Godzer's page

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Taja the Barbarian wrote:
Godzer wrote:
joecoolives wrote:

If you are climbing with a rope, and a wall to brace against you cant fall. DC of climbing with a rope against a wall, even one that is not knoted is only 5.
Where are those rules stated?

First off, nice nearly 13 year necro...

Secondly, the relevant rules are in the PF1 Core Rulebook and AoNPRD.com: Skills / Climb

Finally, the post you are responding to is not technically correct: There seems to be an assumption of at least a +0 climb skill modifier, which is not actually guaranteed (Armor Check Penalties alone could drop a low level climber without ranks in the actual skill into the negatives). For anyone with an actual non-negative Climb check modifier, falling is technically impossible as you literally can not fail a DC 5 check by 5 or more...

EDIT: I should probably mention that these are the Pathfinder First Edition Climbing rules: The Pathfinder Second Edition Climb Action is very different...

What DC will be climbing rope with wall to brace and knots in PF2? Cuz some people claim it should be DC15

joecoolives wrote:

If you are climbing with a rope, and a wall to brace against you cant fall. DC of climbing with a rope against a wall, even one that is not knoted is only 5.

Where are those rules stated?