Gideon Davros's page

No posts. Organized Play character for choyakuyama.


Half Elf


Sorcerer 1




6 ft. 1 inch




Chaotic Good


Common, Elven, Dwarven, Goblin



Strength 12
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 13
Charisma 14

About Gideon Davros


DEX: +2
CON: +1
INT: +2
WIS: +1
CHR: +2

CMB: +1
CMD: 13
Melee Attacks: +1
Ranged Attack: +2
Will: +3
Initiative: +2
Armor Class: 12/16

Half Elf Traits:
Half Elf Traits:
Land speed: 30 ft.
Languages; common, elf, goblin, dwarf
Elven immunity: immune to magical sleep effects and +2 vs. enchantment
Elven Weapon familiarity (replaces Adaptability): weapon proficiency with Long Bow, Short bow, Long Sword, & Rapier.
Keen senses: +2 to perception
Low light vision
Elf blood
Multitalented: Sorcerer favored class/?

Silent Hunter: Stealth is a class skill and gains a +1 to skill check
Criminal: Sleight of hand is a class skill and he gains a +1 to skill checks

Sorcerer Abilities:
Sorcerer Abilities:
Cantrips: does not lose 0 level spells once cast.
• Electrical Ray: unleash a electrical blast doing 1d6 damage up to 30 ft. 5/day.
Spells per day: 1: 4
Spells known: 0: 4 1: 2
0: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Mage Hand
1st: Mage Armor, Magic Missile

Class Skills:
Knowledge-arcane +6
Spell craft +6
Stealth +4
Sleight of hand +4

Background Skills:
Knowledge-History +3
Craft-Bows +3

S 1st: Eschew Materials
1st: Improved Unarmed Strike

Short Bow 1d6 damage
• Arrows x20
Long Sword 1d8 damage
Dagger 1d4 damage
Spear 1d8 damage

Sorcerer’s Kit: backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint & steel, iron pot, mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), water skin
Scrivener’s Kit: vial of ink, ink pen, spar pen nibs (3), container of pigment, tiny knife, blotter & ruler.
Explorer’s Outfit
Gold: 10
Gear weight: 40 lbs.

The man, not a particularly attractive human, dressed in furs and smelled of ale gone bad, watched from his hiding place as the elf maid frolicked in the meadow. He had watched her several times before but this time was different. The week prior he had visited the old crone that lived up Bramble Way and paid her a large sum for the cord. This cord, the witch told him, would bind the young girl’s heart to his hands and once the cord was placed around her neck, she would be his. He was a trapper by trade so laying the trap was easy. The elf maid saw the shiny object just in the pool and when she leaned to look in she had inadvertently put her head through a noose. The trapper yanked in the cord and caught him a she elf. As soon as the cord was tight around her skin it became ethereal and bound her to her human captor.
A year and 5 months later she gave the foul human a son.
With the birth of Gideon, the trapper forced the naming to be his, the elf stopped trying to find a way to escape and dedicated herself to raising her child. As Gideon grew she taught him elven language, lore, how to be silent, how to steal, and eventually, when the oaf of a father wasn’t there, taught Gideon weapons skill. Gideon grew and learned much.
The day Gideon turned 16 his mother came to him, told him she was leaving and he would have to make his own way in this world. That night the trapper returned to their small hovel, drunk and stinking and the elf confronted him. With a swift stroke of an elven blade she curt off the hand that her heart was tied to, breaking the spell and winning herself her freedom. She kissed Gideon goodbye and was off into the night. The next day the witch on Bramble Way was found with two arrows in her heart and Gideon realized he had never called her anything but mother.
Gideon stayed with his father for two years, with no real place to go. It was a night, 3 months after his mother’s disappearance, Gideon saw his first wizard. Thom Dancy and Jules Miller, both drunk, picked a fight with a traveler. The traveler lifted his hand and said some words and missiles leaped from his fingers and hit close to the 2 drunks who jumped and yelled and fled like screaming girls. Gideon went home and practiced all night and suddenly he could do the same as the wizard. Proud of himself, Gideon rushed to the village, found the wizard and showed him what he could do. It wasn’t the response he had expected. The wizard was at first annoyed, telling Gideon he shouldn’t dabble in things he has no understanding of nor training in. The wizard became enraged when Gideon asked to be taught and Gideon had to leave in a rush, not before Gideon lifted a scroll from him.
It took Gideon months to work out a few more spells but, has learned how magic worked, at least to his mind. The one thing Gideon learned about himself was that he wanted more. Gideon took a bit of gold from his father, sold a couple of things his mother had left behind, packed his short bow and has set out to learn more of the world, learn more magic and increase his power.