geminimonty's page

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Hello hello! Can I have some feedback too? :-)
Thanks in advance!

Bracer of Attunement
Aura Moderate Divination; CL 10th
Slot Wrist; Price 10.000 gp; Weight -- lbs.


This black triangular shaped bracer is usually decorated with an obsidian humanoid figure with extended arms and legs and no facial features.
It can be activated by uttering its command word as a move action.For the next 10 rounds,if the user is targeted by a Spell or Spell-like ability the bracer gets attuned to the creature that cast the Spell or the Spell-like ability, becomes gold and the figurine transforms to the creature's likeness.
The bracer can now be used to cast any Scrying Spells on the subject granting Familiar Knowledge and Body part,lock of hair,bit of nail, ect Connection against it, as per the Chart under the Scrying and Greater Scrying spells on Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
Once the bracer gets attuned to a creature, it cannot change subject again.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, Analyze Dweomer; Cost 5.000 gp