Aldarionn wrote: Does anyone have the maps from this AP already in MapTools format for easy importing? If so and you don't mind sharing I would be VERY grateful. I'm running this AP at the moment and with Maptools, here is how I put the maps into maptools from the PDFS. (1) Open AP PDF
Hey All So I have some simple questions around the execution of this feat, I had a look around for the answer but couldn't find it in any of the Bashing Finish threads. The text of the feat says Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a melee weapon, you can make a shield bash attack against the same target using the same bonus as a free action. Question 1: I assume that by "score a critical hit" one has to confirm the critical? Question 2: Assuming that the Character has 3 primary attacks, if all the attacks score a critical hit does the character get 3 free shield bashes? Question 3: The text above says "using the same bonus" - Does this mean that the character should use the same bonus's they applied from the primary attacks, or is the RAW: Use the BAB and then apply ur shield/feats bonus's/detractors and make the shield bash against the same target? Thats all I have, Thanks in advance for any pearls of wisdom that follow these questions. regards
Hey folks A while ago I found a thread that discussed running down time like combat but now for the life of me I cant find it, the concept spoke about using Full Round Actions, Move Actions etc etc in downtime. Does anyone have a link to the thread or a link to the website where the rules were housed. Thanks in Advance
I brought my PDF copy last night and I am very happy with it. Although I have a busy week I plan to take the map of River Kingdom and import it into my game maps (Maptools) for my campaign, The map is very well done and is of such good quality that if you don't buy it, your friends will give you a -1 to Moxy! Anyway, Good work team! regards
+1 Great little program, What would add to this (Though from reading about your busy life I expect its a pipe dream) would be having the ability to generate a GP ammount of random items.... IE: Set it to generate 20k worth of random "Minor" items. Then I could dump it all onto my monsters/npcs for use! lol But like I said, I feel your time contraints
Yeah, I have decided to just man up and buy it direct next time, I had to buy the PDF direct when it came out as I was hoping to use the book for a 16 hour mmarathyon game I ran for the lads over the Xmas break. Al good, It wil get here, I dont need it till next month anyway, The Kapcon RPG Con down here in Wgtn is on and so delays my normal game. lol |