GnooroopoftheGerudo's page

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Well, I like to think most of my characters are pretty unique in origin (mostly because I think about such things way more than is healthy) but right now, the one that springs to mind is going to be a recurring villain. I actually haven't used him yet. He was a human (well...technically a Hylian, but in a standard campaign world) mid-level monk, who's mind was destroyed by an even greater villain. Before this, he was lawful neutral, but has now become chaotic, and has an insanely (literally) low wisdom score, and has also accumulated levels in jester since then. The character was actually inspired by the Joker from the newest Batman cartoon. Saw a single episode, happened to have the newly martial artist joker, and I thought it was a cool I made one.


What the heck should we expect from this? I saw this as a scheduled release for March '06 on Amazon, and I just want to know what is coming at me.

My apologies if this has already been addressed in some other thread (I'm new)

I do get to wondering.

Fiendish Codex I: Demons
Fiendish Codex II: Devils

Of course, those are the two most popular fiends, and the others that have been made have never recieved the hype of these two. So, I wonder. Will the Yugoloths have get a book? Will the Demodand finally get their due? Will some mysterious race of fiends native to Gehenna before the migration of the Yugoloths strangely emerge?

Also, if this is the beginning to an Outsider section of the creature series, how will they cover the Inevitables and the Slaadi if they cover the lower planes and upper planes. Will they get their own books? Who knows? Only time will tell.