
Ghundi Dvarnir's page

14 posts. Alias of Bandersnatch1110.

I just wanted to drop a quick note to everyone that I was DMing in a couple PbP's and to those I was gaming with. I had a LOT of major life issues come into play in the last few months which unfortunately took precedence of virtually ALL of my time. I had to drop out of everything for a while, including my love (role-playing)!

I just felt like I owed an apology to all the great people I met here on the boards. I'm sorry I took off with no notice, and I hope that you guys can forgive this curmudgeon's gaffe. Thanks guys, and happy gaming! I'll be lurking on the boards again pretty frequently, and I won't take on any more commitments than I can handle.

Peace, guys, and I hope to hear from everyone I used to game with on here.

Sully (DM Sully)

So my PbP Kingmaker campaign has lost our (sorely missed and awesome) cleric of Erastil and is looking to fill a spot. I had a bunch of people excited to join at the beginning, so this is my call to you guys, but anyone is welcome to throw their hand in.

Technically, it doesn't have to be a cleric, but one would certainly help. Give me an interesting concept, and I'll choose the best this weekend. We are taking a break from posting until Friday, so time is on our side, so to speak. Please at least skim over the Discussion and Game threads so you can see what we're all about.

Hit me with yer best shots!


Known as the Jewel of Varisia, the city has long sparkled on Varisia's southern shore. Established 300 years ago by Cheliax at the height of the empire's expansion, the city now commands its own destiny. A line of Korvosan kings and queens emerged to rule the city, establishing an infamous seat of power – The Crimson Throne. Rulers have sat upon the Crimson Throne for more than a century, and the city has flourished. Yet the monarchy always seems to on the brink of disaster. The Crimson Throne is not a prize to be won, yet rather a curse. No monarch of Korvosa has died of old age, and none have produced an heir while ruling. Even though King Eodred II controls Korvosa more fully than any previous monarch, that control remains tenuous, and many secretly count the days until their latest king falls to what they call the Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Even now, the king's health seems to be slowly failing, and the populace grows ever more worried that the fate of the city may rest in the hands of the kings much-younger wife, Queen Ileosa Arabasti, who comes across as petulant and selfish. The city lies perched on the edge of anarchy, and it seems to be only a matter of time before it topples completely over the edge.

Yet with all the high-flung issues troubling the nobility, those trapped in the seedy underbelly of Korvosa have their own problems...

For Tosk:

One evening, a few days after Tosk began his search for Lamm, the paladin returns home to find Edrick standing just inside the door holding something in his hand and looking at it with a puzzled expression on his face.

“I'm guessing this is for you, mate,” he says, handing Tosk a small card. "'Twas tacked on the door when I got home just this minute." Tosk quickly recognizes it as a Harrow card used by some Varisian fortune-tellers and soothsayers to predict what will come to pass. On the front, the half-orc sees that the card is The Paladin, depicting an armored man with a shining light coming down on him from above, and on the back, written in a cramped hand in dark ink it reads:

“I know what Gaedran has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.”

For Kovellus:

Since Kovellus has mostly kicked his shiver habit, all signs point to a man name Gaedran Lamm as being the one who has been pushing the drugs on the streets. Knowing that there are others out there being hooked on the substance, and moreso craving revenge for what he has been through, the warrior sniffs around, looking to find this man and bring vengeance for his crimes.

One morning, while putting on his boots, Kovellus finds a card in his shoe, which is instantly recognizable as Harrow card used by some Varisian fortune-tellers and soothsayers to predict what will come to pass. On the front, he sees that the card is The Bear, depicting a rampant bear in front of a thick forest, and on the back, written in a cramped hand in dark ink it reads:

“I know what Gaedran has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.”

For Lily:

One evening, Lily arrives to her home and sees something tacked to her door. Upon a closer examination, she sees that it is a small card which is instantly recognizable as Harrow card used by some Varisian fortune-tellers and soothsayers to predict what will come to pass. On the front, she sees that the card is The Keep, depicting a tall, strong-looking tower with lightning crashing behind, and on the back, written in a cramped hand in dark ink it reads:

“I know what Gaedran has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.”

For Emyralda:

The evening before your caravan is to reach Korvosa, you find a Harrow card lying atop your belongings. At first, believing it to belong to your babicka, you pick it up and go to return it, but upon closer look, you notice writing on the back in an unfamiliar hand. The card itself is The Unicorn, showing the magical beast rampant in front of a thick forest, and written upon it is the following:

“I know the path the Great Dreamer has set for you. Your boon companions will meet at my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset tomorrow. A man named Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done. This is the path set for you, and this is only the first step in your journey – the longest you will ever face.”

For Andrezi:

Word has come to Andrezi that Mikayla, his lost love, was murdered. Her betrothed was a selfish, violent man and a junkie. He had made a deal with a local thug, a man named Gaedren Lamm, for a large amount of a drug distilled from dream spider venom called shiver, but reneged on his end of the deal and tried to make off with the goods. To send a message, Lamm sent his toughs after Mikayla, and killed her in the street in front of her husband. Being the coward he is, he promised Lamm his payment, and then fled with his caravan that very night.

Obviously, the news of Andrezi's beloved's death was very upsetting, and though she could never be his he could at least take solace in knowing she was well off and taken care of.

Shortly after hearing the news, Andrezi finds a mysterious card in his pocket. It is instantly recognizable to him as being a Harrow card from a particularly well made deck. The card itself is The Courtesan, depicting a handsome man dancing with a masked woman in a beautiful ballroom. On the back, written in a cramped hand, it says:

“I know what Gaedran has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.”

For Cardon:

One day, tucked into his spellbook, Cardon finds a small card which is instantly recognizable as Harrow card used by some Varisian fortune-tellers and soothsayers to predict what will come to pass. The card is The Vision, and it depicts arcane sigils surrounding an orb of pure magical energy. On the back, written in a cramped hand, it reads:

“I know what Gaedran has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.”

Memories long forgotten bubble to the surface. Gaedran Lamm has not stopped, and in fact is growing stronger with each passing day, if the rumors are to be believed. More and more children, without the aid Cardon received, fall through the cracks and die in the service of the bastard Lamm. When will enough finally be enough?

For everyone, once your own spoiler is read:

The home at 3 Lancet Street is modest. Its narrow facade opens directly to a small sidewalk directly on the street itself. The front is in slight disrepair, and dust and grime from the city coat the outside of the front windows.

Inside, the cozy chamber within this small home is filled with a fragrant haze of flowers and strong spice. The haze comes from several sticks of incense smouldering in wall-mounted burners that look like butterfly-winged elves. The smoke itself seems to soften edges and gives the room a dream-like feel. The walls are draped with brocaded tapestries, one showing a black-skulled beast juggling men's hearts, another showing a pair of angels dancing atop a snow-blasted mountain. A third tapestry on the far wall depicts a tall hooded figure shrouded in mist, a flaming sword held in a skeletal hand. Several brightly-colored rugs cover the floor, but the room's only furnishings are a wooden table covered by a bright red throwcloth and several elegan tall-backed chairs. A basket covered by blue cloth sits under the table.

A note, held down by a stone paperweight, rests atop the table. It reads:

“Thank you for coming. I had to step out for a few minutes, but shall return shortly. Please, have a seat while you wait. The basket under the table contains bread and drink for you.”

Feel free to introduce yourselves and let the story flow based on who arrives first. When everyone is there, we will move on.

Welcome to the game! I'm excited to get another one underway.

I'm sure this is old hat, but ability scores will be generated using the elite array. You will have the following scores to assign as you see fit, but with a twist -

8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15

The twist is that you have one extra point to assign to any score that you wish.

Average gold per starting class will be used to determine starting equipment

Traits from the CotCT Player's Guide are encouraged, but not required. The campaign will begin play in Korvosa, and I think everyone understands the motivation required to get the ball rolling here. If you don't, either check out the Player's Guide or ask me!

The last thing I ask is that you give a heads up of how often you can post or times where you know posting will be impossible. That way, we'll know to either run your character for you, or at least not expect posts during said times. Also, letting us know in this thread if you'll be unable to post for a couple days or whatnot is much appreciated.

Otherwise, I think that's it. If I left something out, please ask! We can get started hopefully this weekend or early next week which should give everyone plenty of time to get their characters put together.

And away we go...

So based on the success of my Kingmaker PbP (due in no small part to the stellar group of gamers I have the priviledge of playing with), I'm going to start up a Curse of the Crimson Throne PbP.

I know that several members of my Kingmaker game are interested, and a few people in the discussion thread for my other game have also come forward. That being said, I will most likely still have a spot or two open once the chips fall even though my group does have first crack.

Please post here if you are interested with a character concept, possible background, and so on. We don't need to worry too much about the crunch yet. As of now I'm interested in characters that can bring the story to life and aid the party. Please see the CotCT Player's Guide for information on the setting, Korvosa itself, and possible plot hooks to get you right in the thick of things!

This won't be a first come, first served recruitment. I'm going to pick both interesting concepts and ones that would be a good use to the party. I'll probably give the weekend for people to express interest and make a decision Monday, 5/3/10.

Thanks in advance for the interest, and let the games begin!

The banners snap in the wind as a chilly wind blows, the last remnants of winter clinging on as the early spring sun tries to peek out from an overcast sky. The open market in Restov, the largest city in southern Brevoy and the possible the only heart of civilization in the region, is crowded with merchants, pickpockets, beggars, nobles, and others from every walk of life. Though it is unseasonably cold for the 24th day of Calistril people are out in droves, spurred in part by the brisk market trade, but no less by rumors spreading of a grand announcement; one coming from the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne himself, Lord Noleski Surtova.

To understand Restov, and the whole of Rostland, one must think of the way that any colony mimics the land of its forebears. Part rough and tumble frontier town and part cultured center of trade and wealth, Restov is truly the meeting of two worlds. Here merchants brush shoulders with thugs, thieves quietly ply their trade while merchants do much the same with a smile on their faces, all while looking their victims in the eye. The city thrives and breathes, heedless of its dual nature. Some might say in no small part because of its dual nature.

In the center of Market Square stands a wooden stage, which doubles as a gallows as often as it does as a staging ground for less gruesome entertainment. A man, obviously a crier, dressed in livery showing a grey ship over a field of blue below and black above, flanked by two guards lazily carrying halberds and dressed in simple uniforms, slowly makes his way through the parting crowd, clearly making his way towards the stage.


“Oi, come on, then,” the guard grumbles, shoving you towards the wooden structure in the center of the square. “It's a bloody shame these gallows aren't 'anging anyone today. Oi'd love tae see ye dance in th' wind.” The two guards at your side chuckle at the rough joke.

“Jus' because th' swordlords think you en't all bad don't mean I share the sentiment. I en't convinced that you won't go back to your ol' ways as soon as yer out o' sight o' th' walls.” He spits. “Even seein' ye in one o' th' prison camps, as ye were supposed tae be, is better than...than...jus' letting you bloody go! Ach, come on then. Let's get this over wit'.”

You are led to an area in front of the stage. As you wait, several other people make their way to stand next to you, with a crowd slowly forming around you, eager to hear the words of the crier. First, a female half-elf dressed in studded leather armor and the raiments that mark her as a cleric of Erastil, then an olive-skinned, dark haired elf. Next a human wearing a wide-brimmed hat with a bow and a greatsword slung over his back, who walks with an easy grace. Finally, a gnome joins the ever growing party with a smile and a conspiratorial wink in your direction.

The crier has made his way to the edge of the stage and is standing holding a large scroll. He looks at you expectantly, and unfurls the large scroll.


It's getting harder and harder to believe that pure luck led you to where you stand. A simple trip to Restov to pick up some supplies that are difficult to come by in the wilds led you to a fantastic opportunity! After speaking with a friendly middle-aged priest of Erastil named Avery, you were sent to speak to Captain of the Guard Brenden regarding a charter authorizing the exploration and annexation of the Greenbelt, the untamed wilderness several days ride south of the city.

After a brief interview with Captain Brenden, he deemed you more than capable and instructed you to meet in the town square at midday in order to bestow the right of exploration on you, and to introduce you to those who would be instrumental in the founding of a new colony for Brevoy.

Father Avery pats you on the shoulder, breaking your reverie. “We're almost there, young Raninr. I had a vision last night. Our Lord of the Hunt told me you are to do great things. I believe you are dear in the heart of Old Deadeye, and know that where you go, so goes the peace and tranquility that Erastil brings at the end of each hunt.”

He smiles warmly and motions to a rapidly clearing area in front of the stage, only occupied by a tall dark haired human man flanked by three guards. As you wait, several other people make their way to stand next to you, with a crowd slowly forming around you, eager to hear the words of the crier. First, an olive-skinned, dark haired elf approaches and stands with you, facing the crier. Next a human wearing a wide-brimmed hat with a bow and a greatsword slung over his back, who walks with an easy grace approaches. Finally, a gnome joins the ever growing party with a smirk and a conspiratorial wink at you.

The crier has made his way to the edge of the stage and is standing holding a large scroll. He looks at you expectantly and unfurls the large scroll.


In the long years since you first heard stories of your legendary grandmother, this is the closest you have ever felt to finally having the opportunity to close in on her. The trail brought you to the south of Brevoy, and during a quick stop in the border city of Restov you stumbled across, through dumb luck, a fantastic means with which to continue your admittedly nigh impossible search.

Rumors abounded that the Lord Regent of the Dragonscale throne was looking to commission a group of adventurers to explore and possibly even settle the exact location that the tip you received in Cassomir indicated!

After a brief interview with the Captain of the Guard, a man named Brenden Tallis, he deemed you capable of joining the fledgeling group in their venture. He curtly gave you instructions to meet at midday in Market Square in order to bestow the right of exploration on you, and to introduce you to those who would be instrumental in the founding of a new colony for Brevoy.

Midday has come, and you find yourself in Market Square, eager to continue the search for Eramae, and to help alter the course of history by aiding Brevoy in their great endeavor. As you approach the stage, you see tall dark haired human man flanked by three guards and a female half-elf dressed in studded leather armor and the raiments that mark her as a cleric of Erastil. As you wait, two more people make their way to stand next to you, with a crowd slowly forming around you, eager to hear the words of the crier. First, a human wearing a wide-brimmed hat with a bow and a greatsword slung over his back, who walks with an easy grace approaches. Finally, a gnome joins the ever growing party with a smirk and a conspiratorial wink at you.

The crier has made his way to the edge of the stage and is standing holding a large scroll. He looks at you expectantly and unfurls the large scroll.


You can't believe your luck! In the first bit of news since word of your father's untimely disappearance you heard rumors of an expedition in the name of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne was being launched to claim and annex the Greenbelt in the name of Brevoy. Knowing the danger posed by a lone traveler in the Stolen Lands, this seemed a perfect opportunity to not only increase the prestige of the Medvyed family, but also an excellent chance to find word of your father, and at the very least claim his body to be interred in the family crypt in Stoneclimb.

Your questioning led you to speak with the Captain of the Guard, a man named Brenden Tallis. After a brief interview, and due in no small part to your claim of nobility, you were deemed capable of joining the band forming to forge ahead into the wilderness, and alter the course of Brevoy's history forever.

Midday has come, and you find yourself in Market Square, eager to make a name for yourself and continue the search for your father, all the while aiding Brevoy in their great endeavor. As you approach the stage, you see tall dark haired human man flanked by three guards and a female half-elf dressed in studded leather armor and the raiments that mark her as a cleric of Erastil. Standing next to these two is an olive-skinned dark haired elf woman. As you wait a gnome joins the ever growing party with a smirk and a conspiratorial wink at you.

The crier has made his way to the edge of the stage and is standing holding a large scroll. He looks at you expectantly and unfurls the large scroll.


Finally, it seems as if the nobles have begun to listen! You've touted the Common Rule, and some of the basic tenets that those who live in the River Kingdoms call “The Freedoms” to all who will listen, and now, lo and behold, you are able to bring your ideals to the new colony that will hopefully be formed in the trackless wilderness of the Stolen Lands.

Captain Brenden Tallis of the Guard instructed you to meet at Midday in the square so that you could be formally given the right of exploration and meet your fellow compatriots in this journey.

Midday has come, and you find yourself in Market Square, eager to bring the Common Rule to a new land, all the while aiding Brevoy in their great endeavor As you approach the stage, you see a tall dark haired human man flanked by three guards and a female half-elf dressed in studded leather armor and the raiments that mark her as a cleric of Erastil. Standing next to these two is an olive-skinned dark haired elf woman and a dark haired man in a wide brimmed hat with a greatsword and bow slung over his shoulder.

The crier has made his way to the edge of the stage and is standing holding a large scroll. He looks at you expectantly and unfurls the large scroll.

The crier announces in a loud voice that carries to all corners of Market Square.

“Hear ye, hear ye! Let it be known that on this day, an expedition the likes of which has never been undertaken is thus announced. These heroes, brought to us by fate and choice, are hereby tasked with the exploration and annexation of the southern wilderness known as the Stolen Lands.”

He gestures towards the man flanked by the guards.

“Here we have Karthas, strong of body, sent on this journey in lieu of forced time in an internment camp.”

He then indicates the half-elf woman in the studded leather.

“Here we have Raninr Alford, chosen of Erastil, who has chosen to undertake this journey in the eyes of gods and men.”

He motions towards the olive-skinned elf woman.

“Here we have Eseldra, user of the arcane arts, who has chosen to undertake this journey to see things that have never been seen.”

He points to the dark haired man in the wide-brimmed hat.

“Here we have Harther Medvyed, of House Medvyed, who has chosen to undertake this journey to bring glory to his House and country.”

He finally nods curtly towards the gnome.

“Here we have Berenkor Trandoran, speaker of...some renown, who has been sent on this journey to silence...ahem...to bring his message to the far reaches of the kingdom.”

He clears his throat, raises the scroll, and begins to read.

“These adventurers are each thus granted this charter of exploration. It reads:

Be it so knows that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg's Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.”

He looks up at the new-found party of adventurers.

“Have you any questions, or any remarks before your journey is undertaken?”

All right.

Characters can be any of the core classes or races from the PFRPG book. (Eseldra, though I LOVE your character concept, a straight elf with some awesome non-mechanic fluff would be preferable!)

Ability scores will be generated using the elite array. You will have the following scores to assign as you see fit, but with a twist -

8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15

The twist is that you have one extra point to assign to any score that you wish.

Character wealth is determined as usual per the class. I don't have the PFRPG guide in front of me, but I'll check on it tonight. I'm a big proponent of the honor system, so I'll trust you guys on that.

Traits from the Kingmaker Player's Guide are encouraged, but not required. The campaign will begin play in Restov, so a reason for being in south Brevoy and a motivation for exploring the Greenbelt are pretty much necessary.

The last thing I ask is that you give a heads up of how often you can post or times where you know posting will be impossible. That way, we'll know to either run your character for you, or at least not expect posts during said times. Also, letting us know in this thread if you'll be unable to post for a couple days or whatnot is much appreciated.

Otherwise, I think that's it. If I left something out, please ask. As I said, I don't have the book with me. Otherwise, I can't wait to see your characters! Please post them here with a brief introduction/explanation, and I'll look them over. Ideally, I'd like to start the campaign itself tomorrow evening, but that's certainly not set in stone.

Let the games (or at least the talking about of the games) begin!

All right.

Characters can be any of the core PFRPG classes and races. (Eseldra, I LOVE the concept, but for simplicity's sake a straight elf with some awesome non-mechanic flavor would be preferable.)

Abilities will be generated using the elite array system (using 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15) with a twist. You have one extra point to add to any score of your choice.

Any trait from the Kingmaker Player's Guide is perfectly cool, if not flat out encouraged. Starting gold for each class is as listed (I don't have the book in front of me now, but I'll check on that tonight. I'm a big fan of the honor system, anyway!)

Campaign will start in Restov, so a good reason for being there and a motivation for exploring the Greenbelt is pretty much necessary.

Please post characters in this thread, as well as if there are any times or such when posting may be a problem. To keep things moving, a heads up in this thread would be great if you will be unable to post for a few days so we can keep things running in your absense.

I can't wait to see your characters! Let the games (or at least the talking about of the games) begin!

I'm a relatively experienced GM in real life that wants to give PbP GMing a shot. I'm looking for 4-5 people interested in running the Kingmaker campaign (or CotCT if that gets more interest) that are willing to be patient with me while I learn the ropes of PbP GMing.

Like I said, I run two different games offline and play in another, so I'm good with the mechanics and am actually a pretty good GM (if that's not tooting my own horn! My player's have a great time.)

Anyway, post away if you're interested, and let me know which campaign you would be most interested in running! Once I figure out whether or not there is interest, we can discuss the specifics of character creation, etc. It will be all PFRPG base classes. I'd like to keep it relatively simple.

Looking forward to your responses!


I've been playing for a long time, but never PbP. I'd love to get involved in either an existing campaign, or jump into one that is just getting started. If anyone needs a player, I'm in. Thanks!