Gilles Perez's page

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OK, I agree with Wicht about the global difficulty to understand the description about age limits.
I like the vampiric effect between the user and the cane.

Jason Rice wrote:
bestowing upon the user all associated ability modifiers

I understand modifiers are cumulative (ie. from old to adulthood -> +3 Str ?).

Jason Rice wrote:
Choosing an age above a character’s natural age limit expends the daily use of the cane and deals 1d6 Constitution damage.

Does it do so without age-change effect ? If not, what would be the modifiers ?

Jason Rice wrote:
Choosing an age below the minimum starting age imposes penalties on the possessor, for the duration of the change. Every yearly 10%...

This is the obscure part. I think you'd better stick with some Wisdom (or whatever) damage, as for the above. Would be much simpler to rule. Again, what would be the modifiers ?

Jason Rice wrote:
Requirements Craft Wonderous Items, Alter Self;

I think Alter self is too low a level for this Polymorph effect.

Again, these are humble comments, I'm nothing of an expert at this game.
Thanks again.