
Ghostwriter's page

5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Ah, but I absolutely understand it :) I think the BB is a great quality product and I'll be happy to buy the 2nd printing as well. I was simply speculating. And my actual box is still in mail, so I can't wait! I don't really care about minor things like that. I do like the new hyperlinked pdfs very much on the other hand :)

Guess they caught it in time before putting up the pdf. But it should definitely be added to the errata. I was curious why all the corrections start with "If". It seems there are already differences between print and pdf, and between both of them and the "intended and correct" version :)

Interesting. I only have the pdf (downloaded on the first day, while the box is in mail) but my evil cleric is +3 not +5. You're refering to printed version?

+1 to the above! And I'll also say that PFBB looks like the game I really want to play. Here less is more :) Just need a couple more classes, races and monsters, some levels, and we're good to go!

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And his Hit Points?

Also the Deadeye Amulet in GM Kit talks about True Strike, which firstly I can't seem to find anywhere and from what Google can't tell me is a Cleric, not a Wizard thing under full rules.

Will the pdfs be updated at some point? Would be cool :)