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I'm not seeing a description of how many sheets and/or how big they are. Can anyone help?

Hello there!
I'm looking for some advice/help in designing a magic item.

I'm playing a Cleric of Pharasma.
For my character, I've got it in my head to create a holy symbol with a little bit extra.

What I'm trying to create is a Holy Symbol of Pharasma that can cast Sanctify Corpse a few times a day (and maybe even unlimited times per day at a higher level). That part is easy enough to figure out.

The part I'm having trouble with, is that I want to have the Sanctify Corpse spell to be cast with a Permanency spell attached to it.

I did see the option of simply using the Rest Eternal spell instead. It's already considered permanent which is the main part that I'm missing from Santify Corpse. However, I don’t necessarily want to prevent a creature or character from coming back to life with resurrection and such, I just want to prevent them from coming back as Undead.

But as a Cleric I don't think I'll ever have access to the Permanency spell. Plus I'm not sure how, or even if I can, have an item that essentially casts two spells at once like that.

So if anyone out there can help me out with this, I would really appreciate it.