
GnomeGrandma's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts (177 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.



Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1

Considering I have no experience on the boards besides this, I don't mind either way again. DSP has the most experience here.


Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1

I don't care either way. It just seems like more typing to me.


Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1

No worries, and will do! Let's get this started! Slow is fine by me, it's hard for me to post often too. :)


Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1



Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1
Isaac Langstaff wrote:
Slev, I haven't the foggiest what you meant by "'that guy' you sometimes meet at the tavern". The shady character? The eccentric? The jolly drunk? Ron Burgundy?

My vote is for the latter. Hee hee!


Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1

Um, I forgot to make a save for that one, haha. Woops!


Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1
Slevtard wrote:
Darksmokepuncher wrote:
As long as Rick continues to post the creature's move actions as either move or withdraw, we should be fine. Although, if the creature moves on the map, it would be helpful to mark the square it started in so we can all see who should get the attacks.
I kinda think that it would just be easier to tell us when we get an AoO because of movement. Spellcasting, standing up from prone, etc. should be our job, but because we can't see how the GM is moving the character, nor can we communicate a "did he move through this square or this one?" very quickly, it'd honestly just be easiest with the resources we have at hand to just be told when we're able to take an AoO from movement.

This. I agree, although I can see how it would be fun to have to claim it on our own as well. Logistically, and time-wise, it makes more sense for the GM to tell us.



Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1
Lucas "Strong Jaw" Tavington wrote:

It's a move since the goblin attacked. 8)

AoO 1d20+6
Damage 1d6+3

Lucas slams his boot into the goblin's retreating spine.

** spoiler omitted **

I'm so excited that I caught that, even if I didn't hit! Also, nice hit yourself! Hopefully he's dead...


Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1
Juulz wrote:

So, after Carys got all unconscious last night, I had a crazy PF dream. In the dream, we were suddenly playing this game table top. Combat ended and Rick decided that I couldn't roll or do anything to make my character conscious again and no one could rouse her.

Suddenly, Jenni told me that because my book reading spell was such a good act, I could use this special skill called "go evil" in order to regain consciousness. (go evil I think meant a super change in alinement and is no where as cool as going rogue!)

After thinking about it for a moment, I said, "I think I'll stay unconscious!"

HAHA! I've had a few PF dreams recently too, but far too bizarre to explain anywhere. LOL. I'm glad you didn't "go evil." :)



Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1
Slevtard wrote:
GnomeGrandma wrote:
I like this.

I'm glad! That's partly why this is my name- so I can sign it "GG." :D

Darksmokepuncher wrote:
GnomeGrandma wrote:
You are the scariest grandma ever...Thank you Five Iron Frenzy.

Don't you ever forget it! ;)


Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1
Slevtard wrote:
GnomeGrandma wrote:
*Slow clap*
Hey, next round I begin killing this thing outright. Also, I killed over 10,000 zombies this weekend. What have you done with your life lately?



Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1
Xazt wrote:

Tightening his grip on the wiry neck, Xazt grumbles a bit as he musters all of his strength to turn this magical sleep to a permanent one.

Grapple damage 1d2 - 1 (First round of choking)

*Slow clap*


Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1
Slevtard wrote:
I feel like this is a long and drawn-out process to choke someone, but from what I've read elsewhere, it typically takes about 30 seconds for someone to go completely unconscious after being choked (unless they're properly trained, of course - house feats!). So the fact that this whole process takes 5-6 rounds really makes sense :D




Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1
Carys Heylyn wrote:

I can get behind trying to do a preemptive initiative roll. Usually you can see that combat is coming, that way we can continue on with role-playing AND already have the initiative should the need arise. It could lead to SOME unnecessary rolls, but I think it would mostly work. Maybe we could try this out next combat? Perhaps even have the GM call for a preemptive initiative (just please be clear that we ARE NOT in combat AND NOT acting in initiative YET!)

I'm glad we all seem to be doing a great job being patient and working through the inevitable difficulties with playing in a new format. It's been fun making up our own pbp etiquette!

This. I already stated what my vote is for earlier in the forum, but I can reiterate. I would like us to role our own, and I can see how rolling preemptively can help as well. I don't like the GM rolling for us unless we haven't posted in more than 24 hours.

Done and done. Yes, I like the decisioning (lol) as well.


Carys Heylyn wrote:
I'm just concerned that I still don't know a lot of the bonus rules. I'll put in what I know, but it seems a bit unfair to just not get it because I don't know. Perhaps in that case, if someone catches it they could instruct me so that we all can learn!

Same feelings as Marf here. I don't know them well enough yet, so I will probably post most unmodified unless I'm sure of a bonus, and then I'll probably write it like option C. Good ideas Geoff!



Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1
~ GM Quillworth wrote:
Classes that would work best are rogue, fighter, ranger (use a goblin dog as mount?). You can talk to me about another class and I can try to make it work, too.

Goblin-dog-mount FTW!


Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1
~ GM Quillworth wrote:
Juulz wrote:

Does it show rolls? I thought RIck and I tried it and it doesn't show the roll. Also, we should decide when to give out XP since we won't have the natural ending of the night. Perhaps at the end of combat? Unless the combat will lead pretty quickly into another combat.

Going to test out the dice roller

1d20 + 100

OK, so it doesn't show in the text box, but if you scroll up, there's a preview post with your dice roll! That should help a lot.

Excellent! Well done, Jenni!

Yes, XPs! I totally forgot about XPs! Phail whale. I will now give out XP on the main page.

Bahahaha. Not me. I found it now though! I'm here!

I vote for rolling our own stuff unless we're gone for more than 24 hours, but you can roll initiatives. That makes sense to me.


Female Human Druid/1 Bard/1

Ohai! This is Jenni (HA!). I'll post as my alias soon. :)