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![]() Yeah sadly while I just LOVED Gulga Cench last round (he was probably my #1 pick), this wall of text made my eyes cross. I liked his tactics and morale, but it's not a lot of fun to skip over the first half of your entry because you clearly didn't change anything. I was expecting growth too, and for Gulga to become staggeringly awesome. I think you at least managed to maintain your previous awesominicity (no, not a word). Keep it up!! ![]()
![]() Nice. I'm actually kind of excited to see the haunts - that is, if he's referring to the haunt mechanics used in rise of the runelords. Foxglove mansion was my favorite part of that whole thing (then again, I was playing a rogue with a penchant for getting into trouble, and that mansion was all about trouble). If that's the case, I will be so stoked to see it used again in an adventure path or something. Cute the way he moved from Ssythek to Ryth'a too. I liked Ssythek a bunch, though, so sad to see him go... Sadly, I'm making dinner, and really shouldn't be sitting here reading mobs and probably burning the steaks XD Still, nice comeback! ![]()
![]() Yeah, pretty much the whole desc could have been summed up in 2 or 3 lines, which doesn't grab me very much. It's more like, "Oh, that guy. Ok." Also - why was he dubbed The Bleeder? That name seems to imply something so much more interesting about him, that simply isn't mentioned in the rest of the text. Or if it is, my eyes scanned right over it after the lackluster start... ![]()
![]() Zombieneighbours wrote:
This is pretty much what I felt was missing here - I know, logically, that anything taken to an extreme usually ends in disaster, and pacifism is no exception. It was just hard to imagine the disaster until it was pointed out here. My heart wants to believe, but my eyes couldn't see it. ![]()
![]() Seems like a lot of the entries were hamstrung by the wordcount, this one included. Super-strong imagery at the beginning gets my vote anyway, just because I can see him so vividly just tearing into a party of NPCs who'll expect brute strength from someone who looks like that, but might be surprised that he has brains, too. I guess it's hard to balance where to put the words when the contest rules don't really tell you what the judges will want emphasized (seems like a lot of the entries, the judges would have preferred less villain description/backstory and more future plot). But hey, when you're inspired, you're inspired, and I totally want to run swamp plot now :) Makes me think if the PCs thwart his plan to consume his father, he'd be back and vengeful in a mean way later... My score: b-. He's a looker, but a lot is left up to the individual DM to figure out (which is something I love doing, so that might be my bias right there). |