that the stone giants had carried off Elsa. It remains to be seen whether he will raise Wolim and Correlia from the dead or instead rely on a new group of heroes to help rescue Elsa from the giants.

It really is weird. My other group had no trouble at all with this fight (or with the entire defense of Sandpoint, for that matter), but it was just an utter mess this time! You never know...

Thanks, Jahvul! Yeah, I have two different groups playing this adventure path now, one in chapter 3 and the other in chapter 5, and it's been a lot of fun...especially seeing just how differently it has gone for each group.

In the future, though, I will run two different APs at the same time. I need to make some headway on the pile of APs that I own but haven't run yet!

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Name: Keiko Komatsu
Class/Level: Ninja 13

Name: Nobatu Kaijitsu
Class/Level: Fighter 13

Adventure: Sins of the Saviors
Catalyst: One Very Deadly Ancient White Dragon...Oh, Wait! Aren't They ALL Deadly?!

So, the heroes, Keiko the ninja, Nobatu the fighter, Alika the cleric, and Jake the wizard, had managed to defeat the Scribbler (although, as you may recall from an earlier entry in this thread, Jake was slain and had to be raised) and pieced together the clues that were hidden in his poetic couplets. Notwithstanding that, though, they still decided to explore in the cave in the mountainside BEFORE figuring how to obtain the keys that would allow them to enter Runeforge. Alika and Nobatu slid down the hallway and only some well-timed castings of Feather Fall saved them. Jake and Keiko did not fall but were able to use magic to join the other two in the cavern at the bottom.

An invisible Arkhryst was waiting for them, and the group all failed their Perception checks. He nailed the whole group with his breath weapon, and the adventurers desperately fought back, although overcoming the buffed ancient dragon's AC and SR proved to be challenging. The dragon chomped the ninja with a Power Attack-enhanced, critical-hit bite and then smashed her to paste with his claws; she wound up at -79 hp! Not long after that, Nobatu also fell victim to one of Arkhryst's full-attacks, ending up at -39 hp, even though this one did not involve a crit.

In the meantime, Alika and Jake were gradually wearing down the dragon. A successful Disintegrate sure improved the heroes' prospects. Things looked very grim, though, when another use of the breath weapon sent Alika down to -4 hp, leaving Jake as the last man standing. Arkhryst, protecting his treasure hoard and sensing that he still had the advantage, decided not to flee. Jake's last Lightning Bolt brought the dragon down to 12 hp, but the dragon then managed another bite-crit like the one that killed Keiko. The dragon's 2d6-hp-per-round cold aura then brought Jake down to 2 hp. The wizard, who was low on attack spells, successfully cast defensively a lowly Magic Missile spell and overcame the dragon's spell resistance, dropping it to -5 hp; he then used his move action to get out of range of the cold aura just in the nick of time and used a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds to revive Alika.

The players, who have become very attached to their PCs, breathed a collective sigh of relief and agreed that it was one of the closest fights they had ever experienced. I had to concur with them! Talk about a narrow escape!

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Name: Correlia C'tar
Class/Level: Sorceror 8
Adventure: Hook Mountain Massacre
Catalyst: Confusion

The group was having a surprisingly easy time clearing Fort Rannick, although Vale was killed by the ogres and Lucretia and Kaven escaped at another point. (Of course, they will cause trouble later up on Hook Mountain...) The cakewalk ended once the adventurers began exploring the upper level. Jaagrath nearly finished off the rogue, knocking her down to 2 hit points and then missing her only because he was using Power Attack. Happily for her, Jaagrath never got another chance to attack.

The group's luck took a turn for the worse when they entered Dorella and Hookmaw's room. The ogres had heard the adventurers and Dorella had made them both invisible. They then attacked with surprise, with Dorella hitting the entire party with Confusion. It was bad: Jakardros, Kibb, the rogue, the fighter, and even the cleric all failed their Will saves. Only Correlia and Shalelu made their saves! Correlia made some progress in weakening Hookmaw and Dorella, but Dorella then softened him up with a Lightning Bolt. Regrettably, the fighter then rolled the attack nearest person option, and his full attack knocked Correlia all the way to -12. Correlia failed to stabilize and died soon after.

It was a terribly close fight. At one point, everyone was unconscious or dead except the rogue (who was ineffective since she was confused and Dorella was backed into the corner) and Shalelu, who was in bad shape herself. Thankfully, Shalelu used her Wand of Cure Light Wounds to get the fighter and the cleric back up. The cleric used his last channel to get Jakardros and Kibb back up, and that spelled the end for Dorella. (Hookmaw had fallen earlier.)

The party had Correlia reincarnated as a human. He had been a half-elf. The player was hoping for a different race, and so I won't be surprised if the player is very reckless at our next session...

Name: Jake
Class/Level: Wizard 13
Adventure: Sins of the Saviors
Catalyst: Bad Saving Throw Rolls

The adventurers were exploring the Shrine of Lamashtu beneath Sandpoint and had defeated Yerrin-Ku after a hard-fought battle. The Scribbler had gathered some information from the heroes but still was hoping to learn more, and so he did not attack during that fight.

A little while later, though, the band discovered the hounds of Lamashtu. One of the hounds won initiative and bayed. Almost unbelievably, the fighter, ninja, wizard, and wizard's cat familiar (Andrew) all failed their saving throws, leaving just the cleric in control of herself. She only managed to catch the fighter with Calm Emotions, while the other three fled blindly through the shrine. None of them fled from the shrine itself, and the Scribbler seized the opportunity to send the two babau demons that he had summoned to attack the ninja, while he and a hound followed Jake and his familiar. They were cowering at the end of a hallway with no other apparent exits. It took virtually no time for the hound and the Scribbler to shred Jake and Andrew.

Happily, Jake has since been raised and has summoned a new cat familiar, Andrew, Jr.

Name of Character: Jake
Class/Level: Wizard 11
Adventure: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Catalyst: Trying to Use Veil Against Someone Who Is Immune to Illusions

Jake had just learned two new spells, one of which was Veil. Knowing that he and his friends would be trying to pass through an army of giants in order to infiltrate Jorgenfist, he hit upon what seemed to be a fine plan. Why not use Veil to give himself and his friends the appearance of stone giants? Then, he could use his knowledge of the Giant tongue to gain access to the giants' fortress. Regrettably, Cinderma the taiga giant was immune to illusions and had heard from other stone giants that the heroes were approaching. She successfully bluffed the heroes into taking off their armor in order to receive the "Mark of Mokmurian" (a Sihedron brand) on their backs. She and the two hill giant runeslaves then attacked with surprise. Really, it is a minor miracle that Jake was the only one of the adventurers to fall!

The heroes have now beaten a hasty retreat while they try to regroup and plan their next attempt to enter Jorgenfist.

Name of Character: Alika
Class/Level: Cleric 8
Adventure: Hook Mountain Massacre
Catalyst: Shield Other, Confusion, and Sneak Attacks!

Alika and her friends got into quite a battle with Dorella and Hookmaw. They handled Hookmaw with relative ease, and Alika momentarily took Dorella out of the fight by casting Silence on the area where she was standing (without casting it directly on her). She managed to flee out of the room and gain the assistance of the two ogres in the room to the south. (Luckily for the group, they had already dispatched Jaagrath, or it would have been a real mess!)

As it was, Dorella managed to cast Confusion on the whole group and Jakardros, with four of them failing their saves. Alika had cast Shield Other on Keiko, the party's ninja, earlier. That had been helpful, but now it sealed Alika's fate. She was eating half of all damage taken by Keiko while also bearing the brunt of a flurry of Keiko's sneak attacks. The result? One dead cleric.

Name of Character: Nobatu Kaijitsu
Class/Level: Fighter 9
Adventure: Hook Mountain Massacre
Catalyst: Confusion and Sneak Attacks . . . But a Different Victim in a Different Fight!

Alika having been raised from the dead, she, Nobatu, and the others finished retaking Fort Rannick. Everything looked good, except it just wouldn't quit raining. Upon their return to Turtleback Ferry, they saw that the town was flooded. After saving a group of schoolchildren and their teacher, the heroes were then confronted by the terrifying sight of Black Magga rearing up and preparing to smash the Church of Erastil.

The heroes leaped to the attack but unfortunately fell victim to the Confusion that Black Magga caused. Poor Nobatu found himself caught directly between Black Magga and a confused Keiko, who eviscerated him with three consecutive sneak attacks. Sadly enough, that was enough to kill him outright. Fortunately, the rest of the group survived long enough to drive away Black Magga and save Turtleback Ferry.

Name of Character: Nobatu Kaijitsu
Class/Level: Fighter 9
Adventure: Hook Mountain Massacre
Catalyst: The Mother of All Grapples!

After Nobatu's unfortunate demise, Alika used her newly-gained Raise Dead spell and a mighty shiny diamond to bring him back to the land of the living. The adventurers' joy at being reunited on the Prime Material Plane was short-lived, though.

While exploring Skull's Crossing, Nobatu fell prey to the skull ripper's grapple and never managed to escape. The construct peeled him right out of his armor like spam from a tin. Nasty!

Happily, Nobatu is back for yet more, and the heroes are ready to attack the Kreeg stronghold on Hook Mountain. We'll hope that we don't end up with a three-fer for the Nobatu death toll!

Name of PC: Athena (Female Human)
Class/Level: Wizard 3

Name of PC: Jacob (Male Half-Elf)
Class/Level: Paladin 3

Name of PC: Nancy (Female Human)
Class/Level: Rogue 3

Adventure: Burnt Offerings

Catalyst: Splitting the Party (Involuntarily AND Voluntarily)

Story: This was the near-TPK that I mentioned in my last post.

Having handled the top level of Thistletop with surprising ease, Athena, Jacob, Nancy, and Jack (a male human witch) began exploring the second level, first heading east and then north, where they dispatched the tentamort (with some difficulty).

They soon opened the doors to the temple of Lamashtu, which prompted the two yeth hounds within to race through the air toward the heroes while baying loudly. Of the PCs, only Jack failed his saving throw and began fleeing. However, his cat familiar (Aldwyn) and Athena's cat familiar (Yeardley) both fled, too. Now came the critical mistake. Rather than help Jacob and Nancy battle the yeth hounds, Athena tried to catch her cat, chasing it as it ran farther and farther away from the temple.

With the group being split in two, Jacob and Nancy were outmatched by the yeth hounds. Eventually, Athena gave up on trying to catch her terrified familiar and returned, and Jack rejoined the group even later. By then, though, it was too late. Nancy fell to the floor lifeless, her throat ripped out by one of the yeth hounds. The adventurers then managed to finish off the beasts.

Unfortunately, though, the baying of the hounds and all the rest of the commotion caused by Jack and Athena as they ran through the halls of the dungeon drew the attention of both Orik and Bruthazmus, who then attacked the badly injured party just outside the temple. Jacob was soon slain by Bruthazmus, and Jack was knocked unconscious by Orik (although he stabilized). Poor Athena tried to flee through the temple and out the side door near the altar, then proceeding into the prison cell area with Orik in hot pursuit of her. She might have outrun him, had Bruthazmus not cut her off as she tried to exit the cell block in order to approach the stairs. It wasn't even close. Bruthazmus one-shotted the badly injured wizard.

Bruthazmus gleefully collected Jacob's ears for his precious necklace, before disposing of his remains and those of Nancy and Athena. He and Orik took Jack prisoner, locking him in one of the cells.

Sheriff Hemlock soon began to worry about the band of adventurers and located another group of heroes to determine what had happened to our friends at Thistletop. That new group of brave heroes was able to free Jack; sway Orik into defecting from Nualia's side; and slay Bruthazmus, Nualia, Lyrie, and Malfeshnekor. They also have enjoyed much success (no deaths at all!) since then and now are in the process of seeking to retake Fort Rannick.

Name of PC: Sev (Male Human)
Class/Level: Ranger 3
Adventure: Burnt Offerings
Catalyst: Taking on the Entire First Level of Thistletop at Once

Name of PC: Conor (Male Half-Elf)
Class/Level: Summoner 3
Adventure: Burnt Offerings
Catalyst: Same as Above

Name of PC: El-Javier (Male Human)
Class/Level: Paladin 3
Adventure: Burnt Offerings
Catalyst: Same as Above

Name of PC: Quinlinn (Female Half-Elf)
Class/Level: Cleric 3
Adventure: Burnt Offerings
Catalyst: Same as Above + Splitting the Party

Story: Yes, this was a TPK, and it really was not pretty.

The heroes found Thistletop without too much trouble, but that was the end of the good luck for them. They got into a fight with Gogmurt, but he got away and warned his fellows on the other side of the bridge. Meanwhile, the group fell prey to the trap on the rope bridge, with the result that a couple of them wound up in the water below, although none of them died there.

By the time they finally reached the front doors of the keep, the entire complex was on alert -- particularly the top level. Nearly all of the goblins on that level fell back before the heroes' onslaught, retreating to the throne room. The adventurers were not prepared for such a large grouping of enemies in one place. Unfortunately, several of them entered the throne room in such a fashion that it allowed their enemies to surround them. As if that were not enough, Quinlinn unwisely split up from the party and tried to circle around in order to enter the throne room from a different direction. Chief Ripnugget was waiting for her, though, and she was no match for him. Soon, she fell. With the paladin being the only remaining healer and with the heroes greatly outnumbered, surrounded, and unwilling to retreat (even if they could safely withdraw), there could only be one result: Death. And that is just what happened.

The players have since rolled up a more balanced group and have enjoyed more success.

This is my "adult group." I am running the same AP for my kids, who (ironically enough) had vastly more success with the top level of Thistletop, successfully infiltrating the complex and clearing the entire top level with ease. However, their luck ended one level lower with a near-TPK. I will post about that sometime soon...

Full Name

Dan Masters




Monk 1







Special Abilities

Advice (Inspire Courage +1), Monk AC Bonus, Stunning Fist, Monk Unarmed Strike






Dojos across the continent


Common, Aklo, Tien, Vudrani


Dojo Sensei

Strength 8
Dexterity 13
Constitution 10
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 20
Charisma 10