About Giant Bubba Ho-TepBubba Hotep # 202046-2006
LANGUAGES: Common, Halfling, Osiriani, Kelish TEMP GEAR:
Minor Healing Potion x1 DEFENSE: Trained in: Light armor, Medium armor, Unarmored defense (Unfettered)
OFFENSE: Trained in simple, martial, unarmed attacks.
SKILLS: (Clumsy 1 when wielding oversized greatclub)
EQUIPMENT (Bulk: 6.7/10 (15))
Key Ability: STRENGTH. At 1st level, your class gives you an ability boost to Strength. Hit Points: 12 plus your Constitution modifier. You increase your maximum number of HP by this number at 1st level and every level thereafter. Initial Proficiencies: At 1st level, you gain the listed proficiency ranks in the following statistics. You are untrained in anything not listed unless you gain a better proficiency rank in some other way. Perception: Expert in Perception Saving Throws: Expert in Fortitude; Trained in Reflex; Expert in Will Skills: Trained in Athletics; Trained in a number of additional skills equal to 3 plus your Intelligence modifier Attacks: Trained in simple weapons, Trained in martial weapons, Trained in unarmed attacks Defenses: Trained in light armor, Trained in medium armor, Trained in unarmored defense Class DC: Trained in barbarian class DC Rage: Single Action: Barbarian/Concentrate/Emotion/Mental
You deal 2 additional damage with melee Strikes. This additional damage is halved if your weapon or unarmed attack is agile.
After you stop raging, you lose any remaining temporary Hit Points from Rage, and you can't Rage again for 1 minute. Giant Instinct:
Titan Mauler (Instinct Ability): You can use a weapon built for a Large creature if you are Small or Medium (both normally and when raging). If you're not Small or Medium, you can use a weapon built for a creature one size larger than you. You gain access to this larger weapon, which can be of any weapon type otherwise available at character creation. It has the normal Price and Bulk for a weapon of its size. When wielding such a weapon in combat, increase your additional damage from Rage from 2 to 6, but you have the clumsy 1 condition because of the weapon's unwieldy size. You can't remove this clumsy condition or ignore its penalties by any means while wielding the weapon. Specialization Ability (7th): Increase the damage from Rage when using a larger weapon from 6 to 10; if you have greater weapon specialization, increase it from 10 to 18. Raging Resistance (9th): You resist bludgeoning damage and your choice of cold, electricity, or fire, chosen when you gain raging resistance.
Halfling Mechanics: Hit Points 6; Size Small; Speed 25 feet; Ability Boosts Dexterity, Wisdom, Free; Ability Flaw(s) Strength Languages: Common, Halfling
Keen Eyes: Your eyes are sharp, allowing you to make out small details about concealed or even invisible creatures that others might miss. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus when using the Seek action to find hidden or undetected creatures within 30 feet of you. When you target an opponent that is concealed from you or hidden from you, reduce the DC of the flat check to 3 for a concealed target or 9 for a hidden one. Heritage: Nomadic Halfling
Unfettered Halfling: You were forced into service as a laborer, either pressed into indentured servitude or shackled by the evils of slavery, but you've since escaped and have trained to ensure you'll never be caught again. Whenever you roll a success on a check to Escape or a saving throw against an effect that would impose the grabbed or restrained condition on you, you get a critical success instead. Whenever a creature rolls a failure on a check to Grapple you, they get a critical failure instead. If a creature uses the Grab ability on you, it must succeed at an Athletics check to grab you instead of automatically grabbing you.
You’ve spent years performing arduous physical labor. It was a difficult life, but you somehow survived. You may have embraced adventuring as an easier method to make your way in the world, or you might adventure under someone else’s command. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Constitution, and one is a free ability boost. You're trained in the Athletics skill, and the Labor Lore skill. You gain the Hefty Hauler skill feat in Athletics.
Since the Pathfinder Society’s first day, when adventurers gathered in Absalom to share drinks and swap stories, the Society has been an organization of explorers. The Horizon Hunters is home to those who carry on the proud tradition of ascending the highest peaks, plumbing the darkest depths, and seeing what lies over the next hill. And as sweet as it is to discover a lost ruin or unknown vista, it’s all the better to tell wild tales about the experience and revel in the admiration of peers—particularly if an agent’s deeds might be immortalized in the Pathfinder Chronicles, a widely distributed record of the greatest Pathfinders’ achievements and discoveries. Faction Leader: Hailing from the Sodden Lands, Calisro Benarry (N female half-orc corsair) is a pirate-turned-Pathfinder who made her name as venture-captain of the Arcadian Mariner’s Lodge, a ship-borne Pathfinder lodge aboard the Grinning Pixie, whose command passed between venture-captains every few years. Bucking tradition, Benarry commanded the wheel for a decade, oversaw exploration of the dreaded Gloomspires, and traveled widely before recently being ordered to surrender the ship. She considers that no excuse to settle down, though, and has poured her energy into inspiring curiosity, tenacity, and wanderlust in the Society as a whole, spearheading the Horizon Hunters faction. Faction Leader Calisro Benarry Motto: Glory Lies Over the Horizon Objectives: The more untouched, unfamiliar, or unknown a site or treasure, the more exhilarating it is to reach it. The Horizon Hunters encourage exploration for its own sake, yet it’s also dedicated to enhancing the reputation of its members—anything from publication in the Pathfinder Chronicles to being the subject of the latest tall tale to circulate the taverns. Iconic objectives include uncovering mythical lost cities, blazing the trail through uncharted territory, and reaching foreboding realms. And if the Pathfinders can look good while doing so, that’s all the better. Year 1 Goal: Calisro Benarry longs to rekindle the public’s wonder and admiration of the Society through daring and inspiring adventures, focusing on two goals. First, she encourages Pathfinders to seek out and overcome public challenges, from beating previous records to blazing trails at the behest of influential patrons. Second, because she believes the Society has stuck to the Inner Sea for too long, she is pushing for a major mission to document a distant land—an endeavor that the people of Absalom will be talking about for years to come.
Isis (Queen of Miracles) [NG] Source Gods & Magic pg. 124 Nethys Note: no description has been provided of this deity Edicts Provide aid to the sick and wounded, use magic to help others, mourn the cherished dead, ritually purify yourself before entering sacred areas.
B3 - Shadows and Scarecrows 4.00g 1xp 1 fame Horizon Hunters 1.01 - Absalom Initiation 14.08g 4xp 4 fame Horizon Hunters B12 - Somewhere Below 4.00g 1xp 1 fame Horizon Hunters BOONS:
Engraved Wayfinder (Slotless): To celebrate your success as a Pathfinder agent, Janira gave you a compass lid engraved with your name and a Glyph of the Open Road, symbol of the Pathfinder Society. You can attach this lid to any compass, including a wayfinder, to personalize it. □ Society Connections (Downtime): Your connections with leaders within the Pathfinder Society help you find opportunities, both new missions and support for your other endeavors. Check the box that precedes this boon when you Earn Income during Downtime to attempt a task of level 3. If you critically fail the check, you still earn the result of a failure for that task.
Crying angel pendant (level 2; 7 gp) Lesser healing potion (level 3; 12 gp) Lesser mistform elixir (level 4; 18 gp) Greater salve of antiparalysis (level 12; 325 gp) FUTURE GEAR IDEAS: