
Gibbon Riot's page

Organized Play Member. 60 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Spoiler for the Reign of Winter Adventure Path!

So our group got to Rapsutin Must Die! last night.

They exited the hut and the party wizard immediately goes to attack the Tsar Tank.

He wants to cast Chain Lightning at the tank itself, theorizing that it will kill everyone inside. That just doesn't seem right to me so I say it wouldn't work like that, it would only do damage to the structure of the tank itself, not all the NPCs inside.

This turns into a huge diversion about what kind of metal the tank is, how much it weighs, what the electrical force of a magic lightning spell actually is, and basically just a bunch of not fun talk.

I know these kinds of things aren't always addressed in the rules because it can really bog things down.

I compromised and said if he fires his lightning directly at one of the machine guns or the turret, he could potentially disable it, but he was still really salty about not being able to take down the entire thing in one shot.

How would you handle this? If a guy is wearing Full Plate armor and somebody casts lightning bolt at him, that's not extra damage or anything, right?

Thanks for posting these and thanks for making the game. My friends and I are having a blast playing it.

One thing I wanted to clarify that I didn't think of until I saw you mention it - you say when you're trying to pass a check that you don't have the specific skill for you use a D4.

Does this mean, for example, if you're trying to defeat the Henchmen Barrier Poison Traps in the Poison Pill adventures - they require a Dexterity / Disable check of 5 to defeat - and you don't have the Disable skill, you roll a D4 and not whatever your base Dexterity die is?

Like, if you're the Barbarian and have a D6 dexterity normally, you'd roll a D4 because you don't have the specific Disable skill?

I just recently finished my first PFS session and really would like to participate in the sessions at PAX this year - is there a specific schedule or anything I could look at to see when and where the games are taking place?

Would there be any particular disadvantage to killing Arael and Janiven off near the end of the first adventure?

The reason I ask is it seems my players are completely willing to just do whatever the pair ask of them and I'd like to give them a little kick into self-motivation.

I was thinking of having Arael and Co. arrested by the city while the group is finishing exploration of the Bastards lair. The characters return topside and find that the two are scheduled for a public execution. This would help in a few ways that I can see.

1. Put the players on their own path. Perhaps they discover Arael's notes about the city, serving to give any information they would have otherwise gotten from Arael.

2. Give them some extra motivation in the form of revenge.

3. Make the situation in the city seem worse and the hopes of the common folk dark, leading to a whole night is darkest before the dawn feeling.

Ailyn would still contact the group, since they've become the de facto rebellion presence in the city.

I was also hoping one of the editors could let me know if Arael and Janiven are crucial to either of the final two adventures.

The Paizo Parrot wrote:

I'll be hunted down and killed for outing this, but the entire staff has been possessed by the disembodied spirit of Orson Welles. Brawk! Run for it mates!

IN July? Who says that?

Is it too late to change the font or coloring on the title of the module? It just doesn't look very professional for some reason.

Other than that, I can't wait for this!

Troy Taylor wrote:
And that's the last thing they should want. If we turn to another product in the interim, they've lost.

Do you really think they won't reveal more details before the book comes out next May? We'll know plenty by then.

That's how these things work. Big, flashy announcement of something a year away, then the year is spent slowly releasing new information to keep everyone interested and excited.

They can't just show us the entire thing and then be like "And now you have to wait a year to play it!"

THAT would be a marketing disaster.

I thought it was funny.

It was just gently poking fun at things we've all experienced.

It wasn't calling us fat losers or anything, just showing some of the travails we've all had with some of the more unwieldy rules.

Service Unavailable.

oh boy

I'm planning on using the end of this campaign as the end of the trilogy of games I've run in the Greyhawk world.

The first group I ever ran ended in a TPK and dissolution and I've had them come back in the form of intelligent items.

The second group I ran was for the Age of Worms. I'm thinking of having Kyuss return as an ally of Demogorgon, meaning this group of high level heroes will be perfect to have around to finish the job they started atop Kyuss' tower.

And then the last group will have the chance to end Demogorgon's plan and possibly even take his mantle.

Hopefully my players will like the tie-ins.

Then it's on to Pathfinder!

Haven't actually gotten the issue yet so I apologize if this is covered, but can you have a good ruler of an abyssal plane? I thought the planes themselves were evil, giving birth to everything nasty we find down there.

I've got a question about Celeste.

In her illustration, she appears to almost be fiendish. Was this accidental or am I just interpreting it wrong?

I really enjoy the Tactics box. Morale is especially nice. It'll help me to keep every bad guy from fighting stupidly to the death.

Is that 2-page preview of the Free RPG Day module indicitave of what other Gamemastery modules and Pathfinder will look like?

It seems like a lot of you guys at Paizo dig the Cthulhu mythos as much as I do. Just curious if DJ H.P. had any influence on your new campaign world.

As much as I love Paizo, I hope this doesn't turn into a "SCREW WOTC" thing.

From a Paizo fan's standpoint, this seems like a good thing. Seems like a lot of things Paizo wanted to do were nixed by WOTC, so we now get to see all the Dungeon and Dragon talent working unfettered by Wizards bigshots.

I'm really excited!

I guess I need a replacement. It didn't arrive today either and I've been seeing it around town on newsstands, so I imagine it should've been here by now.

Yeah, I guess mine is late. It was weird, when I first subscribed I would get the issue about a week after ship date, and it has been progressively getting longer between shipping and arrival time.

I know this had nothing to do with you guys on your end. I wish my post office wasn't quite so crappy.

Just curious, at what point should we make a thread about not receiving an issue? I still haven't received #349 but I wasn't too worried about it.

I equate Greymalkin with Macbeth. The cat named Greymalkin followed one of the witches around sort of like a familiar.

Seems like it may not necessarily be an X-Men reference. Certainly not enough of a reference to warrant such an aggressive thread title.

I'd like both if you're still sharing them.


The party's Tiefling Wizard took out Vark and another thug with a simple Color Spray. They then threw Vark down into the hold to deal with whatever was making all the noise down there. Safe to say he didn't fare too well.

There's one in almost every dungeon, and I love that the one in the Lotus Dragon guild hall has "the latest technology in chamber pots."

Just curious if there've ever been any interesting traps or monsters that are in these little 5x10 foot rooms.

I think they're all like that. Mine is at least.

I can still make out most of it, but it's pretty murky.

I demand a shirtless Meepo cover.


Would this affiliation as presented in Hordes of the Abyss be an apporpriate one for the STAP?
Seems like the later Abyssian travel would make for an interesting place to be for a member of the affiliation.

Anybody have experience with using adjusted point buys to allow +1 and +2 ECL characters at 1st level character creation?

For instance, a basic race gets a point buy of 32.
+1 LA races get point buy of 28, and +2 get 25.

Does that seem like it'd be enough of a balance?

It occured to me after reading There is No Honor, which is great by the way, that my players will immediately want to start moving stuff in after they clear the place out.

Just curious if anyone else's PCs tried this and what your thoughts were on it.

This is something I've been looking forward to for most of this year.

Is it still on schedule for October, and can we see any pictures of the insides of it or anything?

Is it cool if somebody posts the six affiliations and a sentence description maybe? I was going to go ahead and tell my players these so they can start thinking about if they want to be in any of them or not.

Just ordered some. Kinda cool that I checked right before I leave to take the MCAT and there they are!

Thanks, guys.

Just curious if you lucky Gen Conners have gotten your hands on this yet. General impressions?

What did he say? This sounds like something I might like to try.

Kullen lost an arm and now runs the Feral Dog for one of the PCs, who bought it.

Neff died, Allustan's now the reluctant mayor of the city and lives in Filge's old tower.

Not related to the Diamond Lake attack, but the party have also made friends with some NPCs who were supposed to be enemies.

The Salamander in the Cairn was friendly to them when they helped him get back to his plane.

Sruggut in the Spire of Long Shadows has welcomed his captivity in Tenser's fortress since he has access to all kinds of historical tomes. He's been giving the party info on Kyuss' minions. He's shifted to neutral since the party have treated him so well as a prisoner.

I was thinking about upgrading the swords along with the Diadem of Zosiel and the Talisman of the Sphere. Anyone try this or have any good ideas on how to change these weapons?

Seeing the other podcast thread made me think how interesting it'd be to listen to an adventure's author and Dungeon editors give a sort of director's commentary on the adventure.

I'd like to hear about what they think works and maybe what they had to change from their original ideas. I'm sure there are some great stories behind the ideas of some of these adventures that most of us would never know otherwise.

Even just a follow-up article on this message board or on the Paizo website would be interesting. Sort of a post-mortem on the adventure.

I'd imagine I could listen to hours of Erik and James talk about some of the thought that went into creating the various adventure paths. I'm well aware that sounds really creepy, but I am very interested in the editorial process of this stuff.

So does the Hero of the Pit gifting a city to the dead prophecy come true?

The tripartite spirit is Bucknard's reassembly.

The hero of the pit one takes place Dawn of a New Age I imagine, though I haven't yet read it.

If this does take place mainly around an ocean or sea, I'm hoping for some Cthullu-y areas under the water.

Rob Bastard wrote:
Gibbon Riot wrote:

One of my players is a bard who worhips a god that I imagine would have a close relationship with Celeste, so they've sort of hit it off.

I'm not sure how far to carry the romance.

Just give him a DC to overcome with Bluff, Diplomacy, or Perform.

Or maybe make him roll to hit with his Rod of Lordly Might or Wand of Wonder. . . . :)

His Charisma is 24, he has a Rod of Splendor, a Diplomacy of +24 and a Perform(Wind Instruments) of +22.

I think she's in love with him.

I have a sort of personal rule that I won't let a character die unless they're fighting the last boss of a dungeon or someone else important or they dos omething incredibly stupid and it seems like they want to die.

One of my players is a bard who worhips a god that I imagine would have a close relationship with Celeste, so they've sort of hit it off.

I'm not sure how far to carry the romance.

I was thinking of having the Age of Worms be a symptom of a larger problem, wherein each universe is having its own cataclysmic event, with AoW being in the PCs world.

Celeste is the only eladrin representative here because most of the gods and angels believe there is the least hope for success in stopping such an event in the PCs world, so it comes as a fairly large surprise when the PCs are able to stop the Age of Worms.

Sadly, none of the other universes are able to avert utter destruction, leaving the only worlds left as Greyhawk and the City of Doors.

Then, the next campaign will start in one of the budding new universes that the epic level PCs, now NPCs, will have helped to fashion: Eberron.

Inspiration taken from the Lucifer comic and a little Crisis on Infinite Earths.

If someone has the Half-Dragon template and is a medium character, they do not have wings. But Large characters with the template do have wings.

If a medium character is hit with Enlarge Person, do they grow wings and then lose them when they revert back to medium?

The King in Yellow?

That's not Hastur!

Again, nice job.

I'm thinking about including your items in the Ziggurat in Kuluth-Mar, sort of in Kyuss' lost treasure horde or something equally silly.

Overpowered? Probably. But it seems like if they live through the SOLS they'll deserve them.

And you have a real gift for writing the item histories.

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
It will be a while before I get a chance to play this contest as the PCs are only 5th or so at the moment.

Or you could participate in the contest now and almost gaurantee a victory for yourself.

I wanted to say your Bardic Book is pretty awesome.

Now I just need to figure out a way to get it into my bard's hands without the rest of the party feeling left out.

Thanks for the quick response.

One of the reasons I decided to subscribe was because of the ease of accessibility in regards to the magazine writers and editors.

I hate to be the one to do this.

Any ETA on the supplement?

I like to hand out the illustrations to my players and we're about a month from starting The Prince of Redhand.