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I'm needing advice on how to continue my campaign. I've only started playing D&D a few months and I'm DMing for players with 10-15 years experience.

It started out as low fantasy. The two players are brothers that are undertakers for a small village. The village was much larger many years ago with many roads leading to it but now only one road that goes through. The village recently has had children disappearances but not until the child of a more prominent member of the village has gone missing that made the town go into to action. The town suspecting witchcraft blamed a woman/bookshop keeper whom recently moved there with a young woman named Zoe (still alive and now working at the local tavern) but another child has gone missing.

The brothers living on the outskirts of the village. Every couple of days they will visit the village to pick up any deceased and check up on their family general store which their half sisters Emma (age 12) and Emily (age 6) run they also have a large dog named Risky. While in the village one of the brothers saves a woman that is about to be put to death by the town militia. Before hiding her the woman tells them to speak with Zoe. One brother finds Zoe at the tavern. She reveals herself to be a kitsune and has a fairy dragon. She tells them of the towns history and that it was much bigger/richer up until about 150 years ago. There's reason to believe that that the town used to do human sacrifices but for whatever reason they stopped and the town has been slowing dying since.

Later on the night the leader of the militia and 3 young men confront the brothers. A fight breaks out and all but one dies. Realizing they need to flee the village they go to the shop for their sisters they then discover their youngest sister Emily has been taken and their dog is also gone. The eldest sister Emma is in shock and her hair is going white.

The woman they saved earlier is gone and they find Zoe to tell her they're leaving. She goes with them as a guide. There has been two sessions since then. The brothers now have a ramidreju (Bestiary Vol 5, page 201). Emma is now a level 3 oracle-Mystery - Life. The brothers have a harp of building which they used against Shia LaBeouf. Another session they hear the barks of their missing dog Risky. He is at a farm belonging to a mad woman (but a very good cook) tells them that her farm grows the best produce because every year for 25 years she would give a witch a child this same witch is also where she received the dog from. there is also the corpse of her husband sitting in the living room. She deepens her voice and talks for him. She also tells the brothers that they may have already met some of her children. She thinks that the coven is probably playing a game using the missing kids in some sort of friendly competition against each other. The brothers leave the farm taking their dog with them. And that where we left off.

I don't really know where to go from here.