
Goblinthrottler's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Dark Archive

Hands down, Bard. No question.

Dark Archive

Bomanz wrote:

I tend to agree with Sasha Greymantle.

If however you need to make it a magic item, perhaps an alteration of the spell "Endure Elements". This spell enables someone to exist comfortably in pretty extreme conditions, so perhaps with tweaking, could also endure some pretty extreme forces (including gravity). Perhaps combined with freedom of movement or something. I'd make it a belt?

This seems like it could work. I am however working with a very limited source of funds in game and obviously am trying to get this figured out in the cheapest way possible.

Dark Archive

Odin's Left Eye wrote:
Just wondering, does your cavalier need to make Ride checks per round to stay in the saddle when on the ceiling, does he have an exotic saddle that straps him in, or are you utilising some other means to keep the cavalier from experiencing -9.8 metres per second squared?

A form of military saddle, I have to strap myself in to avoid falling out when upside down.

Dark Archive

So I recently rolled out a new Cavalier for our groups campaign in the Council of Thieves setting, and quickly encountered a problem. I have a generous DM, who, in his benevolence has granted me a frilled lizard as a mount. I'm using this to my advantage, and climbing onto walls and even the ceiling. The problem I'm encountering is as such; The blood is rushing to my head and causing me to have to make fort saves every round to avoid being sickened.

"I started the fort saves after 1 round at 10 and increasing the DC by 2 each round thereafter. If you stay that that state I am going to make you make another fort save at DC 20 or you go unconscious for 1d4+1 rounds (or until you are healed appropriately)." ~ the DM

What I'm looking for is a wondrous item that would be caster level 5 or lower that I can use say, 3 times per day, to avoid having this happen.