Man with a Pickaxe

Ghuldrun's page

29 posts (66 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.

MY gaming group has divided and parted ways. Some went to 4TH I want to stick to 3.5 & pathfinder, ebberron. I would like to know if theres any groups in my area. I GM eberron,and home brew D&D games. I live near Mooresville. I could run a game opposite of your game. please contact me with any info

Male Halfling Summoner/Rogue

I am looking to join a party for pbp Eberron, I am new to pbp and may need some guidance. I do know Ebberron setting very well and have run many campaigns. I am interested in either playing a ranger/rogue or a summoner. Im very familiar with the ranger, new to summoner. Anyone interseted let me know, oh and what is the best way to contact each other, Im not really sure how I will be notified if you may be interested since this is not email. I will check post Monday am.

First I would like to say Im sorry if this is not the right way to join a play by post. I have never played like this before always at the table. My gaming party has left 3.5 for 4.0 and left me behind.Aw well! I looking to be added to the next list for your Eberron campaign hopefully to be considered. Unsure how to contact I created post. The name I am using is a halfling character that I use for Eberron he is a air courier(aka: smuggler) in the city of Sharn rides a giant dragonfly named zipper. Please contact me back & let me know about my method of contacting you back, oh and how it works play by post. Thanks

The middle of December I will be joining a new party, Ive played a summoner in a few games all with biped eidolon. Im hearing some mixed reviews on the serpentine build but would like to build one. I will be playing the Serpent Skull adventure. I can play any playable race, so I may choose elf,human,or dragonborn/lizardfolk maybe even tiefling(my fav.). I would like to maximize the Eidolon as best as possible. Any ideas?

It was mentioned by Privateer Press that some time in 2011 Iron Kingdoms may come back as RPG but unsure. I wonder if Pathfinder may possibly be interested in the campaign setting considering its so vast & Privateer Press basically keeps it on the back burner. There is a large interest from fans,via Iron Kingdom Forum in the game being completed ,many use Pathfinder material to expand there games. Many of the character classes have not been completed such as the Warlock,fans are dying for a general description. With a Universe of Warjacks,Warbeasts,& Steampunk technology this game would be AWESOME to add to the existing universe at Pathfinder. Well any out there interested??????