
Gobo Fraggle's page

4 posts. Alias of andrew dockery.


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Fight the power!!

Goblin Squad Member

Ahh there we go the snorks...theres a fitting target for the wrath of the fraggles.

Perhaps an alliance should be formed to fight the undersea aggression of the strawheads.

Goblin Squad Member

You are correct Dario and Cartomancer perhaps I spoke to harshly.

I wouldnt want to destabilize the saturday morning region and the raddish trade for my own personal vendetta. I therefore withdraw my threat of war agianst the blue nation.

I have a dream, that one day little blue men and women and little muppet men and women will come together and sing silly song together in peace and harmony.

Goblin Squad Member

There is only room for one 80's childrens show based Chartered Company in the river kingdoms.

That is why I Gobo Fraggle of the Fraggle Rock Community here by declare war upon the tiny blue menaces!