Gildur's page
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My group is having five players. They have done well, maybe some encounters are bit too easy. Some encounters will need hardening. But it so dependable from party form up.
Are wrote: Dragotha has a Fort save modifier of +25, so a DC of 23 won't exactly be a major problem :)
Not in my dungeon magazine, unless there is some error?
Eltanin wrote: Are you a player or a DM? DM here.
Small town, Finland, Northern Europe :)
So anyone developed this idea further? Or anyone in Paizo considering this idea? I am thinking this would suit well to Ravenloft as well...
Several years ago, I watched movie Groundhog day. It would be cool to see adventure, which would be related to idea of movie. Maybe could add three part adveture, where are three days :)
Basic idea is, you live same day again and again...
Addax wrote: Cheapest way to make an epic weapon is to have a +1 Bane(vs whatever you need an epic weapon for) weapon. At this level if you have a spell caster that can cast greater magic weapon, bingo you have an epic weapon. Or in case of undeads, undead bane weapon spell from spell compedium. :)
Just a couple thoughts:
- Find and Destroy powerful artifact (maybe there are some other groups/unique beings who want same artifact).
- Help Epic level character with his ascension to god.
- return of Labyrint of Madness (Old Monte cook's adventure 1995)
I am fan of epic adventures as long as its not simple go and kill big monster. However, dragon lairs are always fun.
My group just finished Lolr, and I ruled them lost items which they used (arrows/potions). So I was curious, if you have done same. Wall of Force/mass fly seemed to be good spell compo for ground control.
I just wonder, when PCs drink from fountain and they battle against army of Kuyss. After battle they will be restored back (getting healer,true rezzed). Do they lose items like potions, etc if they using them in battle??
Since Kuyss have decent SR, it seems pretty easy to lower with assay spell resitance spell from spell compedium. Does access to spell compedium make end of adventure path too easy??
I am currently running CB and party was cruising first battle quite easily. I fear that second battle will be more easier since they are opposing two warriors with low will saves. Those dwarves will be holded, blind and even dominated before they get chance to say hello.
One question, what is distance between teams in second battle?
I don't have issue which has dragotha or Kyuss. I was thinking how cleric with hierophant prc, could cast two heals in round to opponent (undeads). Dealing 150 dmg per heal. Since hierophant get reach spell, it could be casted from 30ft? How to cast two heals per round..easy with divine metamagic quicken spell. I am not sure bout their SR bout with certain feats/spells you could breach SR quite easily.
Talion09 wrote: Darkjoy wrote:
Those more numerous, but lower level, PCs won't have the abilities that the adventure's writer assumes.
Which means the fighter will have less BAB and HP than expected. The Rogue will have a lower skill point maximum, and might miss out on the nice synergy bonuses and sneak attack dice as well. And everyone is going to be missing out on Saving Throw bonuses, which become critically important at higher levels.
That was exactly what I was thinking about. I might add some extra monsters if they get proper levels and maybe some extra loot, since sharing loot to 6PCs doesn't work to me (since loot is generated to 4 PCs). So far body count has been quite normal. 3FOE was killer adventure. Few of my players are realy min/maxing their characters, so probably even lower level won't be big problem. Like Talion wrote before, save,bab and skills are crucial in certain points of AP.
Heh..topic is bit weird, but I want to know if DMs got knowledge how larger than 4 parties XP will be shared. After blackwall keep most players werent even near of level 7. We are playing with party of 5 and there will be additional member so soon we will have 6th PC. Should I add some monsters or just give some extra xp from encounters? What are your options about it. My party tries avoid conflicts at few times, so they likely miss some XP.
Lilith wrote: Just because they're immune to the effect, doesn't mean you can't make the players feel ill with some clever descriptive text. A good description might include things like "the sulfuric scent that fills the room leaves a cloying layer on your tongue and suffuses your every sense" - no actual game effect, but it might make your player swallow and try to get the "taste" off of their tongue.
And as was mentioned, a little good feeling for the players' preparedness isn't bad - just make sure to bust it all over Maure Castle with an unexpected resident.
Yup, there is nothing wrong if you prepare. Group contains five 14th level characters:
14 level sorcerer (spells heightened stinking cloud, heightened grease, wall of force, disintegrate, greater invisibility).Using prying eyes to explore complex.
14 level cleric(AC:32, 160 hitpoints with heroes feast temp hp, divine favour,divine power, righteous might, greater magic weapon added to spiked chain)+ some heals).
14 level paladin/fighter/roque with greatsword (power attack,good strenght,smite evil, see invisibility)
14 level ranger/fighter. He is archer with greater magic weapon bow.
14 level druid augment summoner, barkskin +5
This party is at level 3 in maure castle, heading to big fight with Kerzit. Point is that there should be a challenge and maybe Kerzit can offer it.
We are using that natural 20 always hit (of course concealment might affect this). We are also using system, if you roll natural 20 to hit and natural 20 for confirm, you get automatically maxium damage.
Quote: " Me too, and don't think I'm not sick about it. How will they appreciate the glory of the Terrible Iron Golem without that poison save? Oh well.
But while you shouldn't penalize your players for taking proper precautions, the Room 107 mist seems a combination of poison and curse — and Heroes' Feast doesn't protect against curses. I'd give them immunity to the nausea effect but make the rest function as is.
I was thinking same way about room, it doesnt protect against curse. On the other way, you could disturb feast by bringing any monster there.
There is poisonous fumes in room. My party wont be hampered in room because everytime if cleric has access to 6th level spells, they will consume heroes feast at first thing of morning. Immune to poison usually ruins lots of dangerous traps and monsters. Some of PC's are also reservered against dispell magic or greater dispell via ring of counterspells.
Those rules seems to apply only for 2nd edition. Deities and Demigods good introduces Wee Jas herself (alignment LN) and she got spells create undead, create greater undead. Also Death domain contains those spells+ animate dead. My further question is, if cleric is casting her domain spells, what happens her alingment?
I got slight different picture of Wee Jas from here:
Specially this part:
"Emboldened by her success, Grenex embarked on several adventures of her own to raise money, gain knowledge, and discover items of power. She returned once more to the burnt-down manor so that she could rebuild it. She raised an army of undead to augment the mercenaries that she hired from outside the realm, including another band of bugbears that had assumed the power vacuum left behind by her former tribe. To gain control, Grenex had to engage in combat with the leader of the tribe, whom she killed and then raised to act as an enforcer of her will."
What do you think using summon undead (or other evil spells) with cleric of Wee Jas, who is TN? If caster using evil spell will he turned to evil...?
Maybe a story of evil drow. Cunning plans, praying Lolth, views of different houses. City of spider queen would be nice example. Maybe hundered years exiled drow comes back home...
That was just my quick thought ;)
How bout true neutral. TN would likely be selfish, if he wants, maybe other time he is unselfish, depending on situation. In my option, selfish people is more away from good.
So far party of five has reached level 3 and only symbol of death has killed one member. We are running Greyhawk campaing without prestige classes, and extra spells (only PHB). However I gave Revifify spell from miniatures book (or spell compedium) to players, which have saved two times from certain death.
Party consist:
14 level Druid
14 level Sorcerer (mostly using wall of force/glitterdust spells)
13 level cleric with Spiked chain (item creator of party)
13 level ranger/fighter with bow
14 level fighter/paladin/rogue with great sword + power attack
James Jacobs wrote: Gildur wrote: Just a quick question. Will it be for levels 17+, So I can run antiques first...? I'm not sure. It's going to be a lower level than Antiquities, so I would assume it's for 18th or 19th level characters. Thank's for information James. My party is soon reaching last level at Castle.
Just a quick question. Will it be for levels 17+, So I can run antiques first...?
Excelent idea...and maybe those who lost PC, got new character at garrison :). So paladin and those fresh rolled characters join to cavalry. PC who escaped, broke elevator so they gonna be hard time :)
Theldrick is likely retreat to temple of Erynthul. Since he is only one alive at temple. Other rule thing which caused confusion was that two sides tried to control undeads (PC cleric of wee jas) and Theldrick...rules doesn't tell how it supposed to be work??
Session in Hextor temple: Two party members died in great battle against Theldrick and his allies. One managed to escape outside of mine. Two were left (one uncouncious) inside mine. Escaped one want to go garrison and report of danger (they already found both texts from Theldricks room). What you think that garrioson should do? They haven't been at Erythul's place at all and they have visited Vecna's place briefly. If garrison comes they can quite easily raid the place.