Red Reaver

Gnorlak the Confused?'s page

21 posts. Alias of PirateDevon.


How could you watch the battle and not be in it? Are you hiding in a tauntaun husk peeking from the sidelines?

Something about this seems appealing...ireally want to make an elven expert/adept jewler focusing on magic item creation eventually...but I need to wrap my head around the rules and assess my other will probaby be Monday before I get ot all hammered out, we'll see if a spot is still open.

I'm curious if there.are other threads to read fill in the background for 20 players.what it means to.focus.on dwntime rules etc. sounds interesting but I would love a bit more background on what the game is/about and it seems like its been brought.up.elsewhere...

K177Y C47 wrote:

Blood Money into Simulacrum... Blood Money Sno-Cone Wish Factory set...

Not the one I would have picked but...sure why not?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
RJGrady wrote:
Oh, yeah? My balor fields a vast armor of dwarf skeletons wielding frying pans.

Elves are immune to frying pans...arent they?


I thought the term was "Snitches get caught be Seekers". Or does that only apply to golden snitches?

Rene Venair wrote:
Oh no you don't need it. Go ahead give it to me it is such a weight off your shoulders. I am doing you a favor.

I don't know if I can! The Superunknown is trying to take it!

At first I thought I was alive in the Superunknown and then I was told to roll out for it, with all these changes I'm not sure if I have my SOUL! or not.

I do know if I've got it I may, in fact, be supah bad. WAhaoo!

Don't I need my SOUL!??

But aren't I last? Doesn't that mean I win?

But don't I win now?

Jess Door wrote:
Gnorlak the Confused? wrote:
How do you add musical notes and the magical Japanese writing I saw in a post about Godzilla? I needto know how this can be done!


Look up the language bar on windows machines and alt characters.

Thats IT? Oh I can do that...

I was thinking there was some special html codes that was not specified or some other hot trick....







How do you add musical notes and the magical Japanese writing I saw in a post about Godzilla? I needto know how this can be done!

Shouldn't the Fighter beat the Magus in a toe to toe fight like this?

I notice a number of comparisons to druid animal companions but druid animal companions are creatures with specific designs while Eidolons can be shaped and modified in various ways. Does that flexibility to create an "ideal" companion represent a discernable or relevant advantage?

I am also confused about the issue regarding the sleeping: The instant a summoner has a standard action he can cast "Summon Eidolon" for minutes to get through a fight is that such a huge disadvantage to any other caster having to re-activate spells on awakening? I understand that things were "better" before and that now a Summoner soaks up a spell slot with the spell but I am confused about this being "bad" re: people saying the Summoner is now "dead" as a viable class, etc.

I'm just not quite following and would love some additional insights if someone has the time/energy.

Karui Kage wrote:
Huh? It grants a miss chance. You're implying that if something grants a miss chance, then it has to be concealment? Does not compute.

Wha? Where'd you get that from?

LilithsThrall wrote:
Gnorlak the Confused? wrote:

Mmhhhmmm a number of people in the thread have used that language for either side of the argument didn't they? Did VV say she would call them crap and prick or did she use those terms as a description of what she felt she/her imaginary player/dm was being treated like or treating others like?

You can scroll back and read through the thread.

Hmm I -could- that is true...

Perhaps I did and that is why I was confused...

LilithsThrall wrote:
Gnorlak the Confused? wrote:
Caineach wrote:
Viletta Vadim wrote:

Caineach wrote:
I disagree that players leaving because they are not having fun is the fault of the GM, or a failure of the group, or even the game. Not everyone can play with everyone else and have fun, since EVERYONE has different ideas of what constitutes fun, and no game can fit everyone.
That success is not always possible does not make failure stop being failure. One should make every attempt to succeed and determine whether or not it's possible before settling for abject failure.

By your statement here, I interpret it to mean that because a style of game exists that I do not like playing it is a failure of that style of game, regardless of how many people love playing it....

I can't begin to describe to you how dumb that statement is.

Isn't she saying that rather than settle on people leaving it is better to find a middle ground that everyone likes to play?

Edit: Nevermind VV ninja'd response

And that associating words like "crap", "prick", "bad", etc. to the person you disagree with are appropriate in finding that middle ground.

Mmhhhmmm a number of people in the thread have used that language for either side of the argument didn't they? Did VV say she would call them crap and prick or did she use those terms as a description of what she felt she/her imaginary player/dm was being treated like or treating others like?

Caineach wrote:
Viletta Vadim wrote:

Caineach wrote:
I disagree that players leaving because they are not having fun is the fault of the GM, or a failure of the group, or even the game. Not everyone can play with everyone else and have fun, since EVERYONE has different ideas of what constitutes fun, and no game can fit everyone.
That success is not always possible does not make failure stop being failure. One should make every attempt to succeed and determine whether or not it's possible before settling for abject failure.

By your statement here, I interpret it to mean that because a style of game exists that I do not like playing it is a failure of that style of game, regardless of how many people love playing it....

I can't begin to describe to you how dumb that statement is.

Isn't she saying that rather than settle on people leaving it is better to find a middle ground that everyone likes to play?

Edit: Nevermind VV ninja'd response wrote:
Gnorlak the Confused? wrote:
a summary
That seems to be about right.

Ah thank you.

Love the SRD BTW.



So you can attempt to trip at any time. And it is assumed you are doing so with your appendages and such:

James Jacobs wrote:

My take:

When you want to trip a foe, you don't normally use a weapon. Similarly, you don't normally use a weapon to bull rush, grapple, or overrun a foe...

But if you have a weapon that says it has the "trip" ability it gives you a bonus in the form of not getting tripped in response, right?

James Jacobs wrote:

Now... SOME weapons (not all) allow you to use the weapon to trip a foe, thus giving you a slight advantage since if you mess up the trip attempt, you can just drop the weapon to "counter" the trip that comes back at you.

However, if you have a reach weapon (without the trip designation) you cannot trip at reach. You must have reach through means other than the weapon itself, right?

James Jacobs wrote:

In order to trip with reach, you either need to have reach on your own as a virtue of your race, or you need to be wielding a reach weapon with the trip ability.

That is all of it? Did I get it all? This thread has been hard to follow ( I came in late) and I am honestly trying to be sure I am synthesizing all of the pertinent points.

Edit: Thank you James!