
Goblinthrottler's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Dark Archive

So I recently rolled out a new Cavalier for our groups campaign in the Council of Thieves setting, and quickly encountered a problem. I have a generous DM, who, in his benevolence has granted me a frilled lizard as a mount. I'm using this to my advantage, and climbing onto walls and even the ceiling. The problem I'm encountering is as such; The blood is rushing to my head and causing me to have to make fort saves every round to avoid being sickened.

"I started the fort saves after 1 round at 10 and increasing the DC by 2 each round thereafter. If you stay that that state I am going to make you make another fort save at DC 20 or you go unconscious for 1d4+1 rounds (or until you are healed appropriately)." ~ the DM

What I'm looking for is a wondrous item that would be caster level 5 or lower that I can use say, 3 times per day, to avoid having this happen.